World Lit

In the works Hamlet by William Shakespeare, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, as well in literary works entitled A Simple Heart and The Death of Ivan Ilych,  the obvious themes of discrepancy in appearance as well as in reality is easily discernable. Ivan Ilych, for example is a person portrayed as one who simply wants to be recognized high in the ladders of the social ladder working really hard, seeing as death is not entirely a choice that is his to make. This realization comes too late as he notices that up to his recent epiphany, he had done nothing but live a life of fallacy, thus leading to regret.

One of the themes tackled by Chaucers work The Canterbury Tales on the other hand, centered on the corruption of the Church a well-versed reflection of the period it was written in. It was around the same time when the Catholic Church had started getting really rich. Religious figures in The Canterbury tales reflected this period in a fairly traditional way that is, greedy, hypocritical churchmen who were corrupt, and accepted bribes and such  directly opposite the message that which they so righteously spread. This deviation from its faade is a reflection as well of discrepancy in appearance.

From the book of a simple life, Felicit being such a royal girl who was not selfish to give her love finds her life not as good as she opted. Her husband to be saw her not being fit enough to be associated to him as his wife and marries another girl. She dies with no children and even without her own property. The theme of discrepancy in appearance and reality is thus well illustrated since this girl being such good to anybody and even willing to give her love to anyone finds no appreciation from any of them up to the time of her death.

The comparison between the two works of literature is that they are both dramatic monologues with issues concerning about romance and nature.  In both poems, the authors does not see any important thing that can make one to be more such happy and contented with life since the life seem to be having a lot of misery. Both authors in their literature seem to express their feelings and relation with space and time to be unappealing and thus they are unhappy with the situation. The authors further more offers prolonged interrogatives which are in a series form for consequences which are unanswered or taken action on. The language used in both poems and imagery are enacted with intensity that brings out the dramas to be with mental conflict.

The conflict between these two poems is that in the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock the rhyme scheme is irregular even though not randomly whereas in the poem of Wordsworth the rhyme is paced at such an interval to be perceived regular even though the dialect used is uncommon. The poem The World is Too Much with us also illustrates about industrial revolution of England whereas the poem of Prufrock is illustrates consciousness of a person who is modern and neurotic. Furthermore, the poem of Prufrock is done   in such a way to express transitional links to be psychological and illogical   whereas in the words worth poem is done in a way that express his strong feelings of anger and resentment towards nature.


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