The United States and the Common Good
The United States and the Common Good
The term good has different connotations from one particular school of thought to the next. A school of thought can mean a culture or a belief or a conviction of a given group of people. In other words, the understanding of the good is largely influenced by the different opinions found in a given social system (Kohk, 1987). In this regard, each and every persons understanding of the good is pegged on what he or she learned from others. For example, a child can regard obedience as good, or cassava as a good meal, simply because the society has taught him or her so. The understanding of good affects even the behavior of a people especially in the choices they make and their attitude in how they respond to life. This is important to note, especially for this country. Its an invitation to all American citizens to reflect on this fact to be able to achieve a just, democratic, and prosperous nation.
It is worth bringing to your attention that the concept of good extends to the understanding of common good. All other fundamental struggles towards the common good in the society actually build on the typical understanding of good in the human intellect. This speech therefore seeks to elaborate on the metaphysics of good as an element of Being as such not living out the types of good, again from a metaphysical point of view. This understanding is very important to all American people. A critical analysis of the common good will also be considered. The speech also aims to inform on the inverse relationship that exists between personal freedom and social responsibility in light of Christian Morality. An analysis of the vocation of man towards eschatological perfection will also be considered. In this regard, special attention will be accorded to two aspects, namely Imago Dei and Communio Personarum.
Common Good in the Common Parlance
It is important to take a look at the common understanding of the concept of good. In Latin, parlare means to speak (Kohk, 1987, p. 104) therefore, parlance etymologically implies the state of speaking in the social fabric. In this regard, an understanding of the concept of good in the ordinary way of lives of a people, and in particular, the American people, will confirm that human beings are cognizant of what good is. This assertion anticipates what will be mentioned in this speech where we will analyze good from a metaphysical standpoint and from the two human faculties, namely, intellect and will. All these will affirm that good is a reality not only immanent in the human person but also a transcendent reality which every human being strives to take part in. This assertion is contrary to what I had mentioned earlier in that communities teach what is good and define what is considered good. By way of transmission, this understanding is passed to other younger generations, and indeed, to American children ad infinitum or better still in saecula saeculorum (Kohk, 1987) which means forever and ever or without end.
In this light, it is important to establish whether the understanding of the good in the common parlance is a priori or a posteriori. It is a priori if it is immanent and free from any bias or prejudice and it is a posteriori if it is acquired or learnt from external sources. For example, a female child will cry to her father especially if she wants to ride on his shoulders. When that child grows up, she is going to meet other friends and look back on their childhood experiences. Upon recalling their childhood experiences, all of a sudden she exclaims that her best experience was when she rode on her fathers shoulders. Note the use of the words best experience above. We know that best is the superlative of good therefore, by logical implication, good and best are one reality but with different phases, just like the two sides of a coin. See that, in her ordinary talking, the concept best comes either consciously or unconsciously. So, where did the child learn that the experience of riding on her fathers shoulders as a child was the best experience Certainly, not from the society, but it is out of her own judgment. She is therefore cognizant of good and further to that, good as best.
Consider a case of a group of young men playing cards in the street and having fun moments and even laughing out loud when they start getting back home, their faces show that they had a good time. They will come home and start sharing their experiences in the game and conclude in very simple words that they had a very good time with their colleagues. Again, no one taught them that playing cards is such a good experience they discover that from their emotions and experiences hence, it becomes an immanent discovery, or better still, a priori understanding of good.
In general, people in any given social system are cognizant of the concept of good such that they can detect good within their experience. This understanding can be used as an explanation why a human being will frown at any infringement as far as his or her good is concerned. This is the reality around humans, and to deny them the opportunity to attain their good is tantamount to lowering their human dignity. To shed more light to this hypothesis, an analysis of the metaphysics of the concept of good shall be illustrated below.
As elucidated above, all American people will bear witness that the family units and social well-being of all are very important. I therefore envisage a government which will seek to ensure that families have the best atmosphere to bring up their children. It is a matter of principle that this government seeks to put in place very serious measures that ensure that parents fulfill their responsibility by caring for their children, by educating them, and above all, by ensuring that they secure a bright future for their children. Schools will be improved Children Rights Act will be reviewed so to ascertain that their rights and freedoms are adequately addressed.
The Concept of Good in Metaphysics
Let me start by taking you through the classical times all the way to medieval times where prominent philosophers gave diverse reflections on being as good. I know it is not going to be an easy reflection for some of you, but I guarantee that you will grasp the main points that I intend to bring to your attention. The primary aim of these prominent philosophers of the past was to establish the primordial element of reality. This question has been of significance even to other great scholars in the philosophy realm and in the church. Whereas reason has been used to explain the essence of reality and from its primary structures, Christianity continues to base its explanation on divine revelation particularly through the scripture. Being is a very broad area in metaphysics and a very controversial issue. Therefore, the mention of being is important here because good has been regarded as part and parcel of being or better still, it is one and the same thing such that to mention being is to mention good and to mention good is to mention being. They are interchangeable realities. Take note of the reference of the term good as a reality and no longer as a concept.
Dear brothers and sisters, a thing is regarded as good or bad not by virtue of itself but by virtue of its relationship with something else. There has to be a relationship between the thing itself and an object. For example, a knife by virtue of itself cannot be conceived as good or bad until it is related to something else. In this regard, a knife is good once it is used to cut a loaf of bread, or it is bad when it is used to kill a person. From different perspectives, the same thing can be good or bad. The concept of ontological goodness goes back to two major classical philosophers, namely Plato and Aristotle. According to Aristotle as cited Kohk (1987) the good is that which all things desire (Psalms 1035, New American Bible). Being imitated and loved by others is an essential characteristic of the good being good means being desired. In the Republic, Plato calls the highest principle the Good. All other realities termed as good are good because they participate in the goodness of the First Principle. This means that other things are good not by virtue of themselves but by the fact that they take part in the goodness of the First principle. For instance, President of the United States is good Bill Clinton is good Washington D.C. is a good state with good policies Jacaranda tree is good and antelopes are good, just to name a few. Now, their being good is in their participation in the Good of the First Principle.
However, it is important to note that the goodness in President of United States is not the same as the goodness in the pet dogs or pet cats found in our homes. Their predication differs due to the perfections in every bit. This is to say that President of United States is of a higher perfection in the order of perfection or an American citizen is of a higher perfection in the order of being, but a pet dog or a pet cat enjoys lower perfection in the order of perfection. Nevertheless, they all are part of the supreme good.
As a matter of principle, human beings enjoy perfection more than animals, trees and plants, nonliving things, and so on and so forth. Echoing the understanding of Plato and Aristotle on the good, it is evident that the Good itself is above things, but things are good by participating in the Good. In this regard, reality of goodness in all things is virtually on the fact that they are in union with the ultimate Good. This relationship is very important as it will shed more light in the section on man and God which I also intend to bring to your attention.
In this light, I want to assure all American people that this government will consider every creature as part and parcel of the common good we seek to foster in this beautiful nation. Indeed, this government will safeguard American heritage and environment dynamics conservation of all American natural resources will be safeguarded at all times. Timely vaccination of all animals will be given for free and actually encourage all lovers of pet animals especially in our domestic set ups to avail them of weekly and free vaccination.
Therefore, drawing from the fact that reality of good in other inferior subjects derives from the goodness in the First Principle, it can be deduced that, this goodness in the First Principle is the cause of goodness in other subjects. Hence, goodness is causality. There seems to be confusion by asserting that goodness is causality. In virtue of the principle of causality, every effect has got a cause. For example, sound as sensed by a persons ears does not occur in a vacuum there has to be something that produces the sound. In this respect, goodness in things is an effect of the goodness in the First Principle. In this case, an insightful mind will grasp the element of sharing from the point of view of the First Principle. Metaphysicians express it in Latin by saying that bonum est diffusivum sui which means the Good spreads itself. Following in the steps of Plato, Proclus writes that the Good is the king of all things It makes all things good just as the sun illuminates everything. The above assertions lead to the Christian understanding of goodness.
I envisage a government that will lead by example in ensuring that the spirit of altruism prospers in all American generations to come. We believe in giving, sharing, and helping the poor and the deprived we believe in peace building and reconciliation. We want to be the best in sharing the good that we have received from God with all that need it. This is the American spirit.
Dionysius writes that no being is real and possible if it does not participate in the goodness and beauty of God. He asserts that God is super-goodness and so, he communicates some of his goodness to his creatures. In God, goodness is his being. Because he is good himself, he gives goodness to things outside him. In consequence, all things strive to approach Gods goodness (Kohk, 1987). Yes, we have already reaffirmed our commitment in loving. I envisage a government that will point to Gods goodness a government that will truly symbolize Gods goodness to all.
It can be argued, and justifiably so, that only God is good by his essence and that goodness as found in other things springs from Him. The good in everything is dependent on Gods goodness. In this regard, whenever there are policies in respect to good and in particular, common good, it points to Gods goodness. Even in the scripture, it is affirmed that all things are good because God made them. Each thing is good because it comes from the highest and true God. Even the perishable things or tiniest things there can be. In Latin, this is expressed as quamdiu sunt, bona sunt which means that we must accept that as long as perishable things exist, they are good. Thus, I envisage a government that looks at God as its source of help and success. Prayer will govern and guide the operations of this government. Total dependence on God shall be the routine of this government.
To reiterate what Aristotle said, my fellow Americans, good is that which all things strive for. You can all bear me witness that careful reflection will not hesitate to reaffirm this definition. Indeed, all strivings and desires seek good. Hence, one may conclude that the good works like a magnet on all existing things. This good is the end that all human beings endeavor to reach it is the object of their love in all its forms.
Intellect and Will
It is important to reiterate that common good is a natural right. Our commitment and reaffirmation to see to it that common good thrives in this beautiful country is because we know that it is inherent in our nature. We cannot afford to brush it under the carpet. In fact, this expressed commitment and reaffirmation of the need to promote common good marks the greatest moment in the American History.
It is important to note that a human being is endowed with two faculties, namely, the intellect and the will. Remember what we discussed while trying to understand the concept of good in the common parlance earlier long. Clearly, a human person is cognizant of the concept of good at all times. He or she understands good in all its forms and at all times regardless of whether he or she has been taught by the community or not. At this level therefore, more light will be shed on why a person tends towards the good or the intelligible. In other words, after careful reflection in this section, you will be able to understand why there is such a strong desire in humans to know and why he or she is inclined towards the good. But more importantly, what I want to create is a country with citizens who have a deeper understanding of the common good and actually see the need to protect it and let it be the framework within which we actand indeed, the framework in which the government should act.
Human beings are characterized by certain faculties that enable them to relate to the external world. In fact, it would be pointless for them to be in the world if they did not find meaning in it. It is indisputable to say that a human being without meaning in life or a human being who sees no meaning of the reality around him or her is not living at all. Such a human being is as good as dead. Therefore, God has endowed humans with common sense through which they use to relate to the reality around them. For example, one can argue that he or she does not understand the shape of a pyramid simply because he or she has never seen it or heard it or touched it on the other hand, one will even draw the shape of the pyramid since he or she has seen it many times, et cetera. See that, the two persons have different positions on pyramid based on their experience and particularly what they have learned and acquired through their senses.
Therefore, just as how humans will use their eyes to grasp the reality of a pyramid, they will also use the intellect to grasp the intelligible notes on the pyramid. Note that when the mind grasps the intelligible notes on a thing, what it grasps is truth. Therefore, truth and intelligibility become concomitant concepts. By logical implication, the faculty of intellect in humans has truth as its object. Again, when they see the pyramid, they do not just see it as what but also as how. This means they will see it as very good, nicely shaped, and pleasant to the eyes. To elucidate more on this example, a person who smells some well-cooked beef will not only praise the nice odor but also will want to have it for hisher eating. This is because the smell is good.
Here it can be seen that the person wills to eat that meat because it is good. Notice the interplay between the intellect and the will here. They are simultaneously in action. Therefore, if intellect has truth as its object where truth is a higher reality, then it can be deduced that good as a higher reality is the object of the will. In general, the will in the human person tends towards the good at all times. So, good in the common parlance is possible because man possesses will and this is the reason why he or she can talk of the good.
All that has been said above is to prepare grounds for our next reflection. It is important to have a solid and a philosophical foundation when addressing the issue of the common good. In addition, one cannot govern a nation in the light of the principle of the common good if he or she lacks a better understanding of the fundamental principles underlain therein. Common good cuts across the entire universe and everything in it, and it cannot be limited only to human beings but to all other creatures around them. I wish to reiterate that any person seeking to achieve the common good must dedicate himself or herself in studying the principles of the good and this is what we have been saying minutes ago.
Common Good Governance
I envisage a government that carries out its operations from the point of view of its convictions and beliefs a government that will not steal from the American people and does it wish the American people to steal from it either a government that will react harshly to corruption and arbitrary fraud. In general, this government seeks to address fundamental problems faced by our people especially in health, human rights, and poverty.
I envisage a government that will always provide help to all deprived American people morally and financially. I believe that some of us are going through very difficult financial moments. This government will streamline the entire economic framework that will raise our growth. A Marshall Plan will be established in order to promote the entrepreneurial activities of the American youth. By this, creation of more jobs will thrive and more Americans will get decent ways to earn a livelihood for themselves. We want to be there for one another by providing decent opportunities for all, especially job creation. I envisage a government that creates the spirit of hard work to its citizens. We want to be a working nation this, again, is the American dream.
We cannot forget the poor and homeless living in our midst. Indeed, we are determined to ensure that all get a home. The government will set aside funds in construction of decent homes where the homeless can access good housing facilities at a very reasonable fee. Poverty has, for many times, been treated as an abstract social issue that will subsequently fade away. The Federal government has faced the other way for many times. The policies and vast number of new proposals being discussed do not capture the magnitude of the circumstances of our people. The point in fact is that by failing to address the poverty issue, our country is at risk of nurturing a perpetual bifurcated society. The tensions and challenges of this situation will sabotage our national aspirations and even jeopardize some of the fundamental freedoms economically, socially, and politicallythat we desire so much and have since enjoyed. Indeed, there are feasible economic and social optional policies that can see us through in this situation.
Human flourishing is within the realm of basic rights like food, clothing, shelter, health, good sanitation, and security, just to mention a few. This also extends to the realm of legality where good laws are put in place to safeguard the dignity of the person in the light of human rights. We will have a government which ensures that all American citizens basic rights are adhered to.
Therefore, putting more funds on environment conservation, good sanitation, security measures, and preservation of resources like water will be adequately addressed. Contrary to what many believe that we have the most excellent healthcare globally, I dispute that. I strongly believe that United States has the most unaffordable healthcare in the world. This will be streamlined and tough measures will be taken in ensuring that medical practitioners and health institutions charge fairly. The poor and young children shall have medical care for free in the event that families are unable to meet their childrens medical bills in case of serious terminal illness, the government shall take up the responsibility.
I envisage a government that will not dwell much on promotion of human freedom at the detriment of social responsibility. In this regard, laws that elevate or propagate egocentric tendencies will be reviewed and, if appropriate, do away with some of the laws that are contrary to the well-being and flourishing of each and every American citizen. Good policies embedded in the principle of subsidiarity will prevail. All American laws will be reviewed to conform to certain fundamental principles of law and morality. The views of our moralists and the clergy will be considered, and in fact, there will establish a body that will bring together the clergy, moralists, and government together with the senate in deliberating the laws in light of the common good. Hence, I envisage a government that will work hand in hand with the church in promoting human dignity. However, we will remain to be a secular country, and as such, state and religion will remain autonomous entities.
If laws are developed within the framework of morality, it is hard to confer legal rights that contradict common good. It is true that lawyers may lack moral consciousness in their assignments and deliberations, hence establishing laws outside true morality. Morality in law-making will take into account principles of common good embedded in morality if done jointly by both law experts and moralists (Kohk, 1987). The explications of common good shall serve as a preamble in the penal code and in the American constitution. It shall be the window through which all other American laws draw, and on the other hand, the goal to which our laws point to.
I envisage a government that will lead by example in defending the essential freedoms of association, expression, and assembly. The war on terror shall be our commitment and will no longer take unilateral measures. The spirit of consultation and consideration in such matters shall be in our hearts as we will not violate the rights of other people. We respect the rights conferred to other states by virtue of their sovereignty. Alleged terrorist suspects will be summoned to justice in civilian trials. All counter-terrorism efforts will be in tandem with the standards of human rights and the rule of law. I take this moment to affirm our commitment to revive and solidify human rights protection and to cooperate with the human rights community.
Therefore, laws or policies put in place should always ensure that the American people observe their Christian duties and grow in their Christian faith and commitment. The laws and rights conferred to the American citizens should be a replica of Gods will to human beings in that they should be holy. Recall the definition of Aristotle that good is that which all things desire or tend towards. Therefore, I envisage a government that will lead its citizens towards that good, in this case God, their creator.
We saw that good or common good derives from God. In other words, talking of common good without God in mind is null and void. Therefore, ensuring that the good of all is met is, by logical implication, promoting the person as the image of God. This good in the person is in participation in Gods goodness. Please note that God wills good to creatures and indeed to all American people or better still, God wants every creature to take part in his goodness. It was said earlier that bonum est diffusivum sui (Kohk, 1987), meaning that the good communicates itself, and so all human beings who participate in this goodness should also communicate the good in themselves to others. We reaffirmed earlier that altruism is in deed the American spirit. The American dream
With those few remarks, my dear citizens, I beg to conclude. As we can see, the concept of good is very wide, very wide indeed. This is why we needed to look at the philosophical connotations of good so that we can come up with a clear vision on how to govern ourselves in the light of the common good. In my opinion, Americans will never be successful in promoting the common if they do not have an understanding of its philosophical connotations. This is why we have dwelled so much going back to philosophy of good. I also believe that philosophy is the journey to truth, freedom, and justice. A government with no philosophy is wanting. The concept of good in metaphysics has given a good understanding of why promotion of common good is a journey towards God. This truth can only be grasped through such philosophical reflection. In addition, the reflection given on good in the common parlance has helped us realize that inclination to good is a natural endowment and a gift from God. Therefore, any governance in light of the common good becomes a duty per se and not a creation of the government. In this regard, the quest to dispense leadership within the framework of common good is a requirement and the will of God to every authority. A government that contradicts the principles of common good is short of Gods blessings. This is because it blocks its citizens from enjoying the gift of goodness designed by God himself for all mankind. Well, it can take us a long period of time in laying out proposals of good governance and promotion of common good. However, what counts is the reinstatement of achievable policies that will lead American people towards their creator. In deed, there is a lot to be said but, I know that we will achieve everything. Once again, God bless you, God bless America.
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