Was Simpsons Behavior Ethical Criminal Justice Ethics Ethics and Corrections
1. Facts
The warden rejected the proposal of a medication trial on inmates.
2. Details
Simpson is the current warden West Jefferson Correctional
West Jefferson Correctional is maximum security prison
Simpson has been warden for 5 years
Runs the prison in fair manner
Dr. Normal is a medical searcher
Dr. Normal may be finding a hypertension cure.
Dr. Normal has been researching this for 15 years
There are potentially dangerous side effects
Dr. Normal believes the risks are low
Dr. Normal wants to solicit inmates for drug trial
Governor has agreed to pardon 24 inmates for trial.
These inmates would be monitored in trial 1 year
If cannot trial Dr. Normals work comes to an end.
Simpson rejects Dr. Normals proposal.
3. Issue
Is it ethical to trade a pardon from a maximum security prison for trial of what could be a dangerous drug and might cause death
4. Ideals
Honesty Drs should be upfront with their patients and assure informed consent.
Integrity Wardens are believed to advocate for both the prisoners and the system.
Prudence Was it prudent for Simpson to turn down the possibility of curing hypertension
Justice Is it just to provide death row inmates with a pardon to test drugs Is it just to test dangerous drugs on someone with the bribe of something they really want
Courage Did Simpson do the courageous thing
Beneficence Was Simpsons decision a do no harm decision or was Dr. Normals
5. Obligations
Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson has been warden for 5 years, during that time he has earned the respect of the prisoners as well as the staff. He is known for being fair.
Simpson has an obligation to assure that the inmates are treated fairly.
Simpson has an obligation to the inmates to assure they are not harmed.
Simpson has an obligation to assure that the system is run in a way that is financially accountable.
Simpson has an obligation to society to assure that dangerous people do not escape or are released from his prison.
Dr. Normal
Dr. Normal has been working on developing this drug for 15 years, he does not want it wasted.
Dr. Normal as part of his profession has a do no harm clause.
Dr. Normal is required to give informed consent.
Dr. Normal has an obligation to society to assure that a drug is safe before he releases it.
Wants to do what is best to assure re-election.
Assure that dangerous prisoners are not released
6. Consequences
Homer Simpson
Positive Negative
Seen as fair by staff and inmates. Lack of cooperation from staff or inmates
Get accolades from the governor Someone dangerous is on the street
Blood pressure medicine works and saves lives. Lives are lost during the trial of the drug
Dr. Normal
Puts his trial into effect. Is not allowed to start the trial.
Trial works and lives are saved. He causes loss of life.
Famous for curing blood pressure. Medication does not work
Famous for allowing trial Run out of office because of deaths
Re-elected and eventually President Is never re-elected and loses everything.
It seems that the Utilitarian action is the right action to take in this case. This ethical standard asks that when a decision must be made that the right decision is the one that is most ethical. The balance of the action must show benefit and not harm. The well being of all of the participants in the actions must be guarded.
In this case there are actually several things to consider. If Simpson allows the drug trial, 24 now dangerous prisoners in a maximum security system will be released and owe no more debt to society, a pardon. If the utilitarian perspective is used in looking at this part of the issue, you must weight where the least harm occurs. If the prisoners are released there is really no least harm, it is all harm. The prisoners who are dangerous are released to the streets which is harmful to the public and they begin to take a drug that is potentially harmful. From the ethical point of view, the prisoners should not be released.
However, in any situation, there is always more than one part of the issue. In this case, Dr. Normal may have a cure for a disease that kills many people every year. It will never be known if it works, if this trial is not allowed. There is potential of dangerous side effects for the prisoners but they are agreeing for a pardon. Again, the least harm occurs by not releasing the prisoners. If they are released they are placed in harms way by taking a potentially dangerous drug and they have been bribed into taking it.
In this case, Homer Simpson made the right decision. He actually made the only decision that would have been ethical to make. In answer to the original issue, it is not ethical to release potentially dangerous prisoners to the street to test a potentially dangerous drug by bribing the prisoners.
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