Race and Ethnicity in US and Characteristics of Minority group
Ethnicityrefers to selected cultural grouping with physical characteristics being used to classify and divide people into segments or categories considered to be significantly different from others while on the other hand race has been construed to referrers to people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock in biological relation in subspecies, or variety of a species, consisting of a more or less distinct population with anatomical traits that distinguish it clearly from other races. However, the mix of the two words have blatantly been used to describe and determine minority groups in the United States either in workplaces, hospitals and many social circles to demean them and in turn to benefit the majority.
Race and Ethnicity in the USA and Minority group characteristics
Concepts of Race and Ethnicity
Race and ethnicity in the US has been used as an important tool for social political benefits. Officers in powerful sociopolitical positions have used race to demean those whom they dont identify with in race regardless of their educational or professional qualifications to segment and demean them and therefore finding favor on those that they can identify with racially awarding them opportunities. In the US, race is used in employment and service delivery positions. Multimillion companies who operate in the US, on hiring their manpower, they get their employees considering race as a measuring tool i.e. companies founded by Muslims would find favor in hiring people who subscribe in Muslim faith as opposed to those who dont subscribe to Islam as their religion. This has hastened the pace at which divisions and segregations is taking place in employment and service institutions such as that of health thus hindering those seeking such fundamental services getting dismal or poor services.
The concept of race which applies to human biological variations has resulted in many frustrations and confusions and if progress has to be made in perspective and positive development in ideology, then the race issue has to be abandoned altogether. So long is a mistake of race persisted resulting to misjudgments and misunderstanding which in turn are counterproductive in the society as the society of the USA. Skin color has been the main attribute for distinguishing one from another. However in science, the color has too been met with its own frustration since its understood to be changing from one location to the other depending on the environment that it has been exposed thus giving race a different meaning as a particular group of people who share common cluster of attributes and characteristics.
Racial or ethnic variations particularly in health and in countering and understanding diseases result primarily from variations among races vulnerability to behavioral, psychosocial, material, and environmental risk factors which in turn affect the resources. In this regard there has been emphasis geared towards data collection of each race that would make medical researches and practitioners understand specific factors that contribute to group differences in disease. In spite of these vulnerability and psychosocial differences, reductions in racial disparities in health will ultimately require change in the larger societal institutions setup and in government policies and structures that determine exposure to pathogenic conditions. More attention needs to be given to the ways that racism, in its multiple forms, affects health status.
Socio-economic status is a central determinant of health status it overlaps the concept of race, but is not equivalent to race. Inadequate attention has been given to the range of variation in social, cultural, and health characteristics within and between racial or ethnic minority populations. There is a growing emphasis, both within and without the Federal Government, on the collection of racial or ethnic identifiers in health data systems which are meant to help tackle health issues to advantage every citizen irrespective of race.
In social psychological setting, people more often than not, change their attitude towards each other in regard to race. It would be obvious by now that most people misuse the term race, either intentionally to discredit those who are minority in number and grabbing that opportunity to discredit and gain mileage in social economical advancement. Unfortunately, these antiquated racial concepts persist as social conventions that serve to foster institutional discrimination. Race has a social and political significance although racism efects, such ideas as biological superiority or deficits among races, the assumption that intelligence, learning ability, physical endurance and such are somehow linked with genetic characteristics that differ systematically between individuals but not races,. However, race has often been used to support this racism in the USA. The popular Americans majority of the three great racial groups have their roots in a system developed in Europe and North America in the 18th century. It was for some time common to divide people into three main races. Caucasian or the white race for example, native residents of Britain, France Germany and then Africans with dark skin and this represented the way opportunities in the Federal Government were shared. To-date some traits are still carried on in public offices. Although not in the open, race issue and racism seems rooted deep and practiced in many offices and it is being inherited from race after another.
Characteristics and the consequences of Minority groups in the US
More often than not, some people tend to use the word minority referring to social racial and ethnical groups on whose group they are opposed. This includes the categories of people namely African Americans, Indian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Mexican Americans and other small groups from various countries who have come and resided in the US as opposed to Caucasian white indigenous Americans. Although demeaning, the terminology is used to depict and evoke racism. It is again used as a measure of presence of immigrants and their capacity opening for the question of identity.
The U.S. Bureau of the Census, of year 2000 used of the term minority in regard to these groups, however, this may not have sounded appropriate for these three reasons it would mean discrepancies in income levels across these groups, the impact that these groups can have on other groups, and the connotation of inferiority that the term minority has in the minds of some members of these groups. This alone reflects how this minority groups have been exposed to segregation even by the laws and policies in the US. The term minority might be accurate regarding an individuals being a member of a group with a smaller number of people in it than the majority group, but it may not be an appropriate way to describe that person in terms of income level which can vary both between minority groups and other groups within the same racial or ethnic group context.
Some racial groupings in some areas have a high number of populations than the indigenous whom in the entire population context are referred as thus the term minority may not be applicable when one considers the issues of population of a given geographical area unless it is used to compare the population of the whole country. These terms emphasize the differences among groups in terms of cultural values with cultural believes and practices rather than the relative sizes of the groups. Another problem with the use of the term minority is that it does not take into consideration the impact that population size of a minority group can have on other groups that are regarded as minority in the whole of US as of the area in focus. The term minority has been associated with inferiority and so many people feel psychologically taunted when they are referred as minority or leaders of minority groups and thus the picture that comes out is not that of pride but that of demeaning. While in health sector namely hospitals and research institutions most of those who work and are in charge of critical service delivery are those referred as minority.
Race and ethnicity are important but not with the way they are used on society but for the benefit they have in the society. There is a huge element of rich in culture and in social setting which is ignored than taking advantage of to extract and expand knowledge base in both social live and medicine. The concepts surrounding Ethnicity and race are important because society has made sure that they stay important and prevalent issues, however, they are both concepts that help define what United States is and identify with its background and that is part of what shapes who US citizens are. They show the importance due to our heritage, family ancestry and history of our nation.
Race and ethnicity help to define character. United States is all about freedom freedom to express oneself as well as practice ones culture. In a business world race and ethnicity allow different races to gain benefits from both sides of the spectrum. It is important because as human beings we are glad to share whateverheritage or cultural background we grew into or were nurtured by as children. Therefore, it is normal to like your own culture but it is also good to like other cultures too and derive the best we can from the other cultures.
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