Socratic School of Virtue

The Socratic school specifically his principles on virtue are a manifest representation of the dilemma I face. The virtue school believes in the intrinsic goodness in humankind. As it is, the experiences we face in our everyday lives define our knowledge of what is evil. My experiences in the military have influenced how I perceive what is right from what is wrong. Though war has undoubtedly made a mark in my being there are things that for a fact, are unquestionably righteous. In spite of the violence and atrocities I have witnessed in the battlefield or the problems we face in our society today, there are certain truths universal to humankind. These virtues are not taught nor are they passed on or acquired, I believe as Socrates does that they are central to being human. They may be enriched through dialogue or study but these morals are within us (Morley, 1889).

Virtue often equates to knowledge, and such is perceived as the road to enlightenment. In battlefield situations, sometimes, what pervades is our instinct, raw and arousing. Yet, there is a voice within us instructing us to be human, in the sense that we are withheld from our tendency to total carnage. I see the humanity in war that in my mission there were things that needed to be done in order to attain a greater good. This greater good is a manifestation of our unending desire to attain the virtues, intellectual and philosophical (Dickinson, 1898).

Just like the cities of old, our society is faced with similar problems in the military as we question the justness of killing a person for just means. But upon examination it is not only Socrates who addresses these moral dilemmas even Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle tackles the issue in part. War is often a central theme in the lives of the Greeks for they lived in independent city-states often at war with each other (Zimmern, 1922).

Such virtues are indispensable in our existence but when we are faced with taking the life of another, is it justified Yes, if it was truly necessary and given that it is a just war. The war that we engaged in is after all for the achievement of a greater good (Morley, 1889). The Socratic virtues are without question a humanistic perspective, which applies not only in my life as a soldier but to all of us who try to live each day of our lives the best way we can.

Business Ethics

An objective can be defined as a purpose, mission or standard that can be reasonably accomplished within the estimated time period in the presence of the available resources. In general, it is wider in scope than a goal and can comprise of various different goals. Objective is the most basic and essential tool of planning underlying all the planning and strategic activities. It serves as the foundation for policy and performance considerations and unites the entire organization together. In short it is an aim or a target for purposes or goals in sight.

Subjective is an opposite of objective. It is based on attitudes, thoughts or opinions, instead of on evidence or phenomenon. It refers to the thinking subject rather than to the object of consideration and is based on personal way of thinking and interpretation. In other words it can be defined as the personal feelings and emotions about self observations of ones beliefs and opinions. For instance, a subjective judgment means a judgment based on ones individual personal impressions, opinions and views rather than external facts.

Relative means to have something in relation or in comparison to something else or something dependent upon external conditions. In other terms, relative is someone in the same family a person who is related with another person by blood, affinity or marriage. A word relative relates to other words or phrases called its antecedents as the relative.

Morality can be defined as the conventionality to the rule of right conducts, doctrine or moral conduct and to act accordingly. It is conscious and premeditated effort in directing ones behavior and performance by reason based on justice and religious beliefs. It is a sense of behavioral demeanor that distinguishes intentions, choices and actions among those that are right or wrong. A system of morality is a moral code and any ones practice within a moral code is called a moral. Morality refers to cultural values and codes of conduct that differentiates between good or bad in the human society.

Ethics can be defined as moral philosophies or moral principles. It deals with the values concerning human behavior with respect to correctness and wrongness of certain dealings and to the righteousness and evilness of the motives and ends of such actions. Ethics involves arranging, protecting, and suggesting concepts of right and wrong conducts. Ethics is all about placing principles into action. It refers to the consistency between what we say we value and what our actions say we value is a matter of uprightness. It is also about self-control. It tells us what we should not do even if we have power and authority to do so.

The difference between morality and ethics is basic though subtle. Moral explains personal character while ethics stress a public structure in which those morals are practiced. Ethics is consideration and reflection of morality. It is the way by which we can decide if something is right or wrong (Ambrose  Cross, 2009). Calling something ethical or unethical does not mean that it is good or bad but it means that such a thing is lacking a serious analysis of morality. Morality is the ultimate decision we assign to actions. It is how we consider specific things as being good or bad. It is the principles for actions that exist at some instant.

World Lit

In the works Hamlet by William Shakespeare, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, as well in literary works entitled A Simple Heart and The Death of Ivan Ilych,  the obvious themes of discrepancy in appearance as well as in reality is easily discernable. Ivan Ilych, for example is a person portrayed as one who simply wants to be recognized high in the ladders of the social ladder working really hard, seeing as death is not entirely a choice that is his to make. This realization comes too late as he notices that up to his recent epiphany, he had done nothing but live a life of fallacy, thus leading to regret.

One of the themes tackled by Chaucers work The Canterbury Tales on the other hand, centered on the corruption of the Church a well-versed reflection of the period it was written in. It was around the same time when the Catholic Church had started getting really rich. Religious figures in The Canterbury tales reflected this period in a fairly traditional way that is, greedy, hypocritical churchmen who were corrupt, and accepted bribes and such  directly opposite the message that which they so righteously spread. This deviation from its faade is a reflection as well of discrepancy in appearance.

From the book of a simple life, Felicit being such a royal girl who was not selfish to give her love finds her life not as good as she opted. Her husband to be saw her not being fit enough to be associated to him as his wife and marries another girl. She dies with no children and even without her own property. The theme of discrepancy in appearance and reality is thus well illustrated since this girl being such good to anybody and even willing to give her love to anyone finds no appreciation from any of them up to the time of her death.

The comparison between the two works of literature is that they are both dramatic monologues with issues concerning about romance and nature.  In both poems, the authors does not see any important thing that can make one to be more such happy and contented with life since the life seem to be having a lot of misery. Both authors in their literature seem to express their feelings and relation with space and time to be unappealing and thus they are unhappy with the situation. The authors further more offers prolonged interrogatives which are in a series form for consequences which are unanswered or taken action on. The language used in both poems and imagery are enacted with intensity that brings out the dramas to be with mental conflict.

The conflict between these two poems is that in the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock the rhyme scheme is irregular even though not randomly whereas in the poem of Wordsworth the rhyme is paced at such an interval to be perceived regular even though the dialect used is uncommon. The poem The World is Too Much with us also illustrates about industrial revolution of England whereas the poem of Prufrock is illustrates consciousness of a person who is modern and neurotic. Furthermore, the poem of Prufrock is done   in such a way to express transitional links to be psychological and illogical   whereas in the words worth poem is done in a way that express his strong feelings of anger and resentment towards nature.

Provider-Patient Relationship

The Provider-Patient Relationship involves the practices of protecting patients privacy and maintaining patients confidentiality. There are some ethical obligations as well as legal obligations that are required to be regulated by healthcare providers with respect to patient rights.

Patient Privacy and Confidentiality
Organizations, professionals and individuals that use and collect patients personal information in any capacity are obligated to protect patient privacy and confidentiality. HIPAA has mandated regulatory and stringent legal obligations through which the significance of protecting patients privacy and confidentiality could be realized. Even such legal regulations and obligations already exist in other healthcare providers privacy legislation. The protection of patients privacy and confidentiality has become a challenge due to whichconsumers get interested only towards those healthcare providers who are obligated to protect their private information and maintain confidentiality at all levels (Klosek 2007).

Protecting Patient Privacy
The following recommendations will help organizations, professionals and individuals to protect patients privacy more effectively

Conducting Internal Audit Before providing the useful information to patients, the practices and privacy policies must be understood by the organizations itself. The right way of analyzing all information is to conduct an internal audit which will include the identification of collected data, usage of data, sharing of data and the way of protecting data. Upon completion of initial audit, compliance audit should too be conducted on quarterly basis in order to regulate laws, policies and procedures for smooth compliance.
Development of Privacy Policy After mandating and regulating laws, policies and procedures through internal audit, the communication and development of internal and external policies should be implemented. In case of covered entities, the protected health information and patient privacy must be clearly stated in the providers policies and practices. Patients must be furnished with the policies of authorization, consent, rights and disclosure and all such policies must reflect the HIPAA regulations. In addition to perception of policies, it is mandatory for an organization to complythe same procedures and laws that are initially provided to the patients.

Preparation for Inevitable It is necessary to anticipate and perceive the unpredicted possibilities which may arise from the governments need for patient information. For fulfilling such legal requirements, some policies should be implemented andthe patients consent must too be sought thereon which will avoid inconvenience for an organization that may arise from patients complaint regarding disclosure of privacy policies.

Investment in Security The patient information can be secured through the protection of privacy of information. For this purpose, the administrative, technical and procedural safeguards must be integrated in the entire privacy strategy. All requirements of HIPAA should be covered under the security program. Additionally, the security vulnerabilities should too be covered through the installation of required measurements in order to protect patients data confidentially.

Training Training isa most essential aspect which cannot be ignored. The breaches of damaging data have occurred due to employees errors because of their non-perception. The patient privacy and security can be protected through a comprehensive, consistent and expertise training which should be conducted regularly. The routine training basically involves the review and revision of organizational external and internal practices and policies. Hence,the protection of patient privacy data has become a challenge which is likely toincrease ahead too (Klosek 2007).

Maintaining Patient Confidentiality
Patient confidentialityrefers to securing the personal informationof a patient and restrictingaccess to such information from others without prior consentfrom patient. The patient confidentiality too requires patients authorization for disclosure of health information to supervisor or to other counselors. A patients confidentiality could be breached incase of health discussionwithrespective to patients safety but, it is the obligation of counseling professional to inform the patient and seek his intention regarding such disclosure. Whatever the situation may be, a psychotherapist is required to minimize the harmful health effects that are likely to cause a patient. Additionally, institutional laws and ethics must too be complied thereon.

The healthcare providers can maintain patients confidentiality in the light of criminal acts as follows
Drugs Usage by Patients Some patients are adhered to severe drugs which are prohibited under the general laws. Many healthcare providers hide such illegal activities from law-enforcing officers in order to make these patients as their regular clients. The reasons for diseases occur due to continuous usage of drugs by patients which confronts them with a situation to get treatment which may be life-threatening and the same can too be risky for a doctor doing the treatment without informing the legal authorities.

Gun-Shot Patients Some patients are admitted to hospital in the emergency department for immediate treatment due to facing gun-shots. These people are basically criminals who intend robberies, crimes and relate to different chains of gangsters. It is the responsibility of a healthcare provider to inform such occurrence to the legal authorities immediately but some of the healthcare providers hide such information from police and law-enforcement authorities which is, indeed, an unethical act of maintaining confidentiality in the light of criminal activities performed by patients.

Criminal Abortions It is quite an unethical practice in healthcare services which is maintained confidential by some healthcare providers. The criminals involve in rape cases with innocent girls and force them to get abortion upon getting pregnancy condition and use them as a source for getting illegal money. The doctors actions involved in hiding such information are referred as maintaining confidentiality in the light of criminal acts by patients.

Death of Patients Some patients suffer severe conditions due to failing to comply over the doctors instructions and continue to practice the prohibited actions such as usage of drugs, alcohol, syringes, etc. and eventually die. These patients generally violate the code of ethics and thus, the healthcare providers hiding such information are liable to abuse the medical ethics and confidentiality in this way, is termed to be privilege towards criminal activities by patients.

Insurance Coverage Many patients are involved in cheating their healthcare insurance providers by claiming financial obligation such as money. Although, doctors do have perception of such involvements and are obligated to inform the same to insurance providers but, in order to make these patients regular, some healthcare providers hide this information and maintain confidentiality in favor of patients which eventually, hides the crime as well.

Ethical Obligations
The confidentiality of patient information comes under the obligation of healthcare providers. It is implicit and shouldnever be articulated prior to treatment received by patient. The act of maintaining confidentiality represents providers obligation towards patients respect, builds patients trust which also increases public confidence and good relationships with providers. Trust is a leading aspect in the treatment which enables patients to disclose their health secrets that are essentially useful for proper diagnosis (McNaughton et al. 2006).

Legal Obligations
The Salvadoran Government is indulged in the elimination of all sorts of violation against international covenant on human rights and political  civil rights treaties which creates a hindrance in the protection of confidentiality and secrecyin healthcare services such as post-abortion. The conditions for professional secrecy in the Ethics Code, has been provided by the Salvadoran penal and health codes through which a provider is penalized with the suspension of medical license incase of violation of patients confidentiality that is too followed by imprisonment up to two years (McNaughton et al. 2006).

More than being a doctor The physician as a deliberate friend to his patients

I personally believe that the Deliberate Model of Physician-Patient relationship is the best model among the three models because it manifests the closest kind of bond that can occur between the physician and a patient.

Leaving no room for coercion and advising the patient on what he thinks he should do, the physician only offers his technical expertise and do not impose it to his patients. In that case, the patients are still implicitly encouraged to ask questions and not helplessly submit to whatever the physician is talking about.

The patient can open up a dialogue with the physician to make the process clearer. When confused, he can openly ask him questions. When uneasy about the doctors statements, the patient can seek for clarifications. If that becomes the case, the physician acts as a teacher or friend, someone who nurtures a more intimate bond with the patient. He can listen more personally to his sentiments and will appear more approachable to the patient. This is in contrast to the usual relationship that exists between a physician and a patient. That is, the physician seems to be the undisputable god of the medical world as he is supposed to know a great deal of information about diseases and their cures. In this scenario, as in the Informative Model, the patient often serves as the submissive recipient of the jargons that are being spewed by the physician, unless it does something to make its discourse more accessible for him.

There lies the strength of the Deliberate Model -- it destroys the latent hierarchy existing between the physician and his patients and links them closer to one another to make the process of medication easier for both parties.

Business Ethics CEO Compensation

The notorious amount of compensation paid to CEOs of companies has earned the attention of both the press and the public, in general. In the case study entitled Wages of Failure The Ethics of Executive Compensation, the proposal of Janice White, CEO of General Global, is discussed in consideration of its impact to executive compensation and to the organizations achievement of goals. According to White, she is willing to use performance as the primary basis for her compensation. In relation to her proposal, the main question revolves on whether it is necessary to grant Whites request or not. In consideration of the agreement view, it is appropriate to grant the request of White. According to the agreement view, there is a tendency for the Directors, who serve as the compensation committee to be biased in their decisions regarding executive compensation. Thus, it is not right for the Directors to formulate the compensation scheme for the CEO and to rely it solely on performance.

The argument view argued that Directors may be influenced by gratitude, self-interest, and an absence of reason to favor shareholders. First, the Directors, especially when their appointment is influenced by the incumbent CEO, hold a sense of gratitude towards the CEO. Thus, executive compensation is one of the means used to express this gratitude. Second, the Directors are also pressured by the fact that the compensation of the CEO becomes the basis for the directors compensation, too. Third, the Directors do not have any reason to favor shareholders and measure the compensation of CEOs on hisher ability to increase the organizations profitability.

Indeed, the compensation of CEOs, as requested by White, should be based on performance to avoid extravagant pay schemes. The agreement view provides further reasons to justify the use of performance-related pay schemes. Based on the said perspective, Directors have the tendency to determine CEO compensation based on gratitude, self-interest, and an absence of reason to favor shareholders.

RESPONSE TO PETERS, INGER Famine, Affluence, and Morality

Inger Peters made a powerful and intelligent argument in 1971 that the affluent people of the world have, in essence, a moral obligation or duty to provide food or money to prevent starvation in India.    That argument is still valid today, nearly forty years, later, because the same problem exists in large pockets of poverty throughout the world as it has since there has been human life on earth.  His assumption that suffering and death from lack of food, shelter, and medical care are bad is certainly true yet overly simplistic.  

I would ask, rather cynically I admit, Bad for whom   Clearly its bad for those suffering, but is it really bad for you or me or society  Peters does acknowledge the population growth is controlled by starvation argument, but he doesnt even mention the fact that humans are selfish creatures who care mainly for themselves.  Nor does he discuss the fact that humans are also ignorant of world events, and dont seem to care about tragedies occurring anywhere but in their immediate neighborhood.  Sure, it would be terrific if all people throughout the world were highly moral and compassionate beings who truly cared about the health and welfare of their brothers and sisters wherever they may be, but that, my friend, simply isnt realistic.

Peters next argument  if it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought, morally, to do it presumes people are moral by nature.  Im not sure I agree.  I believe people are lazy and compliant by nature, and obey laws, both natural and codified, which create and maintain a moral compass.  If there were no laws or no enforcement of those laws, the survival of the fittest chaos model would prevail, and morality would quickly disappear.  (Please note I am not really this cynical, but I do think Peters was a bit nave when it comes to human nature.  But then, his arguments, it seems, were intended more to drum up famine relief than make a solid, balanced philosophical statement.)

How Personal Can Ethics Get

Question No. 1 What are the Ethical Concepts and Dilemmas That Valerie is Facing
The Ethical issues which are encountered by Valerie in this case include moral, legal, utilitarian and egoistic ethics.

Valerie is facing a dilemma between complying with the legal obligation to report the crime and protecting her own interests in the company and in the United States. Mr. Waters crime constitutes both criminal and civil offense and is punishable as per most countries penal and civil codes.  The acceptance of bribery from suppliers and other parties concerning the company is a criminal offense. It is also a form of corruption. This type of offense also constitutes civil offense by breaching the confidence of the company. On Valeries part, her knowledge of the crime would make her liable for either delaying or failing to report the crime. In some countries, this delay or failure can constitute a crime of obstruction of justice or being an involuntary accessory to the crime.

On the aspect of moral ethics, Valeries dilemma is between complying with the moral obligation to speak up and report on the crime of Mr. Lionel Waters and to just live a peaceful and comfortable life by being quiet about what she discovered. Delaying the report or failure to do so will constitute a moral crime of omission.

Under the concept of Utilitarian ethics, there is a need for Valerie to speak up on the crime or report it to trusted and unbiased personnel. Doing so will stop the crime from further causing damages to the company, other suppliers, the customers and the employees as well. Justice will be served particularly for the suppliers who have been unfairly and unjustly ignored in the supplier selection process because they did not pay bribes to Mr. Waters. Justice will also be served to the company stakeholders and owners, who are being cheated by Mr. Waters of their hard-earned financial resources. Most of all, the employees would benefit from the justice to be served because they will have better prospects for better management, working conditions and fair working benefits. The customers will also benefit in that they will be provided more diversified line of products to choose from, under fair and just selection system, at a price which would be just and free from corrupt values (Leys, 19614.)

However, Valeries egoistic principles or ethics are pushing her to just keep the discovery to herself in order to protect her job, residency in the United States, masters degree program and personal life. After all, she is not a US Green card holder but holds a special working visa which is under the discretion of her employer. Without the working visa, she wouldnt be able to stay in the US, unless a company procures for her. Reporting the crime would of course, pose threats to her employment, residence in the US and other consequences which will affect her future life. In other words, doing what is morally and legally right and ethical would cause her such inconvenience and risk in her life (Leys, 19614)

Question No. 2 If I Were Valerie, What would I Do and Why
Values aid people seeking to make sense of behaviors or seeking to justify them (Sathe, 1985 Sproull, 1981 in Nystrom, 1990 971.)

It is easy to say what I can do in Valeries particular situation as I am not in the actual situation. If I were, definitely, I would face the same quandary as she is. I would definitely weigh in the situation, the consequences of my actions, either way. I would consider all the consequences if I would report the situation to whom, when and how. I would also consider the consequences if I delay or fail to report the situation. Either of the choices would be inconvenient not only to me, but to all the parties concerned. If I choose to be quiet, there is no guarantee that I will keep my job, my US residency and all other personal goals attached to the job. Somehow, somewhere, the truth will emerge. The difference is, I would not be the person who directly divulged the crime. However, what if somebody else discovers that I was already aware Then, I would definitely be in trouble.

On the other hand, choosing to report the crime would help solve the problems. If I were in Valeries situation, I would carefully reflect on the situation and the available options, if I choose to report the crime. Valerie is right that she has to choose the perfect timing. I would at least find another job before reporting the crime. If I were as skilled as Valerie, it wouldnt take long for me to find another job. But, there might be repercussions with regard to finding a new employer in the height of any corporate scandal. I might not be allowed to leave the company in the height of the scandal, or the immigration itself might hold the visa processing itself, or most of all, a new employer might hesitate to take me in given the situation.

In reporting such a crime, if I were in Valerie, I would carefully choose the personnel to whom I would be reporting the crime. This person should be fair, just and not a party to the ongoing crime. As Valerie is not aware about who else is involved in the crime, then she should be careful about the situation.

Then, there is also the evidence (invoices which she found in the photocopying machine). Once she has decided to report the crime, she should never ever trust anyone else with that evidence of paper. It could be stolen and she would be left with nothing else to prove the crime with, unless the company launches its own unbiased investigation.

In the choice between being quiet or reporting about the crime, there will be inconvenient consequences both ways. Either choice might also lead to losses in terms of jobs, manpower, finances, and many other things which are attached with the employment. In the end, my decision should primarily be for my benefit, as well as for the general majority. But, just like Valerie, I would carefully consider the perfect timing and the perfect personnel to approach. At least, the pieces of the puzzle fit together, the impact would be toned down and the consequences controlled a little bit.

Question No. 3 What Are the Types of Stressors Being Experienced by Valerie
Relatively speaking, Valeries dilemmas can occur in many companies, not only in her country but many others, as well. Bribery and corruption has become rampant in many government and privately-controlled companies.

The types of stressors that Valerie is experiencing are also being experienced by other employees in other companies. In Valeries case, the primary stress factors are her job conditions, role conflict and ambiguity. The stressful job condition that Valerie is facing is attributed to the way Mr. Lionel Waters is managing the department, thereby causing a lot of burden and inconvenience to Valerie and her colleagues. Values held by top management often trigger or amplify organizational crises, and they also help create impressive corporate turnarounds (Nystrom and Starbuck, 1984 in Nystrom, 1990 971.)

Valeries role as a Marketing Manager is also a cause of stress for Valerie. She is pressured with her role in the department to gather as much supplier as possible to present perfume scents. However, Mr. Waters personal motives are all blocking Valeries valiant efforts. This is of course, frustrating to a highly-demanding job.

Question No. 4 Mr. Waters Ethics in Handling the Business and His Employees
Mr. Lionel Waters, the manager of the entire department where Valerie is working for does not in any way, exemplify a leader with good ethics and values. He does not deserve to be in such a position because he chooses to uphold his own personal ambitions over the companys goals, welfare and over-all financial standing. Mr. Waters, without any sense of discretion, totally ignored the rights of his other employees, except his two personal recruits. His blatant and ostentatious way of taking advantage of the companys resources and weakness is so indiscrete that most of his employees are aware of this indiscretion. What manager or leader would have such shameless indiscretion Doesnt he ever think that he doesnt have his employees respect with such conduct

Question No. 5 What Were the Aspects of the Corporate Culture that Contributed to the Dilemma
The dilemma seems to point to several aspects of corporate culture, one is the recruitment system, second is the check-and-balance system, third is the performance management system, and the last one, is the benefits management system.

From the beginning, the recruitment system is based only by appointment. There is no mention in the case about any other qualifying process to choose the personnel who has both the competence and the more important thing, the character required so much for the job. Apparently, there is no existing check and balance system in the company. If there is, why is there no one questioning the length of allowable leave of Mr. Lionel Waters and his cohorts Why is there no examination on the financial books and the supplier activities related to the entire department Why are there no review and monitoring of the expenses on travelling and extravagant activities conducted by Mr. Waters
The third aspect of corporate culture is the performance management system. Isnt anybody monitoring the actual outputs or performance of each individual in the company, from top to bottom
The last aspect is the benefits management system. Somebody needs to really knock on the door of this department and check why there is such a significant discrepancy in the allowable travelling and vacation period between Mr. Waters and his cohorts, and those of the other staff.

The above-mentioned aspects of the corporate culture are apparently contributing, if not, paving the way for the crime to be committed, thereby, causing such a dilemma to Valerie. Operative values affect behavior both by direct, conscious behavioral channeling and by indirect perceptual filtering. (England, 1967 in Nystrom, 1990 971.)

Executive Compensation throughout America

The recent global financial crisis has adversely affected various countries. Both rich and poor nations experienced the untoward consequences of the aforementioned problems, which include the bankruptcy of big financial institutions and other business organizations as well as the rise in the unemployment rate that affected the social conditions of the country. The United States of America is one of the countries that have been mostly affected by the global financial crisis, as many corporations in Wall Street declare bankruptcy and others are already in the brink of foreclosure.  Being the case, the United States government gave bailout money to different corporations and organizations to save these institutions from closing. The main purpose of the bailout money is to serve as additional capital for different organizations in order to continue the operations of their respective businesses but companies still need to lessen their costs, since they only have limited fund (Ritholtz et al., 2009). However, there are still companies who managed to overly compensate their employees despite this financial crisis and one example of this is the American International Group Incorporation (AIG).

The AIG is recognized as one of the biggest American insurance corporation in the world. The company even ranked as the 18-largest publicly-owned company in the world by the Forbes Magazine during its 2008 issue. However, the company experienced a liquidity crisis in September 2008 when its credit ratings decline below AA. As a result, the United States Federal Reserve Bank gave 152 billion bailout money in order to save AIG from its near bankruptcy in September 2008. Nevertheless, the way by which AIG is spending their bailout money is subject to much criticism, especially since there are allegations that the company is using millions of that money for programs, which sound more like bonuses than actual productive training (Ferrell et al., 2009).

In 2008, the CEO of AIG declared that he is only taking a single dollar from the fund given by the United States Treasury for his compensation and the other 60 top executives are not getting any bonuses for that year. However, the financial crisis that AIG is facing did not stop the company for finding a different way in order to keep their top employees from getting retention payments (After Rescue, Bonuses Still Flow at AIG, 2008). One of the most controversial spending of AIG took place just after a week the company was given the bailout money. The employees and distributors affiliated with AIG attended a retreat in California that amounts to 444,000 total costs for the company. The retreat allegedly includes featured spa treatments, expensive meals, and golf trips. AIG justified the retreat as a reward for their top-performing agents and that the excursion was planned even before the bailout was given. In relation to this, the Federal Reserve even gave the company an additional 37.8 billion loan. Just days after the additional loan was given AIG were reported to spend on a lavish English hunting trip.    

The allegations regarding the unwise spending of AIG also reached the attention of lawmakers, which resulted for them to question the decision of the Assistant Treasury Secretary Neel Kashkari regarding the bonus plan of AIG. Rep. Elijah Cummings even commented that these so-called retention payments are nothing less than bonuses (After Rescue, Bonuses Still Flow at AIG, 2008, n.p.). Moreover, Rep. Cummings stated that no one is indispensable, particularly when youve got tens of thousands of people being laid off from Wall Street and financial firms every day (After Rescue, Bonuses Still Flow at AIG, 2008, n.p.). However, no substantial efforts are being done in order to stop the inappropriate spending of AIG. The company is promising its employees with high-compensation and other benefits in order to stay in the company, which angers many people in the government as well as those who find themselves in the unemployed population of the society. The decisions and actions of AIG should be properly addressed, as they are wasting billions of money that comes from the hard work of taxpayers. Moreover, this kind of situation should be immediately attended to prevent other companies from emulating the untoward action of AIG.  

Consequences of a College Student Cheating on Exams

Cheating is as old as any unethical conduct one can think of. It has existed for decades for several different reasons, and exists in many different forms. And, just like every other unethical decision, cheating has evolved over time and so have the methods of cheating, and the related consequences of cheating.

Cheating on exams used to involve simple and obvious gestures like craning the neck to peek at the answers of the student sitting next to you, switching papers across tables, passing notes under the tables, writing notes in the palm of ones hand or on ones shirt sleeve. Today, cheating is not as obvious and easy to detect as it used to be. This, of course, is mainly because students currently study in a technologically advanced environment with vast availability of information online  essays, articles, and so on  making it much easier and convenient for students to cheat without thinking of the consequences of getting caught.

There are several reasons why students cheat on exams, the most common reason being the desire to pass their required courses with an acceptable grade point average. The grade point average is usually the yard stick used to measure academic success and acceptability in the world outside of college these days. Almost every employer seeks jobseekers fresh out of college based on their academic performance among other things. Students seeking admission to graduate school may find that a minimum grade point average is required, and they may find themselves under pressure to cheat if they see no other way to make the required grades.

Cheating occurs when a student is involved in exam practices that are considered unacceptable according to the standards set by an examiner or by school policy. So that, where it may be acceptable in one case to read your notes during an exam (open-book exam), it may be totally unacceptable and considered cheating in a different setting (closed-book exam).

Needless to say, cheating has consequences that can affect a person for the rest of their life, just like any other unethical conduct has its consequences. Some consequences may be immediate while others wont be felt till later down the road in life. Some immediate consequences could be disciplinary measures imposed by school administration policies. Consequences that take longer to have an impact may come long after a student has graduated and moved on in life only to find out that the decisions he or she made earlier have come back to haunt them years later.

The most serious consequence a student could face for cheating on an exam is the possibility of being expelled from school. A student who cheats on an exam also risks the embarrassment and shame that goes with being exposed, not to mention the damage cheating can do to their reputation. Other students will now see you as nothing more than a liar and a cheat. This label or reputation has the potential to follow a student for a very long time, and some labels are simply not worth the risk no matter how tempting it may be in the moment.

Cheating has a tendency to lead to more serious behaviors down the road. A student who repeatedly gets away with cheating may begin to think of themselves as untouchable. This can lead them into more serious and more frequent acts of unethical behavior that could follow them into adulthood and into the corporate world, like cheating in other areas of life, the consequences of which could be a lot more serious than mere academic suspension or expulsion. Students who cheat on their exams need to understand that they the risks involved are not worth the cost. Cheaters do themselves more harm than good because they tend to learn a lot less than their colleagues who actually study the material for an exam. The process of studying and understanding course material is what determines how knowledgeable a student is, and will become throughout the rest of his or her life. An example is a student who cheats and ends up graduating magna cum laude but may find that they dont know much more than the student who put forth their best effort and graduated with a lesser grade. Such ignorance or lack of knowledge when displayed in the work place can have even more dire consequences especially when the knowledge portrayed in actual life is in conflict with the information on a students college transcript. Such consequences range from loss of a job, a demotion, a less than satisfactory performance review, embarrassment, and a bruised reputation.

What students need to understand is that the effort they put into studying course material and doing their best can be far more rewarding than that split second decision to cheat could ever be because the decision to cheat offers temporary success if they are lucky to get away with it, but choosing not to offers success that will last a life time. After all, whoever said knowledge is power, knew exactly what they were talking about because knowledge is indeed known to be powerful. Knowledge cannot be faked either you know, or you dont know  and you will never know by cheating. Spending four years, or more, in school - not to mention the huge amounts of money involved - is at least worth the effort to try to be as knowledgeable as one can be, come graduation day. It is worth the investment.

Research Proposal on the Various Ethical Issues in Networks Systems Design

Consideration of ethical issues in the networking fields is very vital in the success of a network system design process. Networks systems design is a complex process that need to ensure that the system designers pay close attention to the diverse and unique ethical issues that relate to specific network systems being designed (Allen and Morton 1994). Questionnaire administration, research interviews, and study of the existing information that regards to the ethical issues in network systems design would be done. Both closed and open ended research questions would be employed to ensure that adequate information is gathered from the respondents. Interview, though rare, would be employed in collection of data in cases where administration of questionnaires would have been considered unsuitable. On the other hand, secondary sources of data would facilitate better understanding of the research topic and in the identification of any existing loopholes that ought to be addressed.

The process of designing network systems entails integration of computer systems, organizational needs, and the people needs and expectations. Jonas (1979, 110-156) elaborates on the fact that there are a number of ethical issues which are related to networking and the concept of designing networks. In the modern world, Borgatti, Molina (2002, 210-317) believes that the need for the integration of professionalism in the network systems designed has become direr than before. Ethics entails being professional in whatever is done, remaining focused on the attainment of the set goals, avoiding commitment of evil at all costs, while at the same time maintaining the highest possible credibility, authenticity, and standards in the design process (Gotterbarn, Anderson, Johnson, and Perolle (1993, 73-106). The continued evolution of network system design over the last twenty years has continued to make the entire process more challenging. The monolithic design process has been abandoned while the modern object oriented design and the protocol stacks systems have continued to be preferred. This research proposal lays down the various mechanisms and processes through which a number of ethical issues related to the design of network systems could best be discussed. The research methodology, the research question, the literature review, and the research plan have been discussed in this research to ensure that, during the research, all the ethical issues in networks systems design are fully exploited.

Research Question
The modern business world faces the dire need to integrate distributed and other forms of networked systems in the daily business operations through networking. Ethical issues are very critical for the efficient, cost effective, and professionalism of a networked business environment. What are the major ethical issues that are vital for the overall process of designing network systems

Literature Review
Network systems design is a complex process that demands that efforts from all the stakeholders are integrated to enhance the overall success of the system design process. There are various challenges that always ought to be integrated in order to ensure that acceptance of the designed system is made in the most efficient and effective way possible (Gotterbarn, Anderson, Johnson, and Perolle 1993, pp. 73-106). The technical process of designing networked computer systems is normally done by the people with a lot of technical expertise in the system design process. According to Hennessy, Patterson (1996, pp. 35-321), human resource personnel in an organization tend to ignore the fact that the overall success of the designed system greatly depend on their input from all the system stakeholders.
The norms and traditions of a given people greatly influence the technical process of designing a network system. There are a number of ethical actions in the design process which are normally perceived to be unethical (Allen and Morton 1994). In a networked system, there are always layers which are normally integrated to facilitate proper communication within a system. Encapsulation of the networked system details demand efficient analysis of the system is done. At times such networked systems totally lack compatibility hence the raising other ethical challenges which if not addressed normally lead to total rejection of the system and the users partially refusing to embrace the entire system.

Error detection in a network system, based on the Imperative ethical issues and responsibilities (Jonas, 1979, 110-156) demand that certain human and technical aspects of system design are addressed. Detection of errors within a system always ought to be done in an in-depth manner with the core intention of ensuring that the designed system fully addresses all the possible errors that could hinder the success of the system being designed. It is evident that network systems share critical, private, secured and non secured and non private data. Privacy has of data and information being shared on a network system always ought to be enhanced. According to Andersen, Balakrishnan, and Morris (2001, pp. 22-346), terrorism and other related cybercrimes have in the recent past proved to be huge challenges that have faced the internetworked and distributed systems. The process of designing computer networks by network designers, computer scientists, and other expertise has to be very challenging due to their failure to adhere to the need to enhance the privacy of the individual and organizational data and information being shared (Behrman 1988, pp.45-78 Webster and Robins 1996, pp.33-219). Loopholes in the network design process have in the past led to leakage of very strategic and private information to business competitors (Allen, and Morton 1994 Terrell 2000, pp.45-77).

Modern technological advancements have resulted into the need to network systems in organization in order to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and to reduce the high cost of business operations (Borgatti and Molina 2002, pp.210-317). The worldwide increasing rate of flow of information in computerized systems has led to biasness in the information accessed in the networked systems. Indeed certain functions in a network design process need to accorded higher priority in order to ensure their success. The need to determine the rate and direction of information flow in a network system is crucial in ensuring priority in information flow and access is accorded to more sensitive sections of an organization. Argyris, Putnam, McLain (1985, 5-17) explains that rather than according high priority to more sensitive departments and central individuals within an organization, network system designers have been known to ignore the need to prioritize the information being exchanged within and outside an organization.

Previous researches in the ethical issues concerned with network system design have indicated the designers assume self imposed consent in performing certain design issues. The opinion of Behrman (1988, pp.45-78) is that designers of the network system ought to adhere to the set timelines and areas of their jurisdiction in order to avoid conflicts which may arise due to the infringement of peoples privacy. The design of a networked system in an organization should be done with close attention being paid to the ethical issues which normally arise from the industry and internal organizational practices (Cross, Borgatti, and Parker 2002, 25-46 Herman 2004, 4-89). These issues include the manner in which the final networked system would address the needs of the customers, the security and privacy issues of information, the effectiveness of the designed process, working and living conditions of the stakeholders, and the competitors in the industry. Based on the argument of Webster, Robins (1996, pp.33-219), it is evident that network designers should always ensure that they leverage the network existing functionalities that are provided by the network structures and layers such as the transport communication protocol (TCP) in order to ensure that the system developed is faster, much easier to implement and use with minimal or no ethical challenges at all. Ethical auditing of network systems could be done to ensure that the designed network systems strictly adhere to the diverse ethical needs stipulated. However, ethical auditing is normally considered unethical due to the strong belief in the networking field that some laid down ethical standards compromise the attainment of the set network goals and design issues (Jonas 1979, 110-156 Gotterbarn, Anderson, Johnson, and Perolle 1993, pp.73-106).

In some instances, the need for anonymity and un-coerced active or passive participation in the design process have been breached by designers in various network systems thus leading to conflicts that interfere with the success of the set network design goal of given systems. Hennessy, Patterson (1996, pp. 35-321) explains that network system designers have been known to ignore the user needs and specification of the systems and instead concentrate on their own perceived correct system needs. The need for constant communication between the system users and the network designers which is supposed to ensure that design goals are achieved is usually ignored due to poor planning, shallow pre-design research, and ignorance of some of the crucial ethical issues in the network system design (Terrell 2000, pp.45-77).

Research Methodologies
Administration of questionnaires and interview sessions would be conducted together with an in-depth study of the secondary sources of data. Interviews and administration of questionnaires would be vital methods employed in the research process with the intention of ensuring that the collected data is relevant to the research questionnaire (Behrman 1988, pp. 45-78). To fully understand the various ethical issues that are related to the research question, questionnaires would be employed in order for the research population to give information that would enable the research to under all the relevant issues in an in-depth manner.

Uniform questionnaire that targets the designated research population would be utilized for the research process. Both closed and open ended questions would be used as away of ensuring that the respondent shared more relevant information with the researcher. Closed ended questions in the questionnaire would be aimed at ensuring that the respondents only give certain predetermined answers through the available options in the research process. To enhance reliability and accountability of the data collected, individual persons, both large and small organizations, and volunteer groups would be targeted to respond to the research questionnaires designed. The questionnaire to be drafted would have dichotomous, ordinal, nominal, and bounded types of questions in order to ensure that the respondents have an opportunity to not only give the strict required information and their personal views, but also to be in a position to express their personal sentiments on some of the ethical issues in the network systems design that they consider vital for the network design success. The open ended questions would then be coded into a response scale in order to facilitate easy analysis of the collected information. This would also be achieved through the usage of positive statements, questions that would be interpreted similarly by the diverse members of the research population.

In order to ensure that more individuals would be in a better position to respond to the questionnaires to be designed, computerized adaptive administration, face to face mode, and the pencil and paper methods of questionnaire administration would be integrated into the data collection process. Personal administration of questionnaires would however mainly be employed due to its ability to enhance rapport with the concerned respondents and usage of detailed questions hence a better response rate. Telephone administration of questionnaires would be employed to cater for the distanced respondents.

Secondary Data Collection
Secondary data would be done on the available information that relates to the already collected and published ethical issues in network design and related networked computerized systems. A detailed study would be done on both the qualitative and the qualitative secondary sources of data such as journals, diaries, statistics, information on various websites, information in the national archives and the various books written on the research topic. Diverse books and published journals that relate to various networking challenges would be studied and vital information to the research utilized in the actual research process. This would be fundamental in ensuring that the actual research does not dwell so much on the already existing ethical issues but rather concentrate on the loopholes in the researches. The information collected would also guide through the qualitative and content analysis of the existing data and the collected from the sample population (Halen Vezzoli and Wimmer 2005, pp. 401-531). The secondary data collection methods would save time, effort, and money. Due to the computerized nature of network design systems, official statistics would be used due to their efficiency and highly standardized manner.

Based on the scope of the research on the ethical issues in network systems design, interview research method would be a very crucial research tool to be employed. To reduce the overall cost of the research process, telephone interviews would mainly be used. This would drastically reduce the cost of travelling to the location where the interviewees are located.  Interviews would also facilitate the availing of network systems design information that is mainly considered to be private and which if revealed is perceived to undermine the proper functioning of the research process. Interviews would also facilitate firsthand data collection which is likely to be more reliable.

The interviews would be employed as a qualitative research method in order to fill gaps that that would not have been catered for in the usage of questionnaire sampling and the secondary methods of data collection. Informal and conventional interviews would be employed in some situations in order for the research interviewer to remain adaptable and open to the interviewees nature, priorities, and environment. However, in cases where face to face interviews would be conducted, an environment with the least destructions would be chosen inn order to adhere to the confidentiality norms and regulations of the research. Only research assistants that have clear conscience, knowledgeable in network design systems, gentle, steering the course of the interview, remembering, and with a strong interpretive abilities would be employed as interviewers. In order to fully address the research question, the stages of interview investigation which include thematizing, designing of the research questions, interviewing, transcribing, analyzing, verifying, and reporting would all be used.

Project Plan
The project outline would guide in the research process execution and control in order to achieve the desired goals.

Work to be done
The research project would ensure that it fully exploit all relevant issues related to network system design. This would then ensure that networked systems that are designed not only meet the set computer ethical code of ethics, but also cater for the social and human aspects of networking for both the users and the network design team. Rejection of systems and resistance to the networked system would ultimately be avoided ones all ethical aspects of network systems design are addressed in the research.

The Research Team
The research team would include the project researcher with three research assistants and two research advisors. Data entry clerks would help in entering the data which would have been collected from the research questionnaires into a computerized system. The data analyst would offer guidance to the junior data clerks, in the absence of the key project researcher, on the diverse ways of interpreting the collected data (Halen Vezzoli and Wimmer 2005, pp. 401-531). Additionally, the information technology experts would be crucial team members in the research as they would offer guidance on various research related information technology and ethical issues in network systems design. Furthermore, financial management experts would be involved in the project to enhance accountability and proper allocation of the collected funds. Other individuals who are likely to be part of my research team include, but are not limited to fellow researchers in the IT industry, research coordinators, business ethics and human resource personnel experts, and research administrative assistants. The research team to be involved indicate that the correct combination of the members on the team with unique skills, personality types, and abilities would facilitate the achievement of collaborative tension would be of essence (Jonas 1979, 110-156).

Research Timeline and Expected Outcomes
The research process is estimated last for seven months from the time of inception to the period when the results are published. The research timetable details are as indicated below

Table 1 Summary of the Research Timing and the expected Outcomes
DurationActivityResearch Deliverables4 weekWriting of the research proposal and presenting it to the sponsors and key research advisors, proposal (tactical issues) call for research-Written research pre-proposal3 weeks- Approval of the research proposal and commitment of sponsors
-Assembling of the research team, orientation and training-finalized research proposal
-complete research team1 weekPreparation for the research Literature, subscribing to dailies, journals, advisor consultation, and drafting questionnaire-detailed understanding of the research process and topic9 weeksResearch Start theoretical framework start -Research theoretical framework5 weeksAdministering questionnaires and Receiving the completed questionnaires and selection of authentic ones-Completed questionnaires3 weeksData entry, analysis of the findings and interpretation-Computerized findings tables, charts, figures3 weeksDocumentation and Presentation of the research findings to various stakeholdersComplete documented research project results

Privacy of individuals and personal property is normally compromised whenever uncontrolled security surveillance is undertaken. To avert the ethical challenges that hinder attainment of set goals in the network design process, various measures would be undertaken in the research process to ensure that diverse ethical issue related to networking and network design process are exploitatively dealt with. The research project on the various ethical issues would hence increase objectivity, both internal and external validity, reliability, authenticity, cost effectiveness, and acceptance of the network systems designed.

Project Proposal The Effects of Computer on Children

1.0 Abstract
This study will investigate the impacts of computer on children. To ensure the intended analysis is achieved, the study will explore the crucial issues of learning, social and psychological development, entertainment and health which may be affected by childrens computer use. The major hypothesis that will be tested is there are no detrimental effects on children using computers and other related technologies, such as the internet. As will be pointed out in the research, computers and the internet have become essential in todays world. However, they have been received with mixed reactions with several people terming them beneficial to children, while others discouraging early exposure to children due to the likely adverse effects. To aid this study, ten parents, twenty teachers and a hundred children (between the ages of three to twelve years) will be interviewed and the questions to be used will be

2.0 Introduction
In recent years, computers have become a tremendous and indispensable part of the society. They have changed individuals sense, time and space. Besides, they have profoundly impacted on the lives of many children worldwide. Through extensive utilization, children have become strongly associated with computers in places, such as childcare centres, schools and homes. The traditional approaches of classroom learning have greatly changed, as computers plus other related technologies like the internet are presently playing a major role in childrens development (Sanger et al., 1997). The intense, excessive or extreme use of computers has left a number of parents, educators and other concern individuals to speculate whether this is beneficial or harmful. Researches have indicated that computers contain an insightful impact on various critical issues of childrens lives, such as education, health, entertainment, social and psychological relationship. The association between children and computer lies in nothing but in two extremes of either being detrimental or helpful. Devoid of appropriate and timely supervision, children may end up suffering from psychological, social and physical consequences from prolonged use of computer and related technologies. On the other hand, appropriate guidance from both parents and educators can enable children to acquire valuable experience with computers, thereby lessening the anticipated negative effects (Sanger et al., 1997)

2.1 Research Question
The focus of the proposed paper covers the area of computers and other interrelated technologies, such as the internet in children. The primary objective is to explore and examine the impacts of computers on children. A fundamental approach and backing secondary resources will be utilized in the research paper which will be strongly guided by the primary research question
What are the consequences of computer exposure on children
To effectively explore and analyze the fundamental research question, a number of extra questions will be extracted from the primary one and utilized to widen the scope of research by analyzing specific critical issues that could impact children by using computers. The specific additional questions that will be explored comprise
What are the consequences of computer on early childhood learning
How do computers and other related technologies affect the social and psychological development of children
What are the effects of computer entertainment programs, such as computer games on children
Are there any beneficial or harmful impacts of extensive use of computers on the health of children

2.2 Hypothesis
H1 there are no detrimental effects on children using computers and other related technologies like the internet.

3.0 Literature Review
According to a study by Haugland (2003), children of the age three to four years are developmentally set to use or explore computer functions, thus educators always perceive computer centres as helpful to childrens learning. Young children are curious and comfortable clicking a number of functions to observe what would happen next. As well, Research has indicated that children who utilize computer along with other supporting activities, which strengthen the objectives of learning have appreciably greater developmental benefits than children with no computer skills. Haugland (2003) asserted that the use of computer programs in classroom learning benefits children in acquiring skills in a number of areas, including typing, vocabulary, mathematics, conceptual and abstraction skills. The advantages of offering computer learning programs to primary-grade or kindergarten children differ depending on the type of computer skills provided and how often children have access to computers.

The probable benefits for primary and kindergarten are incredible, comprising enhanced motor skills, improved mathematical thinking, increased creativity, problem solving and elevated scores on critical thinking tests. Additionally, computer use in learning improves childrens self concept, and also allows children to depict increasing levels of cooperation and spoken communication. Children share various roles, including leadership more often and develop optimistic attitudes towards learning process (Haugland, 2003). Similarly, Isikoglus (2003) research found that there is a positive relationship between computer use and childrens metacognition. Having regular access to computer or using a computer at home has shown to have a positive impact on metacognitive development of children. On contrary, there are several individual who fear use of computers in the early childhood learning as they anticipate negative impacts on cognitive development of children. According to research conducted by Elkind (1998), computer learning software for children is both detrimental and wasteful. The research further avers that computer programs never match with childrens learning styles and thus they are not a best choice for developing learning skills in children (Elkind, 1998).

That said, computers and other interrelated technologies like the internet have been described by several credible researchers as a double edged sword to children. This is because while they offer various learning opportunities to children, the internet and computers expose young children to negative contents. Though the internet offers essential benefits, such as socialization, research access, family communication and entertainment, it predisposes children to negative issues, such as hate sites, commercialism, violence, predators, pornography and isolation (Cheon, 2005). There are lots of website that have been considered injurious to children, and they include those that are sturdily devoted to negative content like violent online games, pornography as well as gambling. According to Cheon (2005) twenty five percent of the 1, 501 children interviewed of between the ages of ten to seventeen years reported getting exposed to pornographic materials while accessing the internet. Thus, allowing children utilize this technology unmonitored may perhaps adversely affect their psychological development, as admittance to explicit sexually material at a tender age can be very harmful to a childs well-being. Whats more, Cheon (2005) indicated that children exposed to violent computer games are more likely to be violent, hostile and aggressive and antisocial than those devoid of such exposure.
Conversely, both the internet and computers have greatly modernized the way people communicate, permitting children to maintain and make new-fangled friends online. Websites like MySpace, Facebook and E-mail are well recognized worldwide and are broadly used by children in either making new online friends or maintaining old ones. This has provided children with a novel source of interaction, where they are able send and receive messages worldwide in just a moment. Todd and Swaminathan (2002) stated that through web applications, such as YouTube, Facebook and Myspace, children are able to share ideas and express their creativity with the rest of the world. Besides, when children are interacting through computer technologies they acquired several social skills, including problem solving, conflict resolution and cooperative learning strategies (Todd and Swaminatham, 2002).

Entertainment through computer games is becoming one of the valuable activities of children in the current world. Various studies have indicated a negative relationship between amount of computer game played and childrens school performance (e.g.  Gentile et al., 2004). Generally, a preponderance of researches indicates that children who spend much of their time playing computer games perform poorly in schools. However, the contents f computer games children involve in could greatly influence the connection between poor performance in schools and amount of play. For instance, if children or kindergartens play educational games, they are less expected to portray deficiency in school performance, whist children who play non-educational computer games often perform poorly (Gentile et al., 2004).

Even though computer games are solely designed to provide entertainment to children, most of them comprise violent contents. The recent investigation of computer games show that a whopping eighty nine percent of computer games encompass some violent information. This implies that majority of the computer games being played by children contain violence. The popularity of violent computer games has encouraged research on the probable injurious impacts on children as well as adolescents (Gentile et al., 2004). On the other hand, a study conducted by Cheung and Chen (2009) found that computer games facilitate childrens learning process. The finding showed that computer games not only enhance childrens fact recall processes, but also encourages problem solving skills through identifying manifold solutions for problems. The study further indicated that well designed computer games can replace conventional teaching approaches, such and lectures as well as textbooks (Cheung and Chen, 2009).
That aside various scholarly literatures show that computer use in children has both beneficial as well as harmful impacts on health. For instance, certain computer programs or games which are utilized as a comprehensive program may provide intervention for autistic children. Also, children experiencing painful intervention for diseases, such as cancer may use specific computer programs or inimitably designed computer games to divert themselves from an extended period of pain (Goldsmith  LeBlanc, 2004). Researches have as well found that computer use can greatly enhance childrens mental faculties like eye-hand coordination. For instance, extra intelligent computer games like puzzle and strategy games can enhance problem solving, thereby providing rational stimulation. However, there is an array of reported negative impacts of computers on the health of children. Most of these negative impacts are as a result of prolonged or extensive use of computer. Children susceptible to photosensitive and epileptic seizures are likely to experience convulsions due to rapid flickering of the screen, especially when playing games. Too, computer use renders children to sedentary kind of lifestyle with poor exercise or inactive (Charpe, 2009). This predisposes them to ailments, such as back pain, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heartmuscle problems.  

4.0 Methodology
The fundamental aim of this research will be to explore the impacts of computer on children. For this aim to be achieved, the research will adopt both primary as well as secondary materials to collect data that will be analyzed later to explore the fundamental research question. In 1987, Patton asserted that adopting primary and secondary materials is advantageous in any research, as it escalates the accuracy and validity of the gathered information. Primary information will be collected mainly by use of in-detail interviews with10 parents, 20 teachers and 100 children (3-13) who the researcher believes that they have pertinent information regarding computer use in children. The rationale is that their verbal responses may roughly mirror significant veracity on the ground. Bearing in mind that computer use by children has been received with mixed reactions, its therefore expected that parents, teachers and even children themselves would be well familiar with effects of computers on critical issues, such as education, health, entertainment, social and psychological development.

Though primary information is given the first priority, in most cases it reflects personal experiences and views. Thus, the researcher intends to utilize secondary information through thorough literature review steered by already developed theoretical frameworks on effects of computers, particularly in children. An in-depth document research will be carried out to guarantee that the researcher just utilizes valid and reliable research data. Thus, the entire research will adopt positivist research method that will assist improve the reliability and accuracy of the research results. Positivist philosophical paradigm involves, quantification of variable measures, hypothesis testing and drawing of deductions from the findings. This philosophical paradigm enriches the research course by relating actual data with well researched and already developed information on the study in question (Corbin and Anselm). Interview has been agreed to as the preferred method for gathering primary information because its more flexible and adaptable than other methods, such as questionnaire used in primary data collection. Seidel (1998), avers that interview is a better method of gathering primary information, as it integrates not just formal responses, but also captures communications which can never be gathered using a questionnaire. Such communications include body language, voice tone and facial expressions of the interviewer. The researcher is consequently certain of the potential of gathering information which could have been overlooked if a questionnaire method was utilized.

As earlier pointed out, ten parents, twenty teachers and a hundred children (3-13) will be approached to be respondents in this study. The researcher believes that their amalgamation will donate substantially to pragmatic, sensible and practical views of the computers effects on children. To guarantee reliability of the interview data, questions will emanate from available literature materials on the research subject to ensure that crucial issues and vital computer-children related questions are covered conclusively. According to Seidel (1998), existing literature is very helpful in developing interview questions, as it allows the researcher(s) to supplely structure questions to gather just pertinent data on the particular research. Whats more, much effort will be geared toward structuring interview questions in way to primarily gather realistic data as contrasted to individual opinions. Realistic information is considered to be more accurate than personal opinions in a study, since opinions are susceptible to changes and they are both theoretically unreliable and subjective.

5.0 Reflection
This section covers some of the sensible issues that may hinder the researcher from acquiring the necessary data as well as upholding to the subject under study. The researcher is conscious of the following issues which may influence the way in which this research will be done.

Access of materials Interviewees will give their consent, but the researcher is aware that crucial issues can come up making them unavailable during the schedule time of interview. As a precaution against this, significant time will be allocated by the researcher to efficiently cater for any surprising circumstances.

The researcher anticipates teaming up with the interviewees to access inside literature materials, but there are probabilities that all sources of interest may never be obtained and this may adversely affect the gathering of secondary data.

Ethical considerations the researcher is pretty conscious of ethical considerations, mostly that of permission and confidentiality. The researcher is dedicated to adhere to all aspects of professionalism when conducting the study and will ensure that material gathered in the study will be utilized for the intended purpose. Moreover, the researcher will write a formal interview request to all interviewees as a way of seeking permission. Its the expectation of the researcher that obtaining a formal written consent from the proposed respondents will act as an excellent tool to signify their commitment and permission to accept the interview.

6.0 Conclusion
The study will investigate the consequences of computer use in children. The major focus will be on the critical issues which will be utilized to investigate the impacts of computers on children. In appreciation that computers and other related technologies like the internet have increasingly become part of the society, this research will as well seek to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of early exposure of children to this novel technology. After receiving feedback from the instructor regarding this proposal, the researcher will then continue to collect the essential resources, comprising literature review and interview schedules. This will later be followed by a steady collection of relatable information in accordance to the schedule set in the Gantts chart. This research is quite heartening, bearing in mind the approaches adopted for data collection and the researcher is optimistic that it will not just impel peoples knowledge on the impacts of computers on children, but will as well donate to a sturdy professional and academic development in this area.

7.0 Time Schedule
The time allocation for dissimilar tasks throughout the research project is clearly stipulated in the Gantts chart below. (All dates are tentative)
ID Task Name April 2010MayMayMayJune260430041055051005110525052605310510610061.Abstract Review
2.Literature review
3.Interviewing  Document Search
4.Data Analysis  Evaluation
5.Write up Dissertation
6Submit Dissertation


This paper is a reflection on the theme of just compensation. There are certain aspects of a business that need to be addressed especially in the accounting function. As such, the operations within the financial department guide and dictate the just ways to remunerate the workers. Trends in the market such as inflation, supply and demand, government policy, and market mechanism just to mention a few may affect the revenue of the business either positively or negatively. The remuneration package to all workers depends on the profits realized. The CEO has a managerial and moral responsibility in safeguarding the interests of the workers and ensuring that distributive justice prevails. Therefore, the CEO has a very big responsibility in ensuring that all workers get just payments accordingly. To do the opposite is a neglect of duty on their part and in fact, a contradiction of their professional requirements. In this regard, a CEO proves hisher professionalism by how best she oversees the accounting functions. Again, it can be inferred that a company whose CEO is failing in hisher duty to ensure a good and sound accounting function, is not well and sufficiently qualified such a CEO is acting unprofessionally.

In the modern world today the issue of compensation or pay is one of the contested issues in many companies or work related institutions. Whenever a job seeker is out to prospect for greener pastures they are very keen on the kind of compensation offered. In fact, the search for greener pastures is influenced by the desire for better wages andor salaries. While at work places, the workers are very keen at how their managers remunerate them and if at all their pay is just and worthwhile.  In addition, the employees will compare their remuneration with other members of staff in the institution and also from other surrounding companies. Mainly, they would want to compare their take home pay with other similar professionals in other fields. This study therefore seeks to reflect on the trends taking place in the global world especially on the issue of just compensation and the adverse intricacies involved in it. Practical evaluation of different case studies will also be considered. The views of Karl Marx will also be incorporated especially the doctrine of labor theory of value or surplus value.

Accounting Function
The accounting function of every company serves as the heart of that company. Looking at the functions of the heart in the human body, if it fails to function fully then the individual may collapse, deteriorate in function or even die. The accounting function serves the same purpose. By analogy, it can be argued and justifiably so that if the accounting functions of the company fail to function fully and with transparency and accountability, the entire operations of the company may slow down, collapse or even be declared bankrupt. In other words, this status is what can be referred to as the insolvency. Normally, an insolvent company is the one that has its liabilities exceed its assets. Such a status cannot even enable the company discharge its creditors or prepare good remuneration to the employees. The processing of the payments is done under the payroll department. In the same department, the design of other allowances such as bonuses, medical allowances, or retirement packages just to mention a few also constitute majorly on the issue of just compensation.

The point here is that for a company to be able to process quality payments to its employees there are so many factors to be considered. This is to enable one view the issue of just compensation from its dual point of views. In other words, a company can fail to execute just compensation to its employees not because the management is corrupt but because the company is experiencing economic hard times. Indeed, there are economic factors that can influence the performance of the business, for instance, global inflation, demand and supply trends, government policies, availability of resources, low markets and so on and so forth.

To reiterate, it is important to consider the accounting function of any business before analyzing the theme on just compensation. This is because any type of injustice or flaws or frauds, all occur in the payroll department. Again by looking at the dual aspect of a business as mentioned above, it will widen the scope and hence provide a more comprehensive and integrative approach to just compensation.

Business Trends
Inflation occurs when the prices of the product are either low or high. In this context the income of the employees is not able to meet the challenges of the day. A deeper reflection on this will indicate that the businesses around are not able to remunerate their workers to levels that they can enable them cope with the adversities of inflation. So, to this extent, it may seem that the workers are not getting just wages. The options are only two raise their pay or retain the pay as agreed in the contract. The company may not be able to raise the pay if it is not doing well. Remember that, every business prepares its payroll from the profits realized through the sales revenue. Note again that salary preparations depend entirely on the profits realized and this realization should be in a timely manner. Consider the following case study Company X deals with manufacturing of milk related products in the State of Kansas. Its monthly turnover rate is 1000, 000. This turnover rate enables the company to set aside 500,000 for the remuneration of the staff. Or better still an amount of 500,000 goes to the payroll department to process payments. Due to inflation, the sales go down due to low consumption of milk related products in Kansas State. The company reports a decreased rate in its actual turnover rate of 1000, 000 to 500,000. This is a 50 decrease hence by mathematical implication the payroll may reduce the salaries with 50 too. In this regard, instead of setting aside 500,000 it might set aside 250,000. Further to this, the salary of each payment will go down by half. This is serious. The one who gets 20,000 will therefore get 10,000.

The case illustrated above can also be used to explain the trends when the demand and supply are unstable. The rule is that if the demand of the milk related products of company X above is high then the supply will also be high, hence more revenue will be generated. Again, if the demand for the milk related products are low then the supply will be low, hence less revenue will be generated. The financial implications to company X will be similar to those illustrated above. This will be the same case in the context of low markets. Low markets are literally characterized by unstable trends in demand and supply and inflation. Once again, the effects will be similar to those illustrated above.

Government policies influence not only the consumer choice but also the performance of many businesses. This can occur due to the tax policies, tariffs and custom duty among others. Companies will try as much as possible to evade operations that are highly taxed. Again the business may fail to meet its salary budgets since its expenses in settling the tax fee are more. Again tough policies may lessen the performance of the business hence reducing its penetration in the markets. This can even make the business close down.

Subjectivity in Just Compensation
The employee can determine the weight of hisher remuneration. This means that one can influence the quality of hisher earnings as pertains to hisher negotiation skills, competency and assertiveness. This occurs during interviews when one is been considered for a post in a company. Normally one would be asked to state the salary scale of preference. In this event one can quote very highly or one can quote very low. There are employers who will go by what the interviewee quotes. For instance, she can quote 60,000 for the post of a doctor and yet the employer has the potential to pay himher 100,000. Again, an interviewee can quote 100,000 and yet the employer can only afford to pay 60,000.

This may influence what the employer will pay the new employee for the rest of hisher service with the company. Now, in case there emerges an issue about just compensation in that the employee may learn that other institutions get 120,000 for the post of a doctor while she is getting 60,000 the employer may defend his course on the terms of contract. This means therefore that the employee agreed to or consented to that kind of remuneration. So, the issue of just compensation may take this dimension in that employees invite it in their career lives due to lack of information by the time they get into a new job, and especially if it is for the first time.

In this regard, the intensity of compensation that ought to influence employees in their selection of a job and particularly the decision to accept the job, may be adversely contaminated by the ignorance of the new employee in gauging whether what she is getting is just or unjust compensation. It is impossible for them to determine if they are over remunerated or under remunerated. However, with time and after a moderate long service in their companies they will interact with other colleagues in different institutions. In so doing, they will assert if they are getting fair and just compensation.

Objectivity in Just Compensation
This will be discussed at length since it is the major theme in this study. Here, it shall explore the theme of just compensation in many dimensions. It is important to note that compensation is not only a way to improve performance of the employee but it is a moral promotion of the dignity of the employee as a person. It is both a production incentive and a moral issue (Boatright 225). In this light, compensation shifts from being an economic factor to being a moral factor. Therefore, whenever one complains about being unjustly remunerated she is actually addressing a moral issue. She is advancing a moral complaint.

It was indicated above that certain trends in business can influence the accounting function of the business. In other words, it can make compensation go high or low. Consider the example of company X in Kansas State above. It was indicated that low remuneration may subject the employees to meager incomes and as a result become unable to meet their basic needs. In this event, a society sinks into unjust situations. It can be argued and justifiably so that the employers are not elevating their staffs from this bad and unjust situation by not paying them just wages.

It had been mentioned earlier that the government directives do influence the policies of companies. It can set the pace of compensation that will cut across the board. The wage that is set for all workers is referred to as the market-clearing price (Boatright 226). This makes it possible and an obligation for all employers to remunerate their workers at a standardized price which is also perceived to be the most efficient scale. The benefits of this government policy becomes benefits not only the employee but also the employer in that they will detect possibilities of overcompensation to certain employees.

Marketing-clearing price has almost same features with minimum wages set by the government. Legally, an employer may be subjected to pay hisher workers certain levels of payments in regard to the different professions. These minimum wages are geared towards enabling average citizens to realize their everyday basic needs. It was indicated earlier that the employee may determine the amount which they will get from their employers. They can end up quoting low compensation scales where the employer may approve knowingly that they are low compensation. In other words, the employer takes advantage of the ignorance of the new employee. It is illegal to consciously endorse payments that are unjust. In this regard, the moment it becomes an illegal thing it also loses moral value and justification.
It is important to note that compensation structures are an inherent factor in the relationships companies establish with their staff. For a longer period of time now, surveys indicate that pay systems are a major way in bringing market like labour exchanges within the organizations. In this view, only economic reflections count in understanding how remuneration systems impact the organizations and its workers. Advanced surveys in the organizations mainly on issues of equity and fairness indicate that a sound understanding of the effect of the remuneration systems needs an examination in the respective effects in the psychological order, social order, and moral order (Matt 1).

It has been indicated earlier that the government can direct employers to pay certain wages at minimum. However, even in those instances where employers are obligated to advance just compensations, there are still noticeable misunderstandings as to what constitutes equity and fairness in given moments. The modalities of distributive justice emphasize that the basic needs of the individual be addressed first. This is the rationale behind the policy of minimum wage. It also aims at creating an equal environment that is devoid of discrimination. For example, employees of company Q may feel more privileged compared to employees of company R. With the execution of minimum wage, the employees of company R will feel that they are earning a recommended wage across the board.

Fairness in compensation is deeply rooted within the principles of distributive justice. Here, what is important is the promotion of human dignity that the employees possess. It can be argued that employment does not replace the dignity of the employees at all. Once an employer decides to hire the service of an individual, she consciously or unconsciously hires the whole of the person. Therefore, one cannot purport that she is interested with the services only and forget that they are proceeding from a whole human person.  For instance, when a company hires a technician and only seeks to care for the technician only in the light of being their technician then they are not promoting hisher human dignity. However, they seek to remunerate himher relies wholly on the technician as a human person and with dignity. In the event they treat him as a technician and that is all, then they are taking hisher being as a means to an end and fail to regard himher as an end in himselfherself.

There is another class of employees in the ordinary level, who are not identified with any institution, equity and fairness in such instances with respect to compensation is grounded on the tenets of commutative justice.

CEO Compensation
It is believed that compensation depends on who one is in a given institution or the position one has in an organization. This kind of privileges can attract unjust compensations. Here, unjust compensation implies arbitrary overpayments to the top officials even when they do not deserve it. Normally, the employees cant dispute this as it may lead to immediate sucking or cold war. Again a CEO is in a position to control every function of the company such that she directs how much to be paid to hisher salary account. On the other hand, junior staff can elevate their CEOs such that they even raise their salary scales. This can occur in the accounting department where the junior staffs literally assign more compensation to the CEO. This popularly occurs in Americas CEOs who out of gluttony endorse their paychecks. On the other hand, CEOs are highly compensated on the perception that they are proficient in their services to the organization (Macdonald 1).

The salary advanced to an American CEO includes a base salary, bonuses, incentive projections, lavished fringe benefits and stock grants not forgetting also stock options. All this comprise hisher compensation package. This increased wages can lower opportunities for new employment as companies seek to cut more labour costs. It is discouraging to note the gap between the junior employees and the CEO in regard to compensation where the CEO takes home almost 500 times the compensation of the average worker. It is noted that the period between 1993 and 2000, the standard remuneration of the CEO increased by 470, while the pay of the average worker only rose with a mere 42. This is only 6 points ahead of the rate of inflation (Boatright 230).

The CEO has a managerial and moral responsibility to report any deficiencies in the accounting function. She should provide accounting information to the Auditors regarding the financial operations of the company. He should ensure that no frauds occur in the business. It had been mentioned earlier that fraud or flaws in the accounting function can adversely affect the compensation procedures of the company. Therefore, the CEO has a very big responsibility in ensuring that all workers get just payments accordingly. To do the opposite is a neglect of duty on their part and in fact, a contradiction of their profession. In this regard, a CEO proves hisher professionalism by how best she oversees the accounting functions. Again, it can be inferred that a company whose CEO is failing in hisher duty to ensure a good and sound accounting policies, is not well and sufficiently qualified such a CEO is acting unprofessionally.

Indeed, just compensation is a very important aspect in any business enterprise if it is to perform successfully. A company that does not justly remunerate its employees is risks being insolvent. The workers play a very productive role in any business enterprise. Their salary package acts as the core motivation of their service and I concur with the fact that no worker is willing to give service for free. We all need to meet our everyday needs no matter the job. I concur that in a just society its people live above poverty line. No just society can be full of cases where its people are not able to fulfill, at least, their basic needs.

Just compensation is not only an economic issue but also a moral issue. It should always be regarded as such. I believe that there are external factors that can influence the process of remuneration in a company. Trends in demand and supply, inflation, government policies and market mechanisms play a significant role in this respect.

It is true that the CEOs have a managerial and moral responsibility in ensuring that distributive justice thrives in across the company. To reiterate, it is the responsibility if the CEOs to ensure that the accounting department rewards justly every employee. There it will be inconsistent to have CEOs who are just interested on accumulating more wealth at the detriment of other workers. It is impressive when the government sets minimum wages as this will promote fairness and above all ensure that all workers get only that pay which will enable them fulfill their needs.