Pro-choice Abortion

Abortion all along has been major subject of debate in the historical and present United States of America. This has also attracted attention to the rest of the world. Abortion is a procedure of surgery that is aimed at the termination of a pregnancy. A coin has two sides this is saying that has been applied whenever people are talking about abortion. Like a coin, the topic has all through been tackled from two sides. Many people of whom I am are pro-choice. These are the people who hold support for the abortion process. They are convicted that a woman who is pregnant should be given the right to make a decision concerning the baby they are carrying. This essay seeks to prove that the woman who is pregnant has a right to abort or not.

On the other hand, there is the other side of the coin of the pro-life. These are those people who are ever against the issue of abortion regardless s of the condition. It is their belief that a child should be given an opportunity to live even if the mother wont chose to be with the child. They hold firm to this even if the child is going to be adopted by another person by all means, they are convicted that the child has a right to live. This is a huge controversy since we all dwell in a social grouping of humanity in which every person has the right and freedom to follow their own efficacy. Over the years, abortion has occurred in very many occasions. In the ancient past, there was no advanced technology and at the same time, abortion was carried out. As a result, many deaths occurred as well as health problems. Pro-life do not stand in support to abortion. The argument here is that an unborn baby is being killed. The decision of abortion according to pro-life causes murder. They also argue that it is a hazardous procedure where the mother is also at risk.  Pro-life supporters are of the opinion that there are other options which could serve better than procuring an abortion.

For example, adoption could be an option to some reasons as to why some women prefer an abortion. The process of adoption could give a home as well as a family to the child where it can receive love. The pro-life have the conviction that there are quite a good number of people who are prepared to take the responsibility of bringing up a child who is adopted. They are in support of getting a home for the baby than terminating its life. They are certain about many more options which are available to the unborn other than terminating its life. However, pro-choice will not be supportive to this ideology. They are convicted that it is okay to do away with that unborn one if we are not in a position to provide for it. This is more so if the money for taking care of the child is not available to bring the baby up as it should be. In some occasions, one of the two people responsible for the child may be reluctant in providing help to the baby. In such a case, the pro-choice will go for the option of abortion rather than letting the child to live.

Pro-choice are in preference of destroying completely the fetus instead of letting suffering come upon the parent as well as the child the moment it is born.  One other issue of major concern is that there could be complications of health. Health is a very imperative matter in many individuals. People have a lot of interest in hygiene and the whole subject of being clean. In the 1800s and the year 1973, abortion was an illegal action. However, during this time, women the number of abortions did not decline. In fact many women lost their lives to medical problems after trying to carryout abortions on their own because it was illegal and nobody was ready to carry out an operation on them. If not so, the women went for cheap abortion by doctors who did not offer cleanliness in the process. This was a risk of health and life. Pro-choice are of the opinion that this will help in protecting women from unhygienic conditions which affect their health. Pro-choice sates that when a woman procures an abortion on their own because of fear of arrest for engaging in a crime, there is likelihood that infection, uterine perforation as well as death can be a consequence.  The list of the problems that may result is endless bladder injuries, breast cancer, laceration of the cervix just to mention but a few (Complications you can have with abortion, 2006).

The activists of Pro-life say that the baby who is not yet born is alive and that it has feelings. This is when the heart starts to beat and therefore no termination of its life should be done owing to this fact. This is believed to be immoral as it is killing a human being. When an abortion is not procured, there is no issue about suffering or even having problems of health. It will also not transfer problems to the baby in line for the next birth. According to pro-life, an abortion should not be carried out in so as to deter problems of health for both the child and the mother. There is the other side of contention in which the pro-choice takes a center stage. They believe that relying on the situation, there is a chance of making decision. The fetus heart does not begin to beat until the eighteenth and twenty-fifth day, therefore the pro-choice group does not consider abortion at the stage to be a murder. The clinics could be open and the woman can be treated before the heart of the fetus starts beating, no waiting lists will cause delays in the procedures and will not have to worry about the delay and it being too late for the abortion. Pro-choice believe the mother has a right to terminate the pregnancy as she is a living life and the baby has still not yet born. Their argument is that the baby has no right to this decision.

Taking into consideration where the parents come from also plays a big role in making the decision whether or not the abortion should be performed. Family plays an important role in most of our lives. Making decisions are an agreement we are most likely to consult our family member for. We take into account the view and the teaching we have received from our family. Are the things we do right or wrong What is the effect of a wrong decision on our family What will society say about this decision There are numerous questions that arise. Abortion is a very big decision to be made in ones life.  Family is definitely to be taken into account at this situation. It does not have to involve them depending on the situation. But we sure do have to relate the pregnancy to our family. Societys actions against the family at the wrong act may destroy the familys reputation. Society may even affect the health of the family members. No one may want to keep a relationship with the particular family. A lot of familys believe that a woman cannot get pregnant without being married. It is a moral followed through generations and this could make the decision on have the child or abort it very complicated.
Pro-life supporter would not support the family if they decide to abort the child due to family rituals. They will prefer the child have a chance to live. They would argue that it is only a matter of nine months and then the mother can give the child for adoption. The mother will not be forced to keep the child in the family. They will also argue at the point the family is meant to be supportive of a situation, and a decision to abort the child is not right. Why abort the child when it is not the childs fault for the pregnancy This question will be raised from those that are against abortion. It is the mothers responsibility for the occurrence of the child. She should be able to face the circumstances and give the child a chance to live. Pro-choice supporters will not agree with pro-life supporter. The fact that the mother cannot face her own family is a good enough decision for the pro-choice group to terminate the pregnancy. Pro-choice will argue that the mother and the family has to live in this world, and society controls it, therefore in order to save the familys reputation it is not wrong to have an abortion. It is not fair for the entire family to suffer for the irresponsible behavior of the mother. It is only fair, in the view of pro-choice, to abort the child that will cause problems for the family and relatives. They would also argue that it could affect the future of the siblings of the family. Getting them married would be a problem, due to the unexpected pregnancy of the other family member (Knowles, 2008).

In conclusion, Abortion is a very difficult decision to be taken. It requires a lot of counseling and advice from others. It requires finances, backgrounds of families, societys views, career and emotional and physical health to take into account before making decision whether or not to abort the child or give it a chance to be able to fight the circumstances to come. I feel abortion should only be done in matters where women feel it may be most necessary. People should not pass judgment on others because abortion was probably a decision that pregnant women make after a lot of concerns and thinking. Many people say that they are pro-life but the second that they are placed in a harsh situation like incest or rape where abortion is an option the minds of many soon begin to change. A childs future lies in the hands of the parents.


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