Ethics, or the Lack Thereof, in the Workplace
Workplace ethics
The concept of business ethic involves what is wrong or right and doing the right in the workplace with regard to the effects of the organizations products and services. Constant fundamental changes in business environment have resulted to changes in values. Some values are never followed. Despite the fact that many organization leaders encounter complex dilemmas in their attempts to determine what is right or wrong in the organization, there is no clear moral guide to help them out. These leaders and staff are sensitized on their action by the attention to workplace ethics as it ensures retention of strong moral guide by mangers and leaders after their active struggle in times of confusion and crises in the workplace. An organization can get other numerous benefits through attention to workplace ethics. Many people do not take workplace ethics seriously. They consider workplace ethics and continuous attention to the workplace attention as the obvious -being good and not deceiving. (John et al. 2008).
Workplace ethics is divided into two broad areas -the managerial mischief and moral mazes. Managerial mischief include illegal or unethical questionable practices of managers, causes of the behavior, and how to curb the behavior. A lot of literature has focused on managerial mischief such that people believe workplace ethics involve giving basics of what is right and wrong. Moral maze of management include the many ethical problems handled, by managers in their day-to day practices, the wrongful use of resources, mismanagement of agreements and contacts and potential conflicts of interests among others. Doing the right thing is not as straightforward as it sounds and workplace ethical dilemmas are complex. These dilemmas are not a matter of should one steal, or should one lie. Ethics is a necessity for effective functioning of organizations. There are two major reasons for organizations to develop ethics. First, the society in which the organizations exist dictates a set of rules under which the organization should operate. Secondly, all organizations strive to achieve similar goals growth and development. Achievement of these goals is based on morals, standards and ethics of the society. As there are morals in the society where people with different values live, organizations where similar people work should also have morals. In the society, the values and standards are formed when different people starts living together. This is similar in organizations. Morals are developed when different people working in organization decides to develop on ways of achieving the set goals.
Business practices and operations are based on ethics which combines many interests and values. These standards, interests and values within an organization are considered as mutual respect as they involve the interests of every stakeholder, and consider the people involved as ends. Value drives behavior. It exerts influence on attitude, which in turn influences our behavior. Below are core virtuous values that have universal appeal, and influence ethical behavior. Wisdom and knowledge involves the capacity to correct information, and change it to develop something useful. People get wisdom when they use their experience to and knowledge to interpret information in order to make wise decisions. One can only make the right move in ethical dilemma if he or she has knowledge to differentiate what is wrong and right.
Self controls, a core virtuous value enables people to move far from unethical temptations. For people to take an ethical path in workplace, they require commitment to act with temperance as value. In this case, they refuse their individual gain especially when it is not consistent with the gain and goodwill of the organization. Through this virtue organizations can curb corruption and selfishness. (Sims, 1991, pp. 500-502).
Transcendence, virtuous value enables stakeholders to recognize perfect and powerful things beyond themselves. Leaders and managers whose motivation is based on their personal power and interests are not effective. This value curbs self-absorption.
Leaders who practice justice and fair guidance as core virtuous values are able to treat employees fairly. When employees perceive they are treated well they also practice justice, and in return they pay with their expanded efforts and energy. For example leaders who are committed to justice do not give some employees and groups special treatment or favors. Instead they hold equal value for all employees especially in matters related to allocations of resources.
Courage and integrity values give courage to act ethically. The values help in differentiating wrong from right, and to act appropriately. They push people to do the right thing consistently without personal concern even in difficult situations.
To build and maintain a ethical culture in workplace, organizations should develop a comprehensive framework that considers training on issues related to compliance and ethics, communication and behavior expectations, resolution of stakeholders input and organizational structure. To continually maintain an ethical culture within the organization, the efforts should start from the top of the management chain moving down throughout the organization. Ethical leadership involves principled performance and behavior. Ethical leaders motivate employees and other stakeholders to be ethical. They model after management thus leaders should involve values in their daily practices for ethical culture. From a compliance perspective, strong ethical culture in an organization enhances business sense, and gi9uves the organization both financial and physical protection. Building an ethical workplace can be done on daily basis by developing code of ethics.
Management of ethics in workplace
In todays business environment, there are diverse values in the workplace, and it is critical to understand and manage such diverse values. Managing ethics in the workplace enhances both practical and moral benefits for organization managers and leaders. Traditionally, business ethic involved the practical needs of people involved in managing workplace ethics, such as of organizations managers and leaders. After the development of social responsibility movement in 1960s, workplace ethics was considered a management discipline. The movement increased the expectations of organizations to use social and financial influence to address social problems such as equal rights, environmental protection, improved education public health, crime and poverty among others.
Benefits of management of ethics in workplace
The society improves from attention to workplace ethics. The society was furious on unethical behaviors in workplace. Decades ago, there was no fairness in the workplace, and the equal rights did not exist either. Children and workers were overworked to an extent of torn limbs, and the disabled workers were starved and condemned to poverty. Markets were controlled by trusts that fixed prices and chocked out small businesses. As a result of trusts fixed-prices, the normal market crippled, harassment and intimidation were used to exert influence, and termination of employees was based on their personalities. To intervene, the society demanded high value on workers equal right and fairness, as this facilitated establishment of laws and regulations, unions, government agencies and Anti- trust law. (Shafritz, 1990).
Ethics programs enhance strong team work and subsequent productivity. In organizations where there are no workplace ethical programs or code of ethics, there are disparity between the actual behaviors reflected by the behaviors of employees and other stakeholders in the workplace and the preferred values. Each expresses individual behavior creating a common workplace with diverse values. Workplace ethical programs are able to align the behaviors of employee and other stakeholders in the organization with the best ethical values preferred by the managers and leaders of the organization. The program encourages frequent dialogue and attention on workplace values thus enhancing openness, community and integrity which are the major components of effective team in workplaces. Aligning the values of employees to the organizations values creates strong alignment of the employees and they get motivated to work at their best to produce more for the best performance of the organization.
Implementation of ethics program in an organization supports the meaning and growth of employees. Individuals have different ways of viewing things. The perspective at which employees view what is good or bad in an organization can be self-centered. Some employees fail to face the reality as a way of personal protection against condemnation. To ensure they are not accused of being wrong, some argue that they do not see anything wrong in their behavior or value. In organization with such employees it becomes hard for teamwork. Through attention to workplace ethics, employees can face the reality concerning the organization or themselves whether good or bad. They gain full confidence to admit and handle whatever comes their way.
Ethics programs facilitate legalizing of policies. They act as insurance policies. Currently, the number of lawsuits concerning personnel matters and effects of organizations products and services to the stakeholders and the community is increasing greatly. Such lawsuits are increasing due to diverse values among the stakeholders and the community. Organizations that has developed and implemented ethics programs use the ethical principles as legislation on major ethical issues. Through attention to ethics high ethical procedures and policies are developed in a workplace. Many organizations opt for costs associated with mechanisms of establishing ethical practices than the cost associated with litigations. The major purpose of well formulated and implemented personnel policies is to ensure the employees are treated ethically. For example in matters related to firing, disciplining, evaluating and hiring. This means that an employer who creates a gap between the actual practice and the stated organizations culture can be accused of failing to comply with the promises made on the contract and the subsequent legal and ethical implications. (Francis, David 1991, pp. 9).
Ethic programs facilitates in management of values related with strategic management, quality management and diversity management. For effective performance of any organization strategic planning, diversity management and quality management is essential. These programs also require behavior to align with values. Through quality management, the practices involved in the organization focus on production quality products and services. The programs are involved in identification of organizations preferred values and they ensure the behavior of the organization align with the identified values, and enlightens the personnel about the procedures and policies. This effort is vital in the many programs organization which require an alignment of values and behavior. Total quality management requires priority on operating values such as reliability, performance trust among stakeholders, feedback and measurement. Ethics tools are used by various organizations to enhance integrity in organization-stakeholders relationship. Techniques of ethic management are necessary in management of strategic values as they reduce costs and expand the market share. Organizations can integrate the ethics programs in strategic planning. Since diversity is acknowledging different perspectives and values, ethics management programs can be used in recognition and application of diverse perspectives and values. (Thompson, 1991, pp. 155).
Code of ethics
Some business ethicists do not see any value in codes. They argue that the codes have too much in themselves and they are not influential in workplace ethics management in workplace. However the most important part of code in managing of ethic is its development and continuous dialogue about the values it contain. Often employees respond to codes with suspicion, but managers and leaders should consider having a code especially when managing complex issues. Organizations should not wait for a crisis in order to develop a code. Rather it should be developed beforehand. Although a sound crisis management has no substitute, a code containing a list of people with fundamental knowledge can be great significance in a crisis. The size of an organization determines the code of ethics to be developed. Although an overall corporate code of ethics can serve in a very large organization, the organization should provide individual departments and programs with separate codes as guide. Some organizations develop insufficient codes as they are developed out of legal and human resource departments only ensuring the policies are legal. (Brenner, 1992, pp. 396). In order to develop sufficient codes, the top management should involve the staff in the ethics program.
Guidelines when developing sufficient code of ethics
Review values that need to adhere to regulations and law. This ensures the organization does not violate any of them. More priority is given to values that help the organization operate effectively complying with the regulations and laws.
Review values that produce the best four traits of most ethical and successful services products in the area. These traits can be accuracy, confidentiality and objectivity like in case of accountants. Identify values responsible for behaviors with the traits
Identify values required to address current issues in the workplace. This can be identified by interviewing key staff to gather information on major issues in the workplace.
Based on the findings, identify any values, needed during strategic planning. This can be achieved by reviewing SWOT analysis.
Consider the top ethical values top ethical values( if any ) that is capable of ,being prized by stakeholders
From the above steps, collect top 5-10 ethical values with high priorities in the organization.
Compose the code of ethics using values, associate two behaviors that reflect the two values.
Include words that show all employees should conform to the stated values. Including wordings of where employees can get answers of any question they might have.
Get review from organizations key members. Try and get input from several members
Announce and distribute the developed code of ethics. Make sure every member has a copy and post others in various departments within the organization
The codes should be updated at least annually
Application of ethics theories and concepts
Many ethicists base their arguments on the moral principle. They argue that there is always a right thing that can be done at particular time. Others believe that different situations determine the right thing that can be done. It is thus up on individual to decide on what they do, and what they believe is right. The right thing is not always the best thing to be done. According to philosophers ethics is science of conduct which includes the fundamental base rules under which we live. Moral values involve values which dictate how we should behave. For example responsibility, honesty, respect and fairness among others. Moral or ethical principles involve statements on how to implement these values in our lives.
According to the Utilitarianism concept human behavior should enhance the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people. This means that to determine what is right or wrong one should analyze all possible alternatives, and should choose the solution which favors the largest population. When individuals are caught up in moral dilemma, the right principle and the justice principle are considered. The right principles gives individuals moral rights which are associated with other individuals duties so as not to go against ones rights and duties and not to violate the rights of other people. The justice principles involve issues of equality, rights and fairness. A justice act treats people fairly, and respects the ones rights. There are three principles concerned with justice. In retributive justice, what is considered and matched with the punishment distributive considers circumstances or rather why while the compensatory justice is applied when an individual is wrong and compensate. For example a single mother of two is caught stealing medicine for a sick son. According to distributive justice, the judge will relate her with the society. She is single mother, has sick son, and has low income. Based on the retributive justice, the judge will not compromise with her. He will prosecute her as she was not forced to the wrong act, and there is a states program that could have helped her if she had enrolled. Following the compensatory justice, the woman will pay the company for stealing.
According to Kantianism theory, individuals motives determine whether their actions are right or wrong. Actions of these individuals are blamed or awarded based on their intentions in doing what they did, and why they did it. To explain this better, let us take this example John, a manager in a company interviews Jane and Cate for secretary posts. He starts with Jane who is very bright, and has higher level computer skills. Cate has basic knowledge on computing, she is not very bright but during the interview she drops dead gorgeous. After the interview, John hires Cate over Jane. In this case, He neglects the companys interests (skills) for his personal gain (Cate who attracted him). In this case Johns actions can be blamed on basis of his motives. (Orend, 2000).
The Egalitarian theory believes that in some respects people should be treated as equals. For example if two people are caught stealing, one shoplifting and the other, stealing a computer system from a shop, the punishment of the two should be similar and none of the two should be worthier than the other.
Libertarianism theory emphasizes on individuals right. The doctrine stresses the self-ownership right and the right to sole ownership of property and material resources. Example of this is advocates who oppose taxation in favor of free economic system.
Virtue ethics emphasizes on the moral character of people. According to this theory, individuals who practices Virtue ethics do not have self-gain motives. (Singer, 2000).
Summary analysis
We live in world full of ethics, full of different theories and concepts. From these contrasting concepts and theories it is hard to determine which one of them can solely help people through moral dilemma. Between the many contrasting situation people encounter in their day-to-day activities, and the various ways to handle the situations one should consider all these concepts and theories as every situation require a different solution, and should be considered from as many different perspectives as possible.
Workplace ethics is a necessity in organizations aiming at achieving set goals. For organizations to operate effectively workplace ethics should be managed. This can be achieved by developing ethics programs. Ethics programs enhance strong teamwork, growth and meaning of employees, it helps in management of values related to strategic management quality management and diverse management. Management of workplace ethics ensures an ethical culture. Ethics programs are necessary in identification of organizations preferred values and they ensure the behavior of the organization align with the identified values. They also enlighten the personnel about the procedures and policies. A code of ethics by itself is not enough to manage ethical culture in an organization. It requires at least annual review and constant dialogue with stakeholders about the values it contain
Conclusions and recommendation
I have learnt that value drives behavior. This paper has illustrated virtuous values which influences behavior. They include self control transcendence, courage and integrity, justice and fair guidance. I have learnt these virtuous values are part of workplace ethics as with self control enable employees to restrain from unethical temptation transcendence motivates stakeholders as they recognize powerful things beyond themselves courage and integrity enable employees to work ethically. Using virtuous values, concepts and theories of ethics, and code of ethics I can develop and maintain ethical culture in workplace, and as a leader of an organization, I can handle various ethical dilemmas.
Workplace ethics is recommended for organizations that intend to improve performance and to remain competitive. Organizations should maintain an ethical workplace culture through continuous management of workplace ethics. Organizations are recommended to incorporate the ethics theories and concepts and code of ethics in order to handle crisis and ethical dilemmas effectively.
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