Aristotle and Virtues of Character

Shylock was the central villainous character in Shakespeares play, Merchant of Venice. He has been portrayed as a person whose main aim was to extract revenge from Antonio, the friend of Bassanio, the husband of Portia. Shylock was a ruthless money lender of Jewish origin who was berated and abused by Antonio. Hence, Shylock had developed a loathing for Antonio and wanted to punish him. In Shakespearean times, money lending was one of the available careers among Jews and Shylock is depicted to be a person who feels he is justified in his actions. When Antonio cannot pay the interest back, he is asked to repay with a pound of flesh. Portia saves the day by finding a legal solution that if blood is shed then Shylock would be executed. Shylock is given a choice of converting to Christianity and forfeiting his profession which he is made to accept.

Aristotle was not in favor of usury as by charging exorbitant interests, a person was made to suffer if heshe could not repay the loan. In medieval times, the loan could pertain to all types of goods or services and not only money. So Antonio was asked to pay with a pound of flesh which was valid under the laws of that era. Aristotle had a puritanical viewpoint. Aristotles Sophia theory wherein Sophia means wisdom, the ability to judge between right and wrong is a necessary virtue. To Aristotle, Shylock did not possess any Sophia. Aristotles phronesis theory states that not only is an ethical end desirable for human good, but to achieve that end the path should be virtuous.(1) Portia was a wise lady who prudently helped save her husbands bosom friend. Antonio may not have been as wise as Portia but according to Aristotle, he would be better than Shylock as he did not cause any bodily harm to any person. Venice had a republican council which would have sat well with Aristotles egalitarian views.

Immanuel Kant was an 18th century thinker who had Anti Semitic views. To him Shylocks traits would have only reiterated his position on Jews (2). Shylocks famous lines Hath not a Jew eyes reflects the social injustice present in the minds of the people. Although Kant was a paradigmatic philosopher of the European Enlightenment, his generalizations about Jews may be approved well with todays world.

John Stuart Mill was a brilliant economist, philosopher and writer who was in favor of capitalism. Shylock, being a money lender by profession is an epitome of capitalism.(3) Mill would have been in favor of Shylocks business acumen. Shylock was wronged by Antonio who then approached him to get a loan in his hour of need. Shylock had become revengeful due to his public humiliation by the Genteel of the society. He was not the mean minded crook that he was portrayed to be. But Mill espoused moderation in his approach of capitalism. So, the pound of flesh would be taking the laws to the far extreme. Although Mill may have supported Shylock in his business venture, he would definitely not have supported him in practicing such base human behavior.


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