Women Domination in the World

Women are really made from the flesh of men- so there are no ways that they are better. Nowadays, countless women all over the world are showing that they have more to offer than just the spreading of bloodlines. But due to never ending stereotypes, they are viewed by the public as shadows working behind men to make him better. Way back from the Feudalism age, women are re-known for selling their own flesh just to earn living, but centuries had passed, they had shown invisible waterloos but still, they had never achieved the respect and equality they had always wanted.

Women Domination in the World
Despite the fact that there are tons of things a women can do better than a men, being viewed with equality and enough pride is still two worlds away.

The brilliance and versatility of women is a sure fact, it was never been a paradox. The American company WALMART had concluded that

For instance, for every dollar earned by white men in 1998, white women earn 78 cents, African-American women earn 67 cents, and Hispanic women earn 56 cents, according to Catalyst. More than 85 percent of Fortune 500 companies lack even one woman among their five highest earning officers.
If these women work better than those men, then they had surely wasted everything- their efforts, perseverance and their brilliance.

There are countless and invisible barriers that continuously block women for having a better source of living and equality among the society. It had started way back millenniums ago, during the World War I and II where women were considered as refreshments for exhausted men from a battle slaves that can pay the debt of their master- human sacrifices an even maids that can wipe their masters butt after making a mess. Ironically, it had seemed to mark every woman even nowadays. The sexiest discrimination for all time.

The so-called glass ceiling instilled to every women is hypothetically discriminating and flaring with shame. But its a unique, unfeasible glass that women keep on trying to break it for years now. They had made everything possible to at least uplift their selves, not totally over throw the race of men. But still, the society has seemed to keep their eyes shut with this truly noticeable problem. But then, they will continue to drain those disgrace that covered them and fly themselves out to the abyss of discrimination.


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