Learning through Experiences

An Analysis regarding different group occurrences using Tuckmans, Maslows and Honey and Mumfords Psychological Theories

This paper is a completion of several reflected recordings done to observe different behaviors of individuals. The objectives of this project are to compile ten human experiences while working individually or dealing within groups, to know how human beings are able to learn, to observe specific human activities and to understand these deeds with the help of some accepted theories regarding the psychological intellect.

First record This involved 12 individuals who were not acquainted with each other. They came from different places and they were taken to a single residential place to engage themselves into working with groups. These individuals were grouped together and performed different tasks including raft building team work and other exercises. As the exercises were conducted, it has been observed that most of the individuals couldnt arrive into a single decision for they displayed several disagreements within the group.

Analysis This situation occurred probably because of incompatibilities within the group. Members didnt know each other resulting to misunderstandings and conflict.

Bruce Tuckmans Stages of Group Development could be used to study and understand the topics. Tuckman formulated four stages on how to successfully manage a group. The first stage called Forming states the ability of individuals to work with others but avoid such conflicts in a group. People have the desire to be accepted by others so they tend to avoid controversies. Second stage involves Storming wherein more conflicts will arise and individuals will begin to feel their differences and preferences. The third stage Norming is a stage wherein the members of the group are learning to accept each others dissimilarities. They begin to become a more cohesive and effective group. Performing is the final stage of Tuckmans Group Development. Not all groups could arrive to this stage. This is a state where everyone knows each other. Flexibility and Interdependence is developed.

The group was still at the first or second level of group development that is why problems occurred. Fortunately, the members recognized each others strengths and weaknesses and got to know each other. Therefore, if this recording will be done again, this needs more team building, preparation and experiences in order to work effectively.

Second record Again, this record involved 12 individuals who were taken into a local fire station to complete a task. Their deed included helping and cleaning up the said place. Findings said that few people were able to do their work, some were too lazy to finish the said task and others were not open to communicate with others.

Analysis The recorded group activity was still in the stages of Forming and Storming of Tuckmans theory. They were not able to adjust in a group that was why conflicts were not given solution. There was still no harmony within the group. No one encouraged other members to work. That is was why not everyone cooperated.

In order to do this effectively, the members should be able to realize their purpose of working them or their desire to do deeds. The good thing in here was there were still several who performed well only few didnt participate. More activities should be done to enhance the members drive to participate.
Third record Members of the group were asked to make a poster regarding racism. Some individuals didnt cooperate and failed to make their poster. Other members were able to make the task.

Analysis Individuals have different perspectives, different characterisitics and different desires. In this case, since racism is a topic that would always be controversial to different races or cultures, members also showed their different thoughts. Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of needs could also help in dealing with such situations. Individuals are driven by different motivations. In order to get the attention of the members, one should know how to motivate them. The facilitator should know the needs of hisher members.

Fourth record The activity involved 12 individuals who were taken into a local activity center. The aim was to overcome their fear of heights while working with others. Some individuals became more confident in a group, but others werent able to perform the task.

Analysis Fears came from learned experiences, and to overcome such fears, one shall also learn how to do so. In adaptation of David Kolbs model for learning, Peter Honey and Alan Mumford developed a model of learning styles. The stages are 1.)Having an experience, 2.) Reviewing the experience, 3.)Concluding from the experience, and 4.)Planning the next steps. In order to overcome someones fears, one should undergo these steps and perform these several times.

Probably, some of the members were still not ready to face their fears and they were not given the enough time to prepare for these tasks. They were still caught up with the idea of having the specific fears within themselves. The next time that there will be an activity that involves fears, inform the volunteers before the process starts. The members must be ready and the facilitator must prepare its members for the tasks. Take it slowly, but surely and effectively.

Fortunately, they were with other people who also had the same fears as they had. This helped each individual so they could be motivated more. The good thing in these activities was that the group found it easier to cope with each other because of their commonalities.

Fifth record The group was interviewed as a part of the development activities. The members were not used to having interviews which lead to several negative feedbacks. Others helped their co-members, but others didnt perform the task given.

Analysis Honey and Mumfords theory can be applied in this situation. Like the fifth record, this also involved fear, so it is recommended to prepare the participants first before proceeding with the activity. Fortunately, the members fear lessened after the process. They experience another task that enabled them to develop and learn.

Sixth record Individuals were made to write their speeches regarding what they have experienced in the past activities. These speeches were delivered in front of an audience to overcome their fear of speaking in front of other people. At first, the speakers were very nervous, but others motivated them to help boost their confidence.

Analysis Again, this situation involved fear of performing in front of an audience. Tuckmans theory can also ne applied here. In this situation, they probably reached the third level. There were some members who helped in encouraging others. Maslows theory could also be seen in this occurrence. If one knows how to motivate a person, then their relationship will be more intact. The good thing about this is that other members learned how to cooperate with others.

Seventh record The assigned task was to have a group discussion with individuals sharing their own knowledge about specific issues. Individuals were given sheets of paper entitled, I believe. They wrote their beliefs or thoughts about certain topics such as abortion, religion and education. The members shared different thoughts about the topics. Culture, Traditions and beliefs affected their perspectives.
Analysis Individuals have different perspectives regarding the given topics discussed during the activity. The group should also use Tuckmans theory to develop the group discussion. Luckily, the group showed their cooperation and respected each others opinions. Respecting each others opinions and finding time to get to know ones members are ways to achieve group development.

Eighth record Members were taken into a local football stadium for a tour. Different groups were formed supporting their preferred football teams. Conflicts resulted and different perspectives came up.
Analysis This situation was not able to arrive into a single thought or decision because the individuals perspectives were different. They were not motivated enough to do such task. Maslows theory could do some help in finding what the members needs are. The group should also know Tuckmans Stages of Group Development for a successful group discussion.

Ninth record A group discussion regarding drugs and alcohol was made.
 Analysis Different thoughts were shared. Some members were against the use of drugs and alcohol while others remained passive about the topic. Tuckmans theory could also be applied here. It is not possible for a conflict to arise when dealing with group discussions. Members of a group should understand each members differences and should be ready to adjust themselves to situations that may occur. Facilitators or leaders should be courageous and should have full knowledge of what they are teaching to their members.

Tenth record This activity was for the C.V. completion. The members and facilitators found difficulty while performing this activity. Some members were dyslexic and others were having some problems in learning. Different levels of knowledge worked for this task.

Analysis Working in a group needs great efforts and understanding in order to become efficient and victorious in every task assigned to them. Tuckmans theory could be effective in understanding this eventWhole group discussion is an excellent learning method. Motivation of the self and others as well is very useful in dealing with any group activities or discussions. Dont hurry things up because learning takes time. Preparation is the key to a more successful group relation.


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