Morality of Euthanasia

The purpose of this paper is look at the morality of Euthanasia. The paper will address the Christian approach and view of the situation and if it is ethical or unethical to perform euthanasia. In addition, the paper will seek personal view of the same and how they differ from the Christian approach.

What is Euthanasia
According to Kappel (2001), euthanasia is the process where by a patient that is terminally ill, in a state of coma or completely paralyzed is removed from life saving machines or injected with life ending drugs to kill him or her and ends the suffering that the person is undergoing. There are however three views to explain how this process is viewed and understood in different quarters (Kappel, 2001).

The Extreme View Under the extreme view, euthanasia is morally wrong and is should never be allowed no matter the situation. The extreme view also explains that life is given and taken by God and no human being has the right to decide when and how to end the life of another person.

Moderate View The moderate view of the same is that it is moral to end the suffering of a person if by so doing you will make the persons soul have a better eternal life. The reason for this that people in such situation are physically dead but the souls are alive. Moderate view hover explains that this depends on whether it is passive or active euthanasia.

The Liberal View Under the liberal view, both passive and active euthanasia are legal as long certain medical and legal conditions are met to proof that the process of euthanasia should go ahead (VHEMT, 2010).

Christian Objection against Euthanasia
Religious leaders (both Christian and non Christian) are strongly opposed to euthanasia and anything associated with it.

According to Pankratz  Welsh (2001), euthanasia is equal to murder and murder is a sin, therefore they argue that the human life should not be terminated by a fellow human (doctor) since this is against the will of God. Genesis 9 6 states,
Whoever sheds mans blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God has He made man.

This Biblical quote is the argument that Christians push that the end of human life is determined by God and no one else.

Another argument by the Christian society as to why euthanasia should not be legalized is that it gives doctors and medical practitioners a chance to kill the less capable members of society (Pavone, 2010). While this is a strong accusation, Pavone (2010) argues through an example of a woman who was in coma for eight (8) years. While her condition did not improve she never died, prompting a court to rule that she be denied the supply of food and water. The woman died 12 days later and autopsy report indicated that the cause of the death was starvation. Opponents of euthanasia can argue that the woman was robbed of her life simply because she was not given her right to choose.

My Position on Euthanasia
Life is precious and God given, as such no one is allowed to terminate another persons life. However, if a patient is unable to survive on their own without life support systems, are they considered alive or dead There is a grey area here because in some societies there exists medical technology that is able to keep a patient alive, while in others, the technology does not exist, so the patient would not have survived. Another area where I believe euthanasia can be considered is when the patients prospects of survival are grim, especially after an extended period of being in a coma or vegetable state. The challenge does lie in defining, how long is too long, and when is it okay to remove a patient from life support. This differs with the Christian view which opposes all forms of euthanasia, regardless of the circumstances.

In conclusion, I support the liberal view that states that the patient may be allowed to rest in peace as long as the required conditions are met and certified by both the doctor and the court of laws. If one is declared medically dead, then the Bible would not consider it an act of killing if a patient is not supported by technology to remain alive.

The respect of human life and God is the reason why euthanasia is immoral and illegal in most nations around the world. It is time however that we analyzed the situation and review the laws and regulations that prohibit euthanasia, the society (especially the church) should look at the positive effects that this process can cause to our lives and allow it to be legalized.


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