Ethical Issues on the Film EnronThe Smartest Guys in the Room
Especially apparent in the film were the deliberate ethical inconsideration perpetuated by the corporations former and subsequent CEOs, Jeffrey Skilling and Ken Lay, respectively. First is the principle that Ethics should be related to Sociology, particularly in the betterment of the society that a person belongs to. Clearly, Enron had defeated this purpose, as can be evidenced in the manner that they have abused the energy deregulation that was existing in the State of California when they imposed a self-declared energy shortage, effecting a year-long rotation of power outages all over the said State. Their consideration in reaching this decision should have included those who are confined in hospitals, especially those patients who are connected to life-support machines that require readily-available electricity.
Likewise, the principle stating that Ethics should be related to Economics should have been respected. Reason being, while it is true that man is an economic being because he has to support himself by earning a living, certain principles must be followed in order to assure that he respects the rights and privileges of those within his scope of influence. It was clear, after watching the film, that the decision-makers in Enron neglected this importance, as evidenced by the estimation of over 20,000 people having lost their jobs over 1.2 billion retirement funds lost and over 2 billion of the retirees pension funds having disappeared.
It was evident throughout the documentary of the untainted neglect on the part of some of Enrons top executives, an unmistakable fact that they had masterminded this scheme irrespective of the damaging consequences that are surely to result from their actions. In opting to embezzle billions of dollars for the good of a select few, they have sacrificed the future of countless individuals, directly or indirectly, by depriving them of the monetary security that they rightly deserved.
Resultant Effect
It is truly saddening that the actions of a few powerful and influential individuals had resulted in a catastrophe extending the far reaches of the global economy. In the nations home front, we have witnessed how this had eventually led to a collapse in various sectors, such as the housing sector, the banking sector that resulted in successive declarations of bankruptcies, and in the very economy of the United States which had admitted an economic recession. It may be appropriate to say that the grounds lost in the Enron scam are not yet fully recovered that years after its occurrence, we are still living under the shadows of the greatest corporate scam in American history.
However, despite of the gravity of its economic effects, a positive side can be viewed from all these. For one, after the discovery of the Enron scam which were instigated by financial reporters of Fortune Magazine, the society in general, as well as the administration, has become more stringent in ascertaining that the proper and legal documents required from various corporations are true and accurate. Likewise, we, the general society, have been made aware of who among our leaders are the true bastions of the fair trade practices, and the proper ethics and morality that should be observed by every sector, however powerful and influential it may seem.
Personal Views
Scrutinizing the in-depth documentary concerning Enron has led me to re-evaluate my own standards on the ethical issues surrounding the abovementioned case. Primarily, all of the factors concerning this case can be deduced in a single question Is it ethically justifiable that in ones pursuit of monetary security, one can forego of his responsibilities to the community and to the society that he belongs to Apparently, as was shown by the bigwigs of Enron, the answer may be varying with every person.
Personally, my views on this case are proportionate with my principles. Firstly, I am of the belief that every person ought to take into consideration the resultant effects of his actions in relation to the other members of the society. Being a part of the complex structural make-up of the general society, one should be aware of the influence that he may be able to exert on others. Ethics then should most certainly be practiced in the field of economics and in the industry, as this is perhaps the most sensitive aspect of a persons physical existence. Included in this aspect are issues concerning health, education, financial security, food security, and housing the very concerns that a person painstakingly labors for throughout his lifetime.
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