Company Policies

Utilitarianism describes the act of emphasizing on utility as opposed to other values. Essentially, the worth that a moral action has is based on the ability of that action to give the pleasure of happiness to all the people that are involved. It entails the good of the majority. The main characterization of utilitarianism is bent on the fact that it is a form of reductionist approach to ethics.  Kantianism entails the doctrines that belonged to Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher. The ethics he describes are involved in the manner in which an individual should carry out their duties. The main distinguishing fact between the Kantian and utilitarian perspectives is that, the Kantian perspective puts more emphasis on the actual act at hand and the degree of morality other than the actions consequences unlike the utilitarian.

This paper entails development of company policies based on both utilitarian and Kantian perspectives in avoiding discrimination and sexual harassment prevention.  The utilitarian perspective views discrimination as wrong, because being it creates an economically inefficient matching of persons to jobs. Utilitarians support equality via equal consideration of interests and that ideal rejection of any subjective distinctions between who is more worthy than the other is evident. This is a key consideration put in mind when developing organizational policies.

In totality, the Kantian perspective on ethics is equally incorporated in the institutional policy against discrimination and harassment. The company guiding principle incorporates the idea of ethics being exercised in a manner that is considered to be rational and unconditional.  In agreement with Kants belief actions that are performed for the sake of duty are the ones that have moral worth. As component of our policy in fighting discrimination the company has taken upon itself to see to it that a conducive working atmosphere is provided, which is free from any type of illegitimate discrimination. The company ensures all employees are always accorded equal opportunities, regardless of their race, colour or sexual orientation. Disability or age is not a factor that the company looks at when employing or recommending any of our employees, regardless of the position the individual is in or is applying for.

In its effort to abide by the laws relating to equal employment opportunities, the company has made all reasonable accommodations to contain all variations of persons to combat discrimination. In addition to this, the human resource department has put in place a docket of dealing with employment applicants that have any limitations in order to avail a level playing field for everyone interested in joining the company. Complaints addressing procedures and measures have been put in place and any one who feels that they have been unfairly treated or discriminated against, are free to lodge their grievances.

Both written and orally presented complaints are given the attention deserved as per the companys measures to fight discrimination. Any employee or potential employee who has filed a charge against the organization as a result of discrimination or any employment practice that is unlawful will not be discriminated against or victimized in any way.  The company policy ensures that any activities sponsored by the company or those using the company name will be conducted in a non discriminatory manner.

In dealing with issues of sexual harassment, the corporation is committed to provide a working environment that is free from harassment. The company policy ensures that supervisors or high ranking officials that have complaints lodged against them are immediately investigated. The accusations are dealt with in a non-discriminative manner, whether same sex or opposite. Confidential means of complaining to the human resource have been exercised to prevent victimization at the gravest of circumstances such as a hotline number in each department.

Training workshops are a frequent occurrence courtesy of the human resource department to educate the employees on sexual harassment issues at the work place. This acts as another measure to combat the practice and the organization will not tolerate the same. An annual sexual harassment survey is also carried out in an effort to unmask some of the culprits and victims. All these will be exercised in a dignified manner and according to the organizations policy. Disciplinary measures are also to be taken against anyone suspected to, or has taken part in any of the restricted acts, this includes the possibility of termination of contract or duty including dismissal.

Ethics will be upheld at all levels because discrimination and sexual harassment, which is a component of discrimination leads to reduced output in organizations. As per the Utilitarians and Kantians, discrimination results in inefficiency and deprivation of human dignity. Many organizations are constantly at logger heads with the authorities due to negligence of these crucial policies.


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