Ethics-Research proposal

My topic will be based on qualitative research in information Systems. This research mainly deals with use of data to be able to explain social issue being researched. This data in collected through methods such as interviews, questionnaires, observation and also brainstorming. The researchers to be involved are will be found in many fields .They will use different approaches to come up with the data depending with each persons preferences. Their skills and exposure also determine the kind of research technique and method to be used. In information systems however, the interest on the research work to be done is on the managerial and organizational issues, other than technological issues.

The research below is on Xerodox computers and internet providers. It involves a brief analysis of their information systems. The research work has been done by use of qualitative methods which include questionnaires, interview, joint research and also brainstorming. After the collection of data, it has been analyzed and interpreted. The main goal of the research is do give a detailed overview of the organisation, check on the system of administration and the tasks which are allocated to each organizational section. After which important decisions on the improvement of the business management follows.

Xerodox organization is a business which is based in Nairobi town. It not only provides computer services to the people around the city, but has several branches in Mombasa and Kisumu town. It also offers internet services in many areas of the country. Currently, it is in the process of expanding its business. As a result, it has to make many business decisions and also check on its management system. Due to this, the management has to carry out qualitative research so as to make the best decision and meet their customer requirements. A group of researchers was hired in the process to go to the fields and determine the best methods to improve the customers satisfaction. The following methods were used

Research questions
Can the current situation in the business be improved If so how
Are our services satisfactory to our customers
Does the business own the market What level of competition is available
What are the challenges experienced by the organisation Can these challenges hinder business expansion
Research objectives
This company needs to expand its services and also increase its sales. The following will therefore be the main objectives of carrying out the research
Determine the current state of the business. Is the business making the required profits
Listen to the customer views on the services given. Are they satisfactory Any improvements needed
Determine the business coverage in terms of the market. What is the level of competition Is there any ways we can introduce to deal with the market competition
Focus on the issue of expansion. Through this objective, determine the best places to start the new branches.

Identify any current challenges in the business and come with ways of sorting them. Through research, issues like insufficient personnel and use of outdated machinery will be determined and solved.

Research Approach
The researchers will first identify the problem at hand. They will consider important factors such as the problem effects, the problem causes, the areas where the problem affects and so on. This will help them to know the basis of the decisions to be made. The problem will then be analyzed and the cause will be identified. In order to completely understand the problem, they will have to consult those who are directly affected. Use of fact finding techniques such as use of questionnaires, interviews and observation will be used. This will help get suggestions on the best methods to solve the problem.
After the problems have been identified, the decisions will be made on the best ways to solve the problem. The methods to be used in decision making are brainstorming, Delphi technique, storyboarding, dialect enquiry and nominal group technique. All this will be discussed below in detail. After the best solution has been obtained, it will then be implemented in the business. Through this approach, the researchers will be able to accomplish the prior stated objectives.

Research methodologies used
Questionnaires were developed and distributed in the area .The structure of the questionnaire was as follows

Male                         Female

                         21-30             31-40            41-50           51-60           Above 60
Are you a customer to Xerodox computers

Yes                   No

What type of customer are you

Computer products                       Internet customer

For approximately how long have you been dealing with us

                Less than a year

                1-5 years

                6-10 years

                Over 10 years

What makes you our customer
               Our Services                  The brand Name
What services make you attached to our company

Our incentives    
Our promotions

Our name in the public

All of the above

How do you find our promotions

Attractive                   Normal                 Am not concerned

How is the quality of our customer care

Poor              Good                Excellent             Should be improved

In your opinion, you feel that Xerodox computers

Serve their customers well

They offer normal services

It is the name that markets them. Their services are not credible

Our brand name determines what we are to the public.

I Strongly Disagree             I Disagree              I Agree             I strongly agree

Would you recommend this company to your friends and relatives Why

Do you prefer us to our competitors Explain

No                            Yes

Does our brand name affect you as our customer Explain
             Yes                                  No

Thank you for filling in the Questionnaire. Please add any comments and suggestions on Xerodox computers.


In this case, a team of experts was sent to the various departments as they were carrying out their duties. The team was supposed to observe the skill level involved in the various management levels. It was able to identify the areas which needed improvement. This team also checked the daily reports of the business. They stated the business objectives, mission and vision statement so that it could be able to determine if the business was carrying out its activities as stated. The business equipment used such as computers and printers were also analyzed thoroughly so as to ensure that they were according to the latest technologies. Through this method, problems such as insufficient personnel and old machinery were determined.

An interview was done to the customers tom determine whether they were satisfied with the serviced being offered. The following were the questions asked.
What are our weaknesses
We offer many brands of computers. Which do you prefer and why
How can you rate our prices as compared to those of our customers
What are our strengths
Why do you consider buying our products and no those of our competitors
Are there any ways in which you feel we need to improve our products
Do our door to door delivery services of any benefit to you
What do you think can be done to improve our business operations
Are there any problems you come across when using our internet
Is our internet supply sufficient
What are your general suggestions and comments

Result analysis
After the information had been collected, the managerial body met to analyze the results and make decisions based on the best ways to improve their business operations. The following group decision making methods were used

The managerial team will go a quiet and convenient place where they can think without any disturbances. The results of the research will then be read out and the problem which is mainly on customer care and business expansion will be determined. The general manager will be elected to note down the ideas generated by the team. The members will then generate many ideas without discussing them. No evaluations are to be made on the ideas put forward until all had been generated. After the process is over, the ideas will then be discussed one by one and the best solution will be determined. This method is always a success though some members are not free to air out their views afraid of being judged.

Dialect enquiry
In this case, the group will be divided in to two opposing sides. The advantages and disadvantages of the selected alternative to the problem will then be determined. This method will let the groups involve in a sort of a debate and each will support its alternative. This will ensure that the final solution to the problem has been thoroughly discussed and is well understood. The debate will go on until the best solution to the problem is determined.

Nominal group technique
Small groups will be formed and each group will choose a leader. The leader will be given a recorder to record the ideas being brought forward. Each group member will then write down all hisher ideas in a private index card. Each member will then read out hisher idea s from the index card until all have been exhausted. Discussion of the ideas brought forward will not be allowed in this level. The solutions generated are then ranked according to priority. They will then be discussed later giving out the best solution to the problem at hand.

Delphi technique
Not every member may be present during the decision making time. As a result, this technique will be the best alternative here. The members who are not present will send out their ideas through email, fax or bulleting boards. This method is especially for those members with a certain level of expertise in a given field. The solution will then be discussed on line and the members will be updated in real time.

Five people will be chosen to analyze the results and therefore make the best decisions. They will be taken to a silent place, free from any disturbances. The participants will then be given cards where they will write their ideas in big letters. At this stage, no discussion is allowed. The leader of the tem will then tape the cards on the walls. The participants are then allowed to look on the walls and read the ideas generated. This method will enable sharing of ideas .The cards will be then sorted out one by one, leaving the best ideas on the solutions to the problems.

Quality assurance policy
The quality of a product determines the success level of the business. A business with poor quality products does not run for long despite that it might offer them at cheaper prices compared to those of their customers. A quality product is said to sell itself. Even when the prices are high, customers do not hesitate to buy good quality products. As a result, the research will also deal with the various methods of determining the quality of products sold in the business. There are various methods that will be used to assess the quality of the products.

One of the methods to be used includes the customer survey method. In this case, the customers will be interviewed on the quality of the products. They will be questioned on the service life of the products. Are there any ways that the products quality could be improved This method will help the researchers identify the level of quality of the products that the business produces. It will also determine the standards of the products. Are they produced according to the set standards Do the prices match with the standards of the products Is the internet provided slow or fast.

Implementation of the set decisions
After the results have been analyzed, the remaining task will be to implement the decisions made. For instance, employees may need to be trained on the various methods of maintaining the quality of the products. New machinery may also need to be bought depending on the results obtained after the experts have analyzed the business equipment. The customer care may also need to be revised to suit the needs of the customers as specified. The prices may also be varied depending on the competition in the market. In general, the business will need to implement all what has been corrected after the research so as to meet its objectives.

The research methodology will include observation, questionnaires and interviews. From the research method, it will be able to gauge the performance of the business and identify any areas which need to be corrected. It will also be able to determine the quality of the products produced as compared to the pricing offered. Other problems such as insufficient personnel will also be identified and analyzed. It is therefore obvious that through the research done the business will be in a better position to open the new branches in different parts of the country. The total sales will also be increased since they will have the views of their customers and will run the business to suit the needs of their customers.


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