Ambers status in life and her desire to fit in with her workmates has contributed to her feelings of alienation. By changing her name and ridding all trace of cultural attachment to her home land, she was in effect turning her back on the people she felt most comfortable with. Her workmates appreciate her intellectual prowess and the business she brings to the firm but on an emotional plane, they do not bond with her. This is despite all the efforts she has made to try and become one of them by adopting their lifestyles.

She appears to be going through an identity crisis. In her professional life, she wants to be identified with her co-workers, adopt their mannerisms and live their kind of life. Despite making drastic changes, she has not been accepted into the inner group. Treated like an outsider, she feels unappreciated and frustrated that all her efforts were in vain.

In the process of altering her personality, she alienated herself from her Nigerian soul mates. Discarding her cultural wardrobe and adopting a different name sent a loud message that she did not want to associate with them. To her Nigerian friends, her new status and affluence seem to have changed her in reality, it is not her country mates who have rejected her, but she who has rejected them.

Amber should revert to her former name and dye her hair black so as to reconnect with her heritage and restore her natural beauty. This measure will recreate her Nigerian identify and develop a common bond with the community. At work and at official functions, her dress code should reflect the image of the legal firm but she should make a point of wearing cultural outfits to social events so as to enhance her African identity.

Amber should play a more active role in events involving her Nigerian counterparts including offering financial support and taking time to organize social occasions. This will endear her to them and make her feel appreciated and loved.

In conclusion, Amber should make concerted efforts to reconnect with the Nigerian community as there is a very slim chance she will make it to the inner group at work. By being   proud of her Nigerian background, she will establish a solid identity and gain the respect and friendship of those who associate with her.


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