Ethical Management for Environmental Compliance

This case analyses an organizations ethical dilemma about its duties towards the society and the humankind, and to the organization and its benefits. The manufacturing processes followed in the organization are compliant with the emission norms but there are better technologies available, which can reduce it, even further. The awareness of the benefits of the new technology and the cognizance of the repercussions associated with use of existing technology creates the ethical dilemma for the organization.

Injectoplast is a small plastic manufacturing company with clients across the Globe and the registered office at Kanpur, India. Injectoplast has its manufacturing base in India, situated close to the river Ganges. The emissions, as a result of the manufacturing process, are below the legally specified levels but the current advancement in the technology is expected to bring it down to even lower level. The emission levels of the factory is well in control and there is no dire need for adapting this new technology, however, the improvement in the living conditions of the life around that place shall be deeply affected by the decision made in this context. This can be considered as a case of virtue ethics, where the person has to think on the personal basis about the situation. Recently, there was also a report by the environmentalists of the region that if the emission levels remain the same in the river then the life of the river is at risk and so is the trade that is based on that. In such a case even if there are no environmental authorities charging the company at present time, soon there would be charges on the company and checks to regulate its activities. In this situation it is also likely that at that moment it would be hard to take manage the reputation of the company in the market. Hence, the dilemma is not just about the ethical behavior towards the environment and the society but also about the responsible behavior towards the reputation and the future of the company.

The organization needs to manage the benefits and the profits of the company along with the brand of the organization and indeed the responsibility of the organization towards the environment.

Ethical  Social Justice Issues Faced By the Organization
There is a variety in the type of issues which needs to resolve in this case. The issues are hinged on the financial benefits to the organization vis--vis the value of the brand. The long term objectives also need to be considered while basing the decision on quick benefits. Finally, the social obligations of the organization remains at the core of any decision making process designed to resolve the ethical conflict.
It can be argued that the emission norms of the organization are well within the legal limits. Moreover, there is no issue from the environmental authorities of the state on the present infrastructure that they are employing for the reduction of the emission levels to the lake. However, considering the social responsibilities of the organization towards the environment it is operating into, the lack of an immediate enforcement of the new technology may taint its brand value. This might trigger the people to question the management of the company on their responsibilities towards the environment they are operating into.

Then the last is, virtue ethics (Driver, J., 2001), the personal justification that the management needs to give to them about the decision that they take. The reason of Government not modifying regulations could be the lack of awareness from their end. But, as the organization is operating into this field since 1988, they are expected to be well aware of the amount of damage the current level of emissions shall cause to the river and the lifestyle of the people who depend on that.

Thus, the issue is not whether the organization is complying with the Government regulations or not. The primary concern here is whether the organization is concerned towards the people of the vicinity and what are the pro-active measure it is taking to prove its concerns for the population around.

Philosophical Theories Explaining the SocialEthical Issues
As per the managerial ethics there are two types of ethical situations that might be an explanation to the present situation. The first philosophical theory that might be taken into account, and shall have most relevance as far as business is concerned is the servant leadership theory (The Power Of Servant-Leadership Essays, 1998). This word was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf, who describes this as a situation where the organization is leading the masses by being a servant to it. This is also a case that has been very well described in the Bible but in terms of the family structure and the society. However, this has found application in the present corporate scenario, where there are many sectors of the organization which deal with the masses or many organizations which are actually into the service of the people. Here, the organization might not be in direct service of people, but the area of concern at present has to deal with the welfare of the people. This is responsibility that the Management is encountering towards the society and its welfare and hence it is needed that they take the decision in the favor of it. This becomes the foundation stone towards a better life and living space for the coming times. Also by taking this course they shall be saving their company from the undue rush that might be caused later.

The second theory that might indicate in the similar direction is the Virtue ethics. This is the justification of the decision to self as the present situation. This theory was first introduced by Aristotle that was elemental in bringing the respect of ethics in the person, and the development of the individual. Even though it is known that the ethics are bound to shift their paradigms as per the culture that is some things might not be unethical in some situation and can be in some. However, this is a case of moral ethics where the right and wrong is but dependent on the ideals of the culture.

Relation of the Situation to the Themes of Social Justice
Every ethical situation is so because of the effect it has on the society and the justice it deserves or given to it. In this case as well there is dimension of the social justice playing its part. The major four areas which decide the social justice are the human rights, equality, liberty and justice (Blowfield and Murray, 2008). In this case these themes are in function in the following ways. The human right is well understood in this case, as the practices of the organization shall effect the living situations of the people and the resources for their livelihood. The policies of the organization shall affect the environmental situations of the place and the decisions shall deeply affect the people. Hence, it tampers with their basic human rights in this case.

It is evident that the liberty of the people being affected by the organization and its decisions. They are hampering the resources of the people without their knowledge. Even though they are maintaining their standards as per the present rules, but they are well aware of the obsoleteness of their practices and the need for new measures to be taken in this account.

As far as justice is concerned, the organization would only be justified in its approach, if they consider the new technology over their investment and the budget of the company. They shall be taking care of the justice that they are bound to do the living beings and the source of resources that they themselves are using for their sustenance.

Summarize - Major challenges presented to the organization as a result of the ethical or social justice issues
Summarily, the organization faces following major challenges
Whether to upgrade the existing manufacturing process with the new technology and machines
How would organization justify its financial investment associated with the upgrade of the technology to its shareholders as the current emission norms are within the legal limits
How does the organization quantify the benefits associated with the new technology
How would the organization justify the damages associated with the use of existing technology
How would the organization convince the people around the area for the justification of the employing this technology in the first place

Recommendations for the Issues Faced By the Organization
In this situation of great dilemma, it is expected that the organization takes the best possible decision that suits the organization and its benefits and the society and its welfare. The time when the government shall realize the dilapidatedness of its policies and the requirement for the new rules it would enforce the use of the new technology. In that situation it would come as a sudden blow to the budget of the organization in order to keep its reputation. The financial investment that comes in this form takes more tools on the financial situation of the organization. In the present stage the organization has time and can plan the way the technology can be involved in their processes. They know that this would be inevitable hence it is best that they do it on their own terms and not wait for the sudden ring of the bell.

Also, it would add a feather to their cap once they get the new technology in their firm. As it is the organization will have to incorporate the new technology into its working sooner or later. This can be way to advertise about the ethical behavior of the company and the way it fulfills its duties to the society and the environment. Even, if it would be putting in money for the decision, this would get them the attention of the people and might be applauded for it as well. They can be the cursors to the revolution and hence put up an example to the other competitors in the area.

Taking up this step beforehand shall provide them with enough time to prepare for the investment in the terms of money. They can also decide to divide the load over the time or involve other investors in this scheme by luring them to the resultant fame by the taking up the decision.
This decision will not only be a solution to the problems of the organization, but also answer to the calls of the inner morality. It shall silence that voice as this is the decision that shall benefit the other people as well and you can truly be the leader by being the servant of the people (The Power Of Servant-Leadership Essays, 1998).

The Factors That Would Affect the Implementation
Every recommendation has to go through certain amount of resistance before it gets implemented. In the present scenario discussed it is very normal that there would be some factors that would be affecting the implementation of the recommended solutions. The biggest resistance would be from the finance department of the company as they would be directly affected by the decision. Since, we know that there is no need for the new technology at the present stage, and the company is in compliance with the guidelines laid down by the government, it is almost incomprehensible for them to understand the need to pit the budget of the company at stake.

However, we have already understood what effects this decision shall have on the reputation of the company and also the financial state of the organization. Hence the need of the hour shall be that they understand the considered points of the manager, and respond to the calls of the organizational ethics. Also, in the solution offered it is not merely the romantic thought of ethical behavior that is being catered to, but they are also taking into consideration the organization and other departments of the same.

Describe the outcomes you would expect if your recommendations were implemented
In this situation when the organization had to come up with a solution that satisfies the organization and its benefits and also takes care of its responsibilities to the society, it is not always needed that you give up the ethics that build your organization. In fact, in the present situation we have encountered that ethics management of the situation has only led us to the most profitable solution to the problem.

In the recommended way, it is expected that the firm shall be at par with the norms laid down by the government, in fact be an example to the others in the same business. They would be righteous in their way of work, and can also encash this righteous behavior by advertising it, making a place for themselves in the market and the consumers mind


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