This post is an ethical analysis of the information technology market featuring an analysis of the case study regarding the so-called e-business. The case study analysis mentioned is concern about the standards of the ethical practice by which an IT practitioner should reflect in order to conform to the ethical standards of the Australian Computer Society. The paper also discuss about the IT employment market wherein this writer surveyed two IT streams and the range of opportunities offered in terms of potential opportunity for employment, salary offered, and other possible benefits. This research explicitly confirms that the IT employment market is a vast source of young graduates for employment opportunity.

Computer technologies have come to play a very important role in almost every aspect of the human life and it certainly brings wide range of benefits to business organization through the use of internet. But along with the benefits of the information technology are ethical issues affecting not only the business transactions but also the individual life. Among these ethical issues are the intentions in which the information technologies are used. Drake (2003) pointed out that ethics is concerned with what values are worth pursuing in life and what acts are right. Drake aptly stated that the way the technology is deployed depends on our decisions as professionals and as users of information systems. But the more interesting issues behind the advent of the information market are the vast employment opportunity it offers. Thus, this paper will attempt to shed light on the ethical standards encompassing the information market as well as the vast opportunities the information technology offers to young college graduate.

Part A Formal report
E-business and the Ethical Standard
The case cited is quite complicated because it involves both ethical issues on the part of Leikessa Jones and rights on the part of her customer. The issue concern is the decision of her client to order a system that includes only the most basic security precautions. She knew this would be dangerous in the sense that the system will store important information. Leikessa argued that with only the basic security, the system is vulnerable to enterprising employees and online hackers and they might easily access the system.

    Under the Australian Computer Society (ACS) code ethics, members are oblige to submit to a set of values and ideals that uphold and advance the honour, dignity and effectiveness of the profession of information technology. Leikessa is obliged to provide services and products that will uphold the societys dignity and integrity.
The ACS code of ethics, section 4.1 states as follows To uphold and advance the honor, dignity and effectiveness of the profession of information technology and in keeping with high standards of complete and ethical conduct. Under this provision, Leikessa is obliged to submit. She has to demonstrate in dealing with her customer the ethical standard simply by asserting the quality of the product for the sake of the employees and the integrity of the profession in the process.
In fairness to Leikessa however, she has done what was required of her by the ACS code of ethics. In particular is section 4.6.6, which states that she must advise her clients and employers when she sees that a proposed project is not in their best interest. Obviously, Leikessa believes that the system which the client orders is not in their best interest as the system which the client is ordering, does not fit to the purpose intended for it. Indeed it will be unethical for the company to insist their demand when they knew that the system they wanted is vulnerable to hackers and gangs. It will also be unethical for Leikessa to yield to such demand because from the beginning, the company and Leikessa herself knew it will not be safe to store important information and document to the system which the client is ordering.
As Singh and Wadell (2004) noted, ethics is a fundamental part of a corporate culture (2004 252). By implication modern corporations can also be responsible for their actions and decisions. The client assertion to order unsafe data base management system is unethical because the information that will be stored is vital. The company needs to protect those data rather expose them to danger. Wahsheh and Alves-Foss (2007) contends that that there is need for evidence that the system adequately addresses critical properties such as security and safety objectives (2007 726). Wahsheh and Alves-Fos asserted that this is important particularly in environments where failure can cause security breaches (726). 
Given this condition, section 4.6.3 asserts that IT business should exhibits relevant standards and appropriate action. Leikessa should decide based on the highest ethical and moral standard rather than on the merits of the transaction. Section 4.9.2 Leikessa to be aware of the issues affecting the information technology profession which hold her more responsible as she admit that the data based system the client is ordering may be unsafe for storing important information and documents.
Should Leikessa refuse to build the system as they request
    I would say Yes There are enough considerations for Leikessa to refuse building the requested system amidst the increasing knowledge in information technology. Khosrowpour (2000) recognized this danger stating that increasing electronics attacks by hackers are well documented (2000 89). Khosrowpour emphasized that the increasing attacks does not come from individual hackers alone, but are coming from more organized competitors, criminal gangs, and foreign states (89). Considering these dangers, section 4.3 demand to act with professional responsibility and integrity in her dealings. This means that she should be more sensitive about the potential impact of her decision and placed more emphasis on the possible consequences of her decision. She needs to act professionally by refusing the customer of their order as it will only compromise the standard of quality, the standard of information technology, and the standard of professionalism.
    By refusing the order she conforms to the ACS ethical standard. Section 4.1 (c) requires to increase the competence and prestige of the profession, and to increase knowledge and skill for the advancement of human welfare. The implication of these provisions demands that the individual doing information technology business, should maintain product competence and should not compromise regardless of the consumer demand. It requires Leikessa to be more concern on the effect of business transaction on the general business climate. In the article published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it emphasized that it is imperative that the data system of works both reliably and effectively (Bureau of Labor and Statistic).
    Section 4.1 (d) stressed on the importance of advancing the human welfare which will definitely be put at stake if the transaction was consumed. De George (2003) pointed out that this information will soon be at risk because while the promise of e-business is enormous, it is not without drawbacks (2003 158). This draw backs according to De George are the hazards and dangers from unscrupulous merchants, hackers out to steal credit card and social security numbers, fly-by-night operations, companies that collect and sell personal information, intrusive pornographic sites and  others engaged in illegal, unethical, or questionable behavior (2003158).

Survey and Analysis of the IT employment Market

The IT employment market is not only an online labor market but online economic activities. In his report to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Lerman (1998) noted that the high demand for IT workers significantly contributed to the general demand for skilled workers in various industries. According to Lerman, the contribution of the information technology market on various firms and industries accounted for thirty-two percent of all business capital equipment expenses in 1986. Dos Santos, Peffers, and Mauer (1993) pointed out that today, information technology plays and important role in the smooth operation of different business organizations (1993 2).

The responsibilities and major function of Wireless Communication and Computing include processing of information in the network, compute data fusion, and perform in-network information processing in a sensor network. The Human Computer Interaction or the intelligent systems on the other hand are proactive technologies which brings new technology to business markets. There place in the organization is that they comprise a large range of IT employment areas where IT professionals can find jobs. The following are the various areas of information technology where recent job postings are available. Among the latest IT job advertisement are the following

Dice The Career Hub for Tech Insiders. Job titles Net developer, AJAX developer, Application developer, Software development, software engineer, source of advertisement is by web publication. it is currently available. The title of advertisement is Search 54, 370 Tech Jobs.
Legal Workplace.comJob title Information Technology  Job Description and Interview Questions. Position advertised data entry clerk, data processing clerk, IT manager, programmer, system analyst, Technical support specialist and so on. The source of advertisement, web it is currently available.
allwebjobs The Web Professionals Job marketJob title Web content specialist, DoD Marketing Analyst, Junior Print  Web Designer, Web UI Designer Source of advertisement, web date advertised, 1202010   Atlantic JobsUser experience designer, Web developer and so forth. Source of advertisement, web date of advertisement, Programming jobs at Code-jobs.comJob title Computer programmer source of advertisement web.  Jobs bridgeJob title Network engineer, source web.

Trends on demographic
The range of salaries of each jobs under the six IT streams identified reflect similar demographic which ranges from 45,000 to 75,000. Specialized areas vary from IT professional such as engineers to simple IT practitioner. The trend in the salary demographic reflected in graph below depicts that IT workers and IT professional received much higher salary compared to other employees.  One particular point worth noting is that in the IT market experience are not so much required as long as applicants are skilled in the field they are applying for. According to a book published by the United States Department of Labor entitled Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006-2007 Edition, Most companies tend to hire IT workers with necessary programming skills who can think logically and pay close attention to detail (2006 106).

Bodies or Societies that oversee the professional and ethical conduct of the topic selected
One of the societies that oversee the professional and ethical conduct of the topic I selected is the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST). This body insures that property rights and the ground rules of the information society are followed. Of course, the ACS is a highly organized society that oversees the professional and ethical practice of information technology profession. With the high standards of ethical professional practice it promotes, it definitely provided a standard for highly ethical conduct of the topic I selected.

How I would prepare for a career in these professional streams   
    Given the large demand for IT workers and professionals, it would not be difficult for me to choose the right field as each firm provides the basic benefits and opportunities.  In preparing for a career in the professional streams I chose, I will enhance my skills in information technology by taking courses on the most advanced technology or by keeping my self up to date with latest technology. By developing IT skills and by keeping my self up to date with the latest technology, it will not be difficult for me to get a good job after graduation.

The advent of information technology is a phenomenal occurrence in the employment aspect of the every economy in the global scale. However, this phenomenon will likely to continue so long as new technology are invented and introduced in to the information market. Given the fast phase of technology development, there is nothing that we can do but to enhance our skills with the latest technology and keep ourselves updated with the technology development. The world is heading towards full speed in this technological path and the only way to catch up is to keep ourselves updated with this development by taking on subjects or courses or by self learning through reading. This idea may not be interesting, but its benefits certainly will be.


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