Variation of Sex

Sexuality remains a social taboo in many communities. This makes it very difficult for the upcoming generations to talk about sex freely (McCormack, et al. 2002). This does no good to them since sex is a reality and communities must talk abut it. There are several difficulties posed by cultural conditions, for instance conflicts with partners, parents and close friends. Moreover, dating issues are frowned upon due to demographic factors for instance, age, race, culture or social status, no discussions about it, no engaging in it and so on and so forth. This study gives a personal experience within the Middle Eastern Culture. This study seeks to state that sex is a human gift and no situation can deprive a person to enjoy it. Its value surpasses cultural beliefs and settings. There can be no fruitful relationships if there is no sexuality.

Conflict Background
This section narrates my personal experience with my parents, relatives and friends. It was an experience that caused my heart deep frustration and anger. I come from Middle Eastern culture where sex matters still remain a social taboo. Children are not supposed to discuss sex matters with their parents, not even when they grow up. Personally, I have had serious conflicts with my parents and friends whenever I attempted to disclose to them about my fiance. What came into their minds is that we are going to have sex or date or kiss and many other things.

My fiance does not come from my race. She is a Briton and they are a bit liberal when it comes to sex. Her culture and my culture are completely opposite. Luckily, we have been able to rise above our cultural beliefs so that we can accommodate each other. Our relationship has nothing to do with our cultures and we hate it when somebody brings it between us. Our response to such occasions is that our culture is none else but love. My fiance is the best thing that ever happened to my life and I do not intend to sacrifice her for anything whether my parents demand it or community or friends, she is in my life to stay.

I must say that I have grown in this culture and there so many things that I learnt from it. I am proud of my culture and will always put into practice the good values I learnt from it especially on chastity. However I believe that no culture should replace human intellect  will at any particular time. So, since not everything is acceptable to me as it is in my culture, I have decided to confront the situation through what I believe to be true and practical. I have serious doubts with my culture on its perception on sex and relationship dating is frowned upon, sex and intimacy is a taboo, being in a relationship is an issue, I cannot stand this. My education has taught me other values which to me are the best because of their universality.

I have had a rough experience with my parents, friends and relatives because of my current relationship. Anytime I meet her, my parents go wild. They think we have sex and date all the time. There was a time I invited her to our house although I had not alerted my parents. This turned out terrible. She was confronted and asked to leave. At this point there is nothing I could do but watch. But deep in my heart I went through agony, disappointment, contempt, anger, and sadness. I did not know what to do next or what I would lose next. Would my parents throw me out of the house or would I lose my fiance The better option was to deal with both situations wisely, for instance, by apologizing to my parents and then talk to my fiance, somehow comfort her.

Luckily, I did not lose her although my parents and relatives were totally opposed to the relationship. I felt invaded in my personal life and I could not take it any longer. Every time, it was anger, frustration, disappointment and sadness. At this point I decided to talk it over with my parents. I even brought them my school notes to challenge them on the sexuality. I was convinced that their sex perception is as defined in our culture. I let them know that my fiance was the best thing that ever happened in my life and was not ready to lose her for anything. I brought into their attention my plan to move to a new apartment where I would be more comfortable and free. I wanted a sense of freedom with my fiance so that we could do what we wished.  I told them that I was serious with her and we are even planning to get married. They also expressed their fears and opinion but later came to accept the situation.

Me and my fiance are very free and can talk about sex anytime. We are very close to each other and it would be a lie to say that we are not sexually attracted to each other. We also believe in responsible sex and faithfulness towards it. I also congratulate her for her firm convictions. She was strong at that time when we went through tribulations.

Conflict Analysis
Human behavior is influenced by several factors namely biological, emotional, sociological and cultural just to mention a few (Malare, 2010). Sex as perceived by different individuals depends on such factors. One cannot dispute that society plays a great role in shaping values. But, it oversteps its role when it forces individuals to do what is not their choice. So long as the decisions undertaken are of high moral standards and are of great benefit to the person then he can overlook the set standards in the community.
Sex is a very wide issue that no society or culture can control. In most cases, what a society should do is put measures that will safeguard the intended purpose of sex. It should be strictly for procreation and recreation for married people (McCormack, et al. 2002). A culture or society should condemn acts like prostitution or irresponsible sex. Additionally, they should not create a sex phobia, so to speak. It should leave it an open venture for future generations.

Sexual orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual, or affectional attraction toward others, usually conceived of as classified according to the sex or gender of the persons whom the individual finds sexually attractive (Malare, 2010). These attractions can take different forms such as homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality and queer just but to mention a few (Malare, 2010). Whenever one feels attracted to her fiance it should never be seen as an abnormal thing by any culture or parents or community. However, this does not mean people to abuse sex. Cases of homosexuality remain illegal in different setups. Cultures that condemn homosexuality can be justified because it does not relate to the essence of sex.

Culture, parents and community need to know that sexuality is a process it evolves through several stages of the growing person. From the story, the parents are opposed to the idea of sex, but they do not reflect on the underlying meaning of it. As such, sexual desires begin even when somebody is still a baby. At oral stage, for instance, babies unconsciously experience sexual desires and attempt to satisfy them through suckling or putting objects in their mouth (Malare, 2010). This stage must not be exaggerated and the parents should take right measures to avoid future conflicts. So, there is no point for any culture or parents to be against sex if they do not consider it from its cradle stages.
Parental beliefs on sex would be even stronger if they take law into consideration. Legality and culture should complement each other at all times. According to California laws about sex, the main aim is to guide the citizens on the limits of sexual behavior (California Laws about Sex, n.d.)

Sexual freedom in exploring different forms of sexuality or having sexual relations outside culturally sanctioned marriage continues to be a problem in the US since colonial times (Ridinger, 2006). This is an indication that most generations are struggling for sexual emancipation. The rate of change taking place globally cannot be replaced by cultural beliefs. It is time that parents and the society at large loosen their understanding on sex to avoid conflicts with their children.

Although cultural factors define sex to the generations, sex concept is an end in itself. Therefore, cultural beliefs should only prohibit sexually irresponsible behavior. Sex is meant for reproduction and gratification of the spouses so long as it fosters their human dignity and well-being. Moreover, sexual inclination between two partners in a relationship is healthy. Culture and legal factors should complement each other in defining sexuality and proposing a better way to regulate its misuse. This study wishes to re-state that sex is a human gift and no situation can deprive a person to enjoy it. Its value surpasses cultural beliefs and settings. There can be no fruitful relationships if there is no sexuality.


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