Business Ethics
Intrinsic good or value is an ethical word which refers to an object holding good intrinsic value or being a property thats philosophical. The good intrinsic have an internal value of its own and its very essential. It is related very strongly to the purpose in our lives because our purpose in our lives is also to increase our intrinsic value. An end or an end in itself is what an intrinsic value may be regarded as and this is called good intrinsic.
An intrinsic evil is an ethics definition that is not very clear in peoples mind. Intrinsic whereas means something within, built in or inherent to the acts you perform, then intrinsic evil refers to the evil that exists in that particular act or is built-in in that act. An act if is morally good hen it is to contain the objects goodness, goodness of the end and the goodness of all the circumstances but if any of the three of this is lacking then it is an evil act. Intrinsically evil is something which not all evil acts are. For an evil act to be intrinsically evil the object of the act should be evil or say bad.
Rights is one of another business ethic term, the rights can be constructed variously as being social, linked to moral freedoms in order refrain from acting on something or acting, legal or say they have the power of deciding whether to not act or to be acted upon.
The categorical imperative is referred to as the universal law of Kant. Kant believes that from one reason we cannot determine whether the maxim was categorical or not and the reason all human beings being rational then this categorical imperative would hold for say everyone. There is a test to see if a moral principle is a categorical imperative or not. Kant had used a formula to express this law maxim is something where you are to act accordingly and at the same time you can will for it to become a universal law. We can apply this formula to see if something is categorically imperative.
A distributive justice is something where in respect of the allocation in the goods is what people consider to be just socially. It is said to be in a way an arrangements of all of the good and services which are allocated by a greater authority on an acceptable standard basis, for example the number of hours an individual worker works. The amount of goods to be handed out is what is thought about in the allocation of all the goods, how they are going to dispense in the process of civilization and the division pattern adopted.
A retributive justice is kind of a theory about the justice of criminals where the punishments for the criminals are justified. It says that punishment is a correct response to a crime. Its rectifying a situation in order to balance a crime or any injustice, an eye for an eye kind theory. Mostly this theory is summed up as a theory of revenge. It is believed that the criminal has brought an imbalance in the society or the social order that must be balanced by going against the criminal and taking revenge from it. Harsh punishment is supported by this theory. Some theory proponents suggest that for criminals who commit small crimes a mild punishment should be given to them and those with huge crimes a harsh punishment is to be given. Punishment is to act as prevention is what this theory justifies.
The ethics of caring being a normative ethical theory states that this is a theory about stating what can actually make an action a right action or a wrong action. This had been a concept started by a group of feminist scholars, which was an approach to caring. This brought in awareness of many of the womens areas of importance that is nurturing a child, cooperation, relationship maintenance etc, and enlightened peoples thoughts on these areas.
Virtue being a Latin word is all about excellence morally. It is a valued quality and a character trait which is seen as of always good in it owns self. The opposite of virtue would be vice.
The ethics of virtue is a term for the theories that instead of acting in order to bring about good consequences it emphasizes on the virtue in the philosophy that is moral and emphasizes the role of the character (Cline, 2008).
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