Ethical Code of Conduct
The practice of an occupation or profession cannot be regulated completely by legislation or the management. Each occupation or profession subscribes to a set of moral codes or values. This code of conducts as well as code of ethics implies that a professional person who has the responsibility to listen and to dictate for a reason. The needs of this conduct are obviously for the benefit of the profession of the organization. For example, many executives and professionals realize that an honest business results to first-class business. The public, according to statistics patronizes business that is perceived to be honest, thus enhancing the sales and boosting the income for them.
In this sense the code of ethics often focuses on social issues in an organization. It set up general thoughts about an organizations beliefs on issues such as quality, privacy and mission. It may delineate proper actions to verify whether violation of the code of ethics has happened and its remedies. Thus, the efficiency of codes of ethics depends on the extent to which organization supports them with penalties and incentives (James, 2008). In most cases, violations of private groups code of ethics usually can question the violator to the groups solutions (such as control of employment based on moral principles). These scenarios give rise for the code of ethics to link it to the code of conduct for employees.
On the other hand, code of conduct is an article designed to persuade the behavior of employees. It gives actions to be used in specific ethical scenarios including conflicts of interest among members of the organizations and outline the procedures to find out whether the violation occurred. This break of code of conduct may subject the violator to the organizations cures which can under a particular circumstances result in the termination of employment.
In this sense, the Code of Conduct and Ethics for businesses and organizations provide different premises towards the customers and their clients in the making of goods and services. This include the following a) use of new discoveries and inventions that will improve their products and services that will benefit the users or customers, b) stay away from anything that would cause death to the health, safety and growth of the proper user or beneficiary of such goods and services and c) make every effort after the quality that will help them to serve their purpose proficiently and effectively.
In this sense, even a code of conduct together with the code of ethics does not guarantee that employees will comply with, or they will comprehend the basic objectives behind these codes. Thus, the challenge lies in turning an organizations code of conduct and ethics into a relevant and engaging guide that will inspires a workforce toward a self- governing and principled manners. This involves content and language capable of winning over even the most skeptical employees as well as procedure and methods to make sure that business code of conduct and ethics becomes a valuable, living article that actively engages to employees. With all these facts and premises, it can be further presume that as code of conduct and ethics are both materialized and implemented within an organization, making and expecting that the business will surely grow and succeed.
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