Sales in human organ

As stated by Epstein and Gawande, currently the United States allows the gift of organs but not their sale. Individuals are encouraged to give part or whole organs at death or even during life, but are discouraged from doing the same if it is meant for transaction. The US government in short has totally banned the sale of human organs. There are those who support the ban and those opposing it. I take this opportunity to argue my case as a strong recommender for the sale of organs. With increase in population in the contemporary world, so is the increase in adverse medical conditions that require serious attention. Some of these grave conditions would be reversed with transplant of other functional organs. However, people are dying due to the shortage of vital organs for transplantation. It has been greatly argued that if price was introduced in the human organs transplant sector, their supply would drastically increase hence reduce the excessive demand that exists. Many people who otherwise would not be willing to donate an organ will do so in exchange for some cash. It is much better to have a population of a hundred people with one healthy kidney than a population of fifty people with two kidneys. In cases where there are no willing donors to strangers, sellers of the same would come in handy. Lifting of the ban would bring into equilibrium of the demand supply gap that exists.

Critics for this proposal argue that willing sellers are provided with meager information concerning the risks and benefits associated with this practice. However, that is not the case the practitioners provide such people with the maximum possible information on risks involved in organs removal. They also argue that it will develop to be a form of exploitation. This however, does not give a concrete reason as to why organ selling should be banned. All cases of organs transplantation are odd. For example, the organs of deceased people may be harvested for sale if they had made a legal agreement. Though those who sell may benefit from the transaction, they are not the prime beneficiaries. The patients who benefit from these transplantations are people who are mostly abstemious with economical practices and are not the very aged. If this situation is looked at from another perspective, it is a mutual benefit. Both the donor and the recipient benefit from the transaction. The fear of exploitation can be counteracted if the sale of organs is made legal. Legalizing the sale will broaden markets. This will also avail the necessary information to the general public thereby cutting short any chance of exploitation. It is wrong to argue that legalizing the sale of organs will lead to development of illegal markets. The process of organs selling should be left in the hands of more responsible people so as to minimize any form of abuse arising in this sector. Lifting of the ban on sale of organs would overturn the market considerably. Though people are not supposed to trade fortunes for a living, the case should not apply for donations. Critics argue that there are lots of confusion and ignorance that would arise as a result of legalizing the sale of human organs. However, the use of intermediaries would play a major role in eliminating these confusions.

A very big question that arises regarding the sale and donation of organs is why organ donations should be legalized but their sale illegalized. If this question was to be looked at critically, it would be realized that whether donations or sale, the physical effects are the same to the donor. Donors end up having the same mutilation that would otherwise have been inflicted if the organs were harvested for donation rather than for sale.

Epstein and Gawande (p, 4) argue that allowing for donation and banning of sale of organs is letting benefits to have a unidirectional flow. The ban on the sale of organs should therefore be lifted as the benefits are enjoyed by both parties. Instead of banning the sale of organs, their prices should be regulated rather than giving organs for free. Establishing institutions that are wholly responsible of organs transactions will help identify any possible difficulties that might arise from the transactions.

Legalizing the sale of organs will lead to an increased supply of organs. Considering the high number of patients on the US organ donation waiting list, increased supply of organs will minimize the chances of their death. Banning the sale of organs leads to the development of anxiety, coercion pressures, haste and greed. Most people are introduced into circumstances that require transplantation only at the time of need. Due to their desperation, they are mostly uninformed of the consequences of certain operations. Legalizing sale of organs will avail vital information regarding the consequences of these procedures as well as allow interaction with those who may have undergone the process,

Banning the sale of organs is a very extreme decision that has curtailed other lesser treatments that would otherwise control the extremes. Bans will lead to an increment in the probability of total irrationality. Legalizing organs sale will play a great role in offsetting some of the losses that the donor may undergo without digging up all potential gains from a recipient. Instead of the ban, other intrusive remedies can be employed. An individual may undergo a counseling situation before an organ is harvested for sale. A standard waiting period could be introduced before transactions are put in place. This will greatly minimize exploitation where people will tend to sell organs out of financial difficulties in their families. The extensive experience of the real organs market will equip people with all the information necessary.

Though critics may argue that individuals will regret the sale of an organ after they are faced with a grave medical condition involving the organ, the case would apply even for donations. Nobody is fully guaranteed of the outcomes of organ harvest whether for donation or for purposes of transaction. If the case of transaction was taken and the donor develops a medical condition heshe will have little chances of regret because heshe will have accomplished the purpose intended with the cash. Though the government may ban the sale of organs from living individuals, why does it have to do the same for organs from cadavers The cadavers are no longer faced with the risk of development of a medical condition in future. To minimize misunderstanding that might occur in the sale of organs from cadavers, the government is just required to set rules concerning who the beneficiary of such transaction would be. Money from such a transaction would help the bereaved family in offsetting the medical expenses that might have been left by the deceased. Very few people have made legal arrangement in the United State for some of their vital organs to be harvested after death. If people were to be assured that their family would be given cash for organs harvested after their death, they would make legal arrangement on the matter. This would act as a life insurance for the benefit of the family of the deceased. As a result, mutual advantage would be developed. The family of the deceased would get the cash it really needs while the patient would benefit from the organ and hisher life would be saved.

As Epstein states, though the life of an individual whose part  or whole organ have been harvested may be cut short by some percentage the overall benefit is much greater as the life of the recipient is increased considerably. Some organs, for example the liver, as stated by Holcberg, have the ability to regenerate and regain their function after part of it has been harvested thereby reducing the risk an individual may be exposed to. Those who donate kidney have been seen to live normal lives without any reduction in their expectancy. It would therefore be wrong to generalize and say that a persons life expectancy would be reduced after one of hisher kidneys is removed for transaction.

Trapp (p, 132), asserts that organs sale ban is not justified because no scientific researches have been conducted to find out the psycho-socio-economic implications to the suppliers. It is wrong to justify the implications of organs transaction whereas the program has never been tested. Individuals may decide that it is for their own interest that an organ is harvested for transactions purposes. For example, a father may decide to transact one of his kidneys in order to get money for medical treatment of one of his family members. It would therefore be wrong to deny such a person a chance to act according to his will as he will have considered all the pertinent details. Considering that case, critics argue that individuals may sell their organs out of irrational decisions. However, this is not so individuals do not act irrationally always. Banning of organ sales will be denying a person of hisher rights. Everybody has the right to make and be ready to stand by his decisions. Others still argue that a poor person does not have the ability to make rational decisions and therefore should be protected from them. However, everybody has the freedom to exercise hisher capacity to reason as long as heshe is not putting the rights of others at risk. Generalizing the reason that some people might make illogical decisions is not a tangible reason to violate everyones rights. The same way law recognizes our right to give away part or whole of some of our organs, the same way it should allow their sale.

Critics argue that after legalizing the free market only the wealthy will benefit. Going contrary to this, it may be true that the wealthy will purchase these organs easily, but still the poor will depend on charity for such a course. Legalization of free markets will increase the capability of charitable organizations to acquire organs for the poor. People who are in desperate medical conditions can do anything in order to attain their health back. If such people require an organ transplant they can go all the way and purchase one from a willing seller. It is a right to life for a person to be allowed to purchase an organ or part of it to save hisher life. This right is violated when the law restricts individuals from buying an organ that would otherwise preserve their life.

According to Epstein, the main aim of legalizing the sale of organs is to increase their supply to medical institutions. Setting out of rules that govern without banning the sale of organs will go great lengths at eliminating all the doubts that may arise. Constricting of such supply by implementing bans increases the rate of death in the society. At the moment, as we wait for a time when scientists will develop a stable source of organs from animals, sale of human organs should be legalized.

Applying the Golden Rule

The Golden Rule, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, is considered as the most common methodology in resolving ethical dilemmas. This rule has different variations in 15 different religions but universally carry the same meaning. It means that we should treat others in the manner as we would treat ourselves. All men value their survival and happiness and want to be treated with respect and justice. The Golden Rule first requires that we respect and care for ourselves. Then, it tells us to place ourselves in the position of others and deal with them in the same degree of care and respect we place upon ourselves. The rule is a universal form of ethics. Hence, it is applied in personal, professional, and social circumstances, and is even gaining acceptance in the business sphere. As a faith-based code of ethics, it is regarded as a message of service, square-dealing and of human brotherhood. Basically, the Golden Rule invites us to place value on human beings and regard them not simply as a means, but an end.

The Golden Rule is important in the relationships we form with our friends and loved ones. When we are faced with ethical problems concerning our friends or colleagues, the Golden Rule is a simple method to help us resolve our dilemma. Even the moral dilemmas which are particularly difficult to handle can be made simpler with the help of the Golden Rule. To illustrate, there is an experience of a mother whose son has shot a fellow motorist to death over a traffic dispute. The mother is torn between turning his son in or helping him flee from the authorities. Applying the Golden Rule, the son would be better off if he surrendered to the police because it would give the person he has slain justice. If their situations were reversed, wouldnt that son wish that the perpetrator would give himself up in the interest of justice  How would the mother feel if the situation were reversed The same applies in the dilemmas we encounter at work. Our professional life is competitive and advancement to the top of the corporate ladder sometimes means that loyalties are compromised. Cutthroat maneuvers, backstabbing, and power plays are even considered to be natural and unavoidable occurrences. Would it be ethical for an employee to concoct false accusations or start rumors against a colleague in order to eliminate him as a competitor for a higher post The Golden Rule would suggest that this is not the kind and caring treatment that would place value on the human being. Doing such a thing transforms the person simply into a means or a vehicle for promotion.

The Golden Rule is a primary basis for ethical behavior. However, in the world of business where the primary aim is securing profit, does this rule apply Is this rule relevant or meaningful in the conduct of business To be sure, the governing principle of free enterprise or capitalism is contradictory to the Rule. In the corporate world, the rule is simple do whatever it takes to reap a profitable return for the stockholders and owners. Even if this means using child labor or laying off thousands of needy workers, as long as it is good for the stockholders, this is proper and good. In business, we can say that it is the rule of gold rather than the golden rule that applies. However, there are also instances where the golden rule can harmonize with the principles of business. Coming up with products that are useful enough that we ourselves would want to buy can stimulate patronage from customers. If business owners treat customers kindly despite occasional rudeness from them, then it could guarantee steady influx of customers. If they can provide as much benefits and incentives as much as possible for employees, then retention and performance would be maximized. It is evident that in some cases, businesses often make irrational decisions that have negative impacts on others.

This should not be the case. A business that acts in accordance with the Golden Rule may flourish because the rule enhances and improves service. An ethical business is much more successful than an unethical one. Although difficult, the golden rule in business must not be regarded as counterproductive, but rather, as a guide toward success.

DrT Stem Cell Research

In the hands of the medical industry lies the worlds most valuable product called life. Bio-chemistry and stem cell researchers have claimed that their results will lead to prolonged life. Unlike in Europe the stem cell research has been faced with legal impediments in the U.S. The Americans are traveling abroad in search of better treatment facilities as a result of the global competition (Schwartz, 2006). This essay seeks to analyze the effects of global competition to the healthcare policy in U.S.A. in relation to the stem cell research and the best licensure methods that the U.S. can undertake.

Effects of global competition on the U.S. healthcare policy
According to Uwe Reinhardt, a health economist from Princeton University, there is high global competition as far as American healthcare is concerned. This has brought about both positive and negative effects to the U.S. The effects on the US healthcare system in the US are both positive and negative (Herrick, 2007).

To start with, the global competition has impacted the U.S. healthcare policy in a positive way. Information technology has led to the provision of medical services to remote places or countries through outsourcing. This is often achieved through telemedicine, which is treating or monitoring patients in remote areas by use of video feed, web cam or the telephone. American hospitals have found the outsourcing technology very efficient. The hospitals have used radiologists in other countries like India to read X-rays. A good example is the Nighthawk Radiology Services which has a contract with American physicians who live in Australia so that they can be responsible for interpretations of scans and X-rays on overnight basis (Herrick, 2007).

Secondly, global competition has given American healthcare providers a good opportunity to collaborate with those from other countries. Medical providers collaborate so as to improve medical treatment through insistent management. Access Baja Blue Shield Medical Providers in California has catered for the interests of those who access healthcare from Mexico. This was as a result of a legislation passed by California which allowed the reimbursement of providers in Mexico. The advantages of this collaboration to the Americans are that Mexican healthcare costs less, and the Mexican nationals who speak French can access a doctor who has fluent Spanish language (Herrick, 2007).

Networking with foreign hospitals is the third positive effect of global competition on the US healthcare policy. These networks have led to the rise of health plans which allow the Americans enrolled to travel abroad so as to get lower-cost treatments. A good example is The South Carolina Blue Cross hospital which has added Bumrungrad International Hospital located in Thailand to its network. Therefore, patients in South Carolina would not be required to travel abroad so as to access low healthcare (Herrick, 2007).

Global competition has also impacted the U.S. healthcare policy in a positive way. This is because it has led to the rise of labor costs in America, which has been caused by the rising of the workers wages. The wages rise is caused by the fact that some medical nurses and physicians choose to work abroad leading to shortages of workers. This shortage is especially rampant in the medicine specialties where there exists no outsourcing (Herrick, 2007).

There has been a great shortage of primary health care physicians in America. This has been worsened by the global medical competition. This is because, a quarter of the practicing physicians in America studied in a foreign medical school. A quarter of the U.S. medical residency programs are occupied by foreigners. Also, there are better opportunities in their countries which lead to the reduction of the practicing physicians in the U.S. A good example of this shortage is that of nurses in America, where labor costs have been raised as a result of few foreign nurses willing to work in America (Herrick, 2007).

Stem cell research in Europe Effects to the U.S. economy and healthcare options
Stem cell is defined as an undifferentiated cell that can produce other cells that eventually make up specialized tissues and organs. Stem cells are classified into the Adult and embryonic cells (Answers, 2010).

In 2003, the European parliament allowed medical research on all the human cells that had been cloned using stem cell technique (Coghlan, 2003).However by the year 2008, only Belgium, Sweden and the United Kingdom allowed embryonic cell studies. Austria, Poland, Lithuania and Ireland were against all researches on the stem cell. Great criticism arose from Germany and Italy on the issue of extracting stem cells from human embryos. However, scientists were given the permission to conduct research on the stem cells which had their creation from other sources and not embryos. Spain, Greece, Netherlands, Finland and Denmark banned scientist from extracting stem cells from the embryos that were to be destroyed by fertility clinics (Vestal, 2008).

According to the European scientists, the research on the embryonic stem cells has instilled hope for the cures of debilitating and chronic conditions such as Alzheimers disease, Spinal cord injuries, blindness and Parkinsons disease. To the scientists, it is a revolutionary path for a discovery of other cures of human diseases (Vestal, 2008).Also, adult stem cells have successfully be used in the replacement of cells responsible for blood formation. The cells are normally killed during chemotherapy for the bone marrow transplant patients (Phillips, 2010)

Even though the debate on the stem cell research exists in Europe, laboratories have proceeded with their work operating under the regulations they have been given by their home countries. As a result, young researchers have opted for Europe as it is best suited for their aspirations in regard to career. The liberal policies in Europe towards human stem cell research have made it an attractive place for world experts. The international networks made possible by Euro Stem Cell Company have rendered Europe the best place for the stem cell research. The European government is active in funding the stem cell research. Elene Cattaneo, a University of Milan Head of Biology and Pharmacologist states that If you want to work on human embryonic stem cell lines, the only hope is to get an EU grant (European Commission, 2007).

For a long time, there has been a great controversy on the stem cell research issue by Europe and America. In the year 2001, President Bush stated that the American government would only fund the stem cell stocks which were maintained in the laboratories (Ross, 2001). In 2006, he voted out a bill which was passed by the American Senate on funding the embryonic stem cell research. He strongly advocated for funding of only the stem cells which existed as a result of destroyed embryos. He was against the action of scientists cloning embryos for research, and insisted that they had to use the embryos that had been discarded by couples and not any others (Philipps, 2010).

The research on stem cells from human embryos has been opposed by religious groups in America. According to them, this controversy is a war over abortion as embryo is life (Reaves, 2008).

The Europe stem cell research has affected the U.S. at a very high degree. Since the American government has not supported the research, most medical practitioners have opted for countries which support the research as there are better grounds for knowledge expansion. As a result, America has been left with inadequate staff in the medical field. Consequently, there has been a great rise in the U.S. labor costs as it tries to import medical knowledge from abroad by employing foreign practitioners. The U.S. citizens have resulted to being medical tourists, where they seek medical help from other countries. This is a global competition which has made the American government to make immediate changes like those of outsourcing and collaborating with the foreign hospitals in a bid to reduce the global competition (Schwartz, 2006). In 2009, President Obama overturned the ruling of President Bush and allowed the funding of the embryonic stem cell research. This was as a result of pressure from several American scientists to allow competition and participation with Europe (Philipps, 2010)

License and liability issues of telemedicine clinicians
The diversity of the services provided by telemedicine has grown in several parts in the U.S. and there is no consideration of the geopolitical boundaries. There are various ways in which the U.S. can deal with licensure issues in the states brought forth by telemedicine through the use of different models. The Federal government can form national licensure standards to clinicians practicing telemedicine across states or national borders in the U.S (Legal documents, 1997).

The first one is the National licensure system which involves the issuance of licenses based on a homogenous set of criteria for healthcare practice throughout the U.S. The administration of this type of system at the national level is left to the national professional organization. All the disciplinary actions are carried out at the state level in accordance to the national standards. The states are required to agree on common standards in relation to discipline and qualifications (Legal documents, 1997).

Another system that could be adopted is that of Federal licensure. In this system, health professionals are issued with a single license by the federal government. This is in accordance to the federally established standards. A federal licensure system can be administered through the states, national and local federal agencies. The administrative burden on the clinicians is eased by the formation of uniform standard at the federal level (Legal documents, 1997).

Lastly, the U.S. can adopt the mutual recognition system which involves an agreement by the licensing authorities to accept processes and policies of the clinicians home state. This is the approach used in Australia and the European community so as to allow the cross-border practice of medicine. This kind of licensure consists of a home state, a standard harmonization in relation to professional conduct and a host state. Once the clinician acquires the license from his or her home state, he or she is not required to get another one from the other states, but can use the same license during the cross-border medicine practice (Legal documents, 1997).

In conclusion, the U.S. should heed to the pleas of the American Scientists and allow them to research on the human stem cell so as to improve its medical field. This will also ensure that the effects of global competition on the U.S. are positive.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

This paper talks about the recommendations proposed for Energy Cooperative and Clean Power Company. The paper has been divided into parts where in both cases have been discussed giving special emphasis to the ethical concerns if any regarding the companies being discussed. It also discusses the effect on stakeholders of these and supports the chosen argument with appropriate and relevant theory after which recommendations for each case has been talked about.

Case 1 Energy Cooperative
Statement of Ethical Concerns
The directors are practicing on unethical dimensions through informing their personal clients that they are directors of the company  when in real the company has had stated the position of these people being that of a self-employed consultant.

Effect on Stakeholders
This hangs over the realm of deception as other self-employed consultants who dont portray themselves this way, their position and reputation along with ways of working may get affected. Apart from the effect on other members of the cooperation through this, the deception might just even harm the companys own interest and functioning efficiency. Customers will get disappointed if they do not get the adequate service (education) that they desire due to internal conflicts within the company resulting from the deception. Another effect on a stakeholder would be alternative energy companies who work with Energy Cooperative that could possible think twice about doing business with the company.

Application to Course Material
Since this ethical issue is that of deception, Kants categorical imperative is relevant here since Kant talked about the duty of people and this being pure so as to not provide any harm to anyone. Since this is a non-profit organization, it is important that Kants theory is applied and no personal gain is taken out of the company. Twisting words, as is being done by the Directors hence violates this theory on a huge extent (McPhee, n.d.).

Another pertinent theory would be that of MILLs Theory of Utilitarianism, since it talks about total social utility or benefit of things from a holistic perspective. Hence, if approached from the other members point of views, the act is unethical because the cost of lost potential business is greater than the gain (Philosophy Pages, n.d.). The Rights theory too states that if the board members represent themselves to personal potential customers as directors of the co-op, the other members do not have the same chances and opportunities thereby depriving others of their rights and the directors of their true duty (Rights Theory, n.d.). The justice based theory in decision making tells us that personal gain through representing oneself as a member when in fact one is not removes the opportunity that others may have available to work effectively and fairly (Justice Theory, 2002).

Recommendation for Energy Cooperative to tackle the ethical issue that I propose is that members should vote and decide which cooperatives stay and who do not, and before this is done a proper final warning be sent out. But, before these all those who breached the statement that they signed before appointment should be penalized and fined legally, after which the above proposition be implemented to ensure nothing of this unethical business takes place in future.

Case 2 Clean Power Company
Statement of Ethical Concerns
The company wants to move out of their current area  physically by including more sites to its areas of operations. The proposed new location however has its repercussion, negative since we can clearly see that the area will need development by changing the tropical feel to it from that to a location that has infrastructure, well-built operational capacity and electric power and lines possessing capability. Also, choosing which employees go where is again unethical since their opinions need to be taken into account as well.

Effect on Stakeholders
This might raise issues in regard with environmental concerns, harm to local people and other surroundings of the location and the site which means removing the tropical feel from the area. Self-directing sewerage lines into river is another ethical concern since it means deploying natural resources by putting in waste and corrupting the water resource that people in the area use or even drink from

Application to Course Material
CSR means different things to different people  for Friedman it is anything that is unprofitable for societal concern related people, it is hypocritical window-dressing. Theories tell us that the welfare costs although being high in CSR Environment efforts, companies like Clean Power could really use the recommendation of Good management, and borrowed virtue according to the model mentioned in the Economist to reap benefits arising from increasing social welfare. A very important stakeholder  society and the community hence would stay protected and feel cared for and respected by the company if it does the above by Policy Lifecycle component for instance and not throw waste in the river. (Maxwell and Lyon, 2007)

The third ethical concern related to choosing which employees go where is again unethical since their opinions need to be taken into account as well. Change is a difficult thing to handle for most employees and proper training and mentoring sessions at least need to be carried out so that employees morale does not go down if they are made to feel forced through the managements decision. A sufficient part our businesses main asset and corporate social responsibility is that of our human resource which should not be forgotten at all times.

Recommendation to better handle change related conflicts for employees, would be that that appropriate change management theories be put into practice. This will not only prevent talent from leaving the company but also prove lucrative by employees feeling motivated after the training and discussions so that they know that their say too is important in the company to the management. This will, according to theory lead to maximum contribution, development and retaining of motivated, productive employees. During organization related changes, management needs to hence here too give attention to employee development and not only focus on the business day to day demands so that organization really moves forward in all arenas of its corporate social responsibility to a key stakeholder  its employees. (Papmehl, 2002)

As the Director of Corporate Development I would suggest the company could expand its horizons by going into timber salvaging so that the tropical side to the site is not affected negatively and the company is able to make profits by having CSR Developments and Business functioning simultaneously (Accountability21, 2009). ESIA is an authority the company should be in correspondence with to gain from CSR and Environmental theories that stress on the benefits of environmental certification, which will help understand the stakeholders  employees, community and the company itself of its environmental commitment (CSR Developments, n.d.). However, it needs to properly seek approval from all those people living in the vicinity area about the developments the company is seeking before going ahead with the project. As far as the disposing waste in the river is concerned, a committee should be set up that explores other options that do not come out as unethical as this one and not be harmful to the environment, community, people and surroundings of the companys location in this case.

Why I would like to work for the Coca-Cola Company

Upholding a competitive corporate culture is any organization is quite crucial in ensuring a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace (Velasquez, 2004). This is because such are the core determinants of the values, attitude and beliefs as well as the experience of the organization. Corporate culture should also be understood as the core values and norms which are commonly shared among the workers of the organization for the ultimate long term success in the marketplace. It is to be clearly noted that the sustainability of any company is highly dependent on the uniqueness of its products as well as the appreciation of the workforce in the company (The Coca-Cola Company, 2009). This paper is written as a discussion of the author interest in working for the Coca-Cola Company due to its strong cooperate culture. The paper in particular takes about the culture suits the author in terms of benefits and ethical issues among other factors.

The Coca-Cola Company is mainly a sugared water seller company. It is however evidently clear that the company has conducted its activities since its establishment in such a skillful way that it has not only succeeded in the global market, but also managed to mysteriously gain full support from its workforce. This has been basically attributed to it strong cooperate culture.  The first and most outstanding cooperate culture in this company is its workplace culture and its concern for the rights of its employees as well as defining the sustainable success of its strategic plans (The Coca-Cola Company, 2009). The company has and still is highly focused on creating and executing strategic workplace policies which seek not only to ensure its business prosperity but also appreciating and nurturing a workforce driven working environment. It is the culture of embracing the commonalities and diversity is its workforce both in culture and ideologies that best makes the company a job target for many in the society (Velasquez, 2004). Just to be stated is the fact that the workforce in any organization is the most important resource. This is because they do not only determine the maximized productivity of the organization but also ensure the efficient utilization of available resource as well as upholding and portraying good reputation of the organization to the general public. Still to be noted is that the reputation of a company is the best marketing tool that helps in ensuring a sustainable market base share for the company.

Just as its clear from the companys mission statement on diversity, the Coca-Cola Company is evidently built on two major core values. These are its brand and its people (The Coca-Cola Company, 2009). It is based on this that the company is always out to ensure the creation of value for the appreciation of its consumers and employees and thus making an impacting difference in the marketplace. By ensuring an inclusive working environment for its workforce, as well as providing employees training programs, the company finds much appreciation from its worldwide team. This would definitely my skills and knowledge in the business world.

It is to be understood that such a working team is marked with much diversity in personality, skills and ideologies. It is thus clear that the outstanding success of the company in the highly competitive global market is based on its quality coordination of both its diverse worker force and consumers (Velasquez, 2004). It is such appreciations of human resources by the coca cola company that it best suits me. This is because it will give me the opportunity not only to work in an engaged environment but also to learn the cultural and personality diversities of the varied workforce. Such could greatly improve my socialization and compatibility ability in the global job market.

The successful long term survival of an organization in the global market is mainly revolved on human resource policies and practices both in the workplace and in the marketplace. Coca Cola Company has over its many years of existence in the global business world always strived to understand and appreciate diversity of its consumers. According to the underlying principles of business management, the success of any business is mainly dependent on how sustainable its consumer base is. It is there the corporate culture of appreciating and operating with the aim of ensuring consumer satisfaction that the company has managed to become a leading sugared water company in the world (The Coca-Cola Company, 2009). Such successful and innovative productivity by the company over the years are a clear assurance that the coca cola company is still to remain in the market in the future. This thus makes it a viable employment company for job seekers.

In conclusion, the ultimate success of an organization lays not only on its efficiency of production but also its consumer base in the marketplace as well as its worker employer relations. From its practices and policies, the coca cola company has always strived to uphold and respect its core assets namely its brand and its people. It is due to this that the company is always giving innovative competition in the market. Such are also the reason for its ever growing consumer base as well as appreciation by its diverse workers and the general public. The company is thus a great place for working in.


Keith Curry lance is best known as having been the lead author in the original Colorado Study on the relationship between good school libraries and students academic success. The first study was published in 1993 and was titled, The impact of School Library Centers on Academic Excellence. The second Colorado study was published in 2000 under the title, How School Librarians Assist Kids Achieve standards. More recent research in 2005 was co-authored with Loertscher, D. under the tile, Powering Achievement How School Library programs make a Difference. The published studies relied on data collected through various means primarily through the use of a questionnaire and occasional interviews with specific target respondents.

The sampling employed was random sampling where schools from different settings were targeted. In one of the interviews based on these studies, Lance asserted that the schools targeted excluded suburban, inner city and rural schools which were considered to have certain extremities not present in a majority of other schools. However, some of those schools participated in responding to the research questions. In analyzing the study findings and conclusions, it would be reasonable to analyze some of the basic findings of the study as well as looking at some of the parameters employed in ensuring reasonable research. To assess whether the results proclaimed by the studies are right or wrong may exceed the scope of this study considering the relativity with which such qualitative studies are interpreted.

In this study, an effort will be done to analyze some of the studies particularly paying attention to the manner in which the study was carried out, the methods of data collection, the manner of data analysis as well as an analysis of some of the conclusions inferred from the studies. The aim of this study will be to analyze and assess the works done by the joint effort of these researchers with an aim of identifying research loopholes, poor judgments, poor methodologies as well as poor correlation of method, data and inferences. Where appropriate, the study will endeavor to offer criticism to the study conclusions by criticizing the methodology, sampling as well as the tools used to collect the information. A fundamental issue that this study will analyze is the quality of the respondents on whom the study findings are made. According to the principal researcher, Keith Curry Lance, there was an always ever present probability that they would only receive credible responses from schools which were well equipped and with librarians with good credentials as compared to schools whose librarians had weak credentials. It was also probable that the researchers would receive weak responses from schools without librarians. As such, the issue of the quality of respondents is of concern since non-librarians who responded to the questionnaire were likely to provide haphazard and shallow information to the research questions.

To start with, the study will endeavor to analyze some of the studies and generally analyze how they were conducted as well as analyze some of the conclusions gathered from the studies. In the Original Colorado study, the major finding and inference from the study was that the library size in terms of its collection and staff is directly proportional to reading scores. The test score variation associated directly with the size of the library cited by this study ranged from 5-15 across the sampled elementary and secondary schools. The range evident in different schools could be associated to a variety of present school and community differences. Apart from the library size, rated as the direct predictor to grades improvement, a host of indirect predictors to the achievement were also considered and these included the presence of a professional librarian who was active in playing instructional roles to learners and who also spent a considerable amount of time within the library. Another indirect predictor included in the study was the teacher-pupil ratio, the average spending per pupil by the school and also on the socio-economic status of the pupils. A good percentage of scores variation was associated with socio-economic characteristics, with students from minority and poor families that had no history in academic excellence being predicted to show low variation in academic performance despite the presence of a professionally run library.

The general conduct of the study was guided by hypothetical questions such as how improvement in school libraries management contributed to student progress or how the presence of a school library manned by interactive librarians impacted on the general academic success of the students. To aid in the investigations, the research had focused on several parameters such as
the level of school library development,
activities within the school that foster information literacy,
the extent to which librarians engage in collaboration and leadership
The extent of utilization of technology to extend the library reaches beyond the physical school library. This parameter mainly gauged the effectiveness of having online libraries within the school intranets.

The parameters applied in the study are analyzed as follows
School Library Development- According to Lance (2001), development of a school library especially as used for the study was defined by the ratio of professional staff manning the libraries to students, a variety of collection per student ratios as well as time spent by students in the library. One basic inference drawn from this parameter was that in school libraries with higher levels of professional staff, more funding and larger collections of electronic and print resources, students generally tended to score high on state reading tests. In this parameter, a developed library is associated not only with the availability of resources but also on the presence of professional librarians who play a lead instructional role to the learners. In the first Colorado study, the report did not indicate or define what a strong librarian instructional role was and therefore offered no guidance on practitioners on how best they could deliver their services. One of the criticisms to the initial study was therefore on the deficiency of the study to clearly define the role of librarians which would effectively contribute to a considerable good performance from the learners.

Librarians Collaboration and Leadership- According to the study, librarians who demonstrated leadership skills and took up responsibility to instructing learners played a pivotal role in improving students performance.  The kind of leadership defined in the study is best described by the activities that the librarians engages in to assist the learners and the teachers succeed in finding research materials. Activities that would indicate leadership in a librarian ranged from frequent meetings with the school principal, attending and participation in faculty meetings, serving and participation on crucial academic committees such as the curriculum development and strategic analysis committees, association and interaction with other librarian colleagues at district and higher levels. In some of the schools where librarians were deemed to be playing effective leadership roles, the librarians admitted to serving in crucial committees such as the school steering committee. In an example, a librarian at Bald eagle Area High located in Wingate, Allison Hutchison asserted that their school librarian is a primary and integral part of the steering committee consisting of school leaders and area coordinators. In meetings held bi-monthly, the librarian is involved in making many policies especially those that concerns curriculum directions.

According to the librarian, participating in school committee meetings was essential since it assisted in understanding areas of great importance in the curriculum process and therefore essential in making collection of resources. Making an inference from this, the study projects that when librarians are given leadership responsibilities within the school, they easily capture essential areas of focus and this guides them in making relevant collections. In another instance where the study analyzed leadership within librarians, a librarian at Urbandale High in Iowa asserted that her active service produced a significant effect on both the teachers and the learners. In an interview, she admitted to being involved by teachers to present book reviews in classes and to occasionally arrange a panel in which teachers could discuss their favorite books in a certain teachers class.

Collaboration and Information Literacy- The collaboration cited in the studies is one that comes as a result of librarians creating an environment that supports their working together with learners and teachers.  According to the research, some of the cited activities that could be regarded as collaboration were identification of useful information and materials for teachers, assisting teachers to plan instruction effectively, provision of in-service training for teachers as well as ability and participation in teaching students in classrooms either in the presence or absence of a teacher. According to the research, positive collaboration between the teachers and the librarians resulted to higher reading scores among students. In one school in Colorado, Eagle crest High School, librarians collaborate with American Literature and History classes in doing their research projects from the beginning to the end.

Technology Parameter- One of the fundamental aspects incorporated in the different researches on this topic has been on the place of technology in the school libraries. The place of the internet library has particularly been explored. In the Colorado research, the inference made on this was that schools that provided students and teachers with remote access to library materials resulted to higher test scores. One of the factors associated with this rise in scores was the fact that learners could access materials at the comfort of their living places and this helped eliminate the boredom associated with formal schools and at the same time retained the curiosity inherent in research work. In Silverton High School, Oregon, the librarian Becky Hickox reported that the she was pivotal in introducing freshmen to the use of internet and all databases licensed by the institution. In an interview, the librarian asserted that freshmen normally are familiar with using the World Wide Web but finds difficulties using the schools licensed databases. The librarian also follows up to ensure that all learners familiarize themselves with making academic searches to ensure that they are covering the relevant content. In a nut shell, the research argues that collaboration of the librarians in introducing students to learning technology contributes to a rise in grades from the learners.

Controlling For schools and community differences-One of the fundamental criteria employed in collecting information for the research was in defining the differences that existed between the different schools under study. In the first Colorado study, little efforts had been put in place to cater for the diversity in which the different schools existed. As such, one of the criticisms to the results was on the studys failure to address the stark socio-economic differences that existed between the schools that were analyzed. Some of the differences accounted and controlled within the research were classified in both school and community differences. Under the school differences, some of the factors put in consideration were the characteristics of teachers such as their experience, their levels of education as well as compensation. In addition, the ratios of teacher-pupil and total amount spent per learner. Some of the community differences analyzed included minority demographics, poverty and adult educational attainment. Notwithstanding the community and school differences, most of the researches established the fundamental assertion that the school library and its management played a pivotal role in the shaping of learners performance in the United States.

Analyzing Methodology
In most of the studies conducted by Lance (2000) and colleagues, the primary tool of study was a questionnaire and interviews which were conducted randomly. The results therefore obtained would contain the inherent weaknesses that are evident in any study utilizing the questionnaire. As such, the overall conclusion that school libraries are key determinants of learners performances may have inferred weaknesses such as
Unequal response from the different schools determined to be used as samples. In an electronic interview conducted between July to October 2005 by Callison, D. (2005), the original researcher Lance admitted that the likelihood of receiving a response from a given target school was dependent on the availability and willingness of a person to go through the questionnaire and respond to it. Chances of the respondents giving wrong information about their schools libraries cannot be overruled and these would affect the quality and reliability of the conclusions made by the studies.

Another major weakness with the questionnaire tool used for study is their low response rate. Low response generally reduces the accuracy of statistical analysis and dilutes the quality of conclusions made. In situations where questionnaires receive a very low response rate, the conclusions made may not reflect the true realities on the ground. In the case of these studies, the possibility of low response was a stark reality considering that the random sampling technique applied targeted respondents from far and remote places. In such cases, the respondents may fail to identify with the rationale behind the questionnaire and therefore end up giving information that may distort the true situation on the ground.

Another weakness in the questionnaires applied is their inability to probe responses. The fact that questionnaires are formally structured implies that respondents are limited to structure their response sin the set format. As such, flexibility is denied and as such, possibility of leaving out crucial information is highly possible. The general conclusions made in the studies could then have been deficient considering that the respondents had to respond in a formal manner predetermined by the researchers.

In addition, questionnaires miss out on almost 90 of communication, considered as visual. In a normal communication discourse, gestures, physical cues and facial expressions are assumed to cover a great deal of communication. This is not achieved in a questionnaire which only relies on written information and therefore may be unable to pick out crucial details especially when probing sensitive issues.

Another inherent weakness in questionnaires is the inaccuracy of assumptions. The researcher assumes that the person who responded to the questionnaire is the actual person who was intended. Considering the geographical and time difference between the researcher and the respondent, there is always the possibility that the respondent was not the intended target. This therefore reduces the reliability of data collected and may affect the quality of the conclusions made. Lastly, there is an associated inefficiency associated with using questionnaires. Respondents are turned off by written questions due to observed misuse and low level seriousness that respondents apply when answering written questionnaires.

Analysis of random Sampling
In a good percentage of the information collected, data was obtained through random sampling of schools and this has a weakness in itself. First, there was no guarantee of obtaining respondents with similar credentials. In the interview conducted by Callison, Lance admitted that rarely did they find librarians with credentials in high schools and virtually no elementary school that responded reported the presence of a professional librarian. As such, the findings reported in the study would in a way represent some inaccuracies based on the variation of respondents skills and experience. In addition, the random sampling employed may have increased the risk of non-targeted respondents responding to the questions and therefore reducing the credibility and validity of the conclusions made. As such, it is the submission of this study that the methodology adopted was not entirely reliable and therefore had a possibility of affecting the soundness of the conclusions made.

Are the conclusions warranted
The aim of any scientific qualitative or quantitative research is to collect data, analyze the data and then make inferences drawn from the data. A fundamental weakness therefore of any scientific method is that the conclusions are made wrong if the data or the methodology was flawed. The major conclusion to the studies conducted by Lance and his colleagues linked the presence of school libraries to a rise in scores among learners. The factors that encompassed a library consisted of a library media program development, presence of information technology and collaboration. However, based on the weaknesses of the methodology addressed above, these conclusions may be a true reflection of the data collected yet fail to be a realistic image of the situation on the ground.

The inferences made by Lance and his team in different studies are crucial in offering a guidance to the way schools ought to prioritize the management of their libraries due to their relational aspect on improved performance. It is to be noted here that the studies, though done in earnest may represent generalizations other than realistic situations on the ground. During the American Library Association yearly conference in San Francisco in 1992, the first Colorado study was criticized for not being conclusive, that is, not establishing a cause-effect relationship. However, it was credited as being a foundational study other than a conclusive one. For instance, the study did not establish the role that other factors would have played in students performances apart from the library criteria. Reviewers would associate poor performance in a school to a majority of factors including the competency and confidence of instructors when delivering content as well as the role the socio-economic variances play in academic performance. As such, though the library is a pivotal tool in the learning process, using it primarily to credit performance would be wrong if all the other factors are not given a thorough consideration. In addition, though the studies made efforts to establish a control for school and community differences, the efficiency with which such a qualitative study can quantify the role of these differences in the performance of students may not be easy to validate.

Business ethics

Business ethics refers to the study of the activities that a business undertakes particularly with regard to how morally adequate those activities are (Chryssides  Kaler, 2006). The main concern of business ethics is how the individuals in an organization apply moral standards as they perform their duties in the organization. All individuals in an organization regardless of their position in an organization do encounter ethical issues at some point in their undertaking of duties (Chryssides  Kaler, 2006). Sometimes the issues encountered pose a dilemma to the individuals and more often than not they are tempted to handle them unethically. However, it is important for all individuals in an organization to apply business ethics as this is the only way an organization can show its social responsibility (Chryssides  Kaler, 2006). It is important for any organization to realize that its responsibility goes beyond just making products to gain profits it also includes using a part of its resources in trying to improve the condition of the community in which they are operating in. Due to the changes in economy and society, many organizations more than ever before are being forced to strike a balance between economic betterment and social responsibility.
In todays business environment, there are several ethical issues that organizations are encountering. Some of these are laying off people, how to produce goods and services without polluting the environment and globalization. These are brought about by the legal systems of societies, public opinions, government regulations and politics, technological advances as well as community attitudes (Chryssides  Kaler, 2006).

Laying of employees has become a common occurrence in the current business world. This has been due to poor economic conditions that are forcing the organizations to downsize in order to cushion themselves from the effects of economic hardships. This action though necessary for an organizations survival, it usually has its negative effects with regard to an organizations social responsibility. An organization has the social responsibility of improving the living standards of the community it is operating in. The laid off workers usually suffer economically as well as psychologically and this serves to taint the image of the organization (Agalgatti  Krishna, 2007). Due to the bad publicity the organizations suffer huge losses both in the short term and in the long term.
Another ethical issue is how to carry out their operations without polluting the environment. Ethically, organizations are not supposed to endanger the lives of the members of the community in which they are operating in. In cases of industries, their activities usually result in formation of wastes which can be solid or gaseous. These pollute the environment when released. To avoid polluting the environment, organizations are usually required to employ means of containing the pollutants. These means are usually very expensive and many cannot afford while those who can afford do not want to further constrain their budgets (Agalgatti  Krishna, 2007). On the other hand, if they continue to pollute the environment, their public image is damaged and this results to huge losses. The organizations are usually faced with the ethical dilemma of protecting the environment thus creating a good image while at the same time advancing economically.
In the current business environment, globalization is rapidly gaining popularity. However, it has posed a lot of ethical problems to organizations that have gone global. Rules and laws that govern labor differ from country to country. Some companies such as Nike contracts companies in other countries to carry out their manufacturing functions (Chryssides  Kaler, 2006). The governments in these countries may be lax in implementing the labor laws. This may lead the management in these contracted companies to apply unethical practices in their manufacturing plants such as use of minors as a source of labor. This in general will affect the image of the parent organization negatively.
It is clear that how to balance economic betterment and social responsibility is one of the major dilemmas facing the management of organizations in the current society. However, this balance is key to an organizations success and so an organization that wants to succeed must find a balance between these two issues.