Variation of Sex

Sexuality remains a social taboo in many communities. This makes it very difficult for the upcoming generations to talk about sex freely (McCormack, et al. 2002). This does no good to them since sex is a reality and communities must talk abut it. There are several difficulties posed by cultural conditions, for instance conflicts with partners, parents and close friends. Moreover, dating issues are frowned upon due to demographic factors for instance, age, race, culture or social status, no discussions about it, no engaging in it and so on and so forth. This study gives a personal experience within the Middle Eastern Culture. This study seeks to state that sex is a human gift and no situation can deprive a person to enjoy it. Its value surpasses cultural beliefs and settings. There can be no fruitful relationships if there is no sexuality.

Conflict Background
This section narrates my personal experience with my parents, relatives and friends. It was an experience that caused my heart deep frustration and anger. I come from Middle Eastern culture where sex matters still remain a social taboo. Children are not supposed to discuss sex matters with their parents, not even when they grow up. Personally, I have had serious conflicts with my parents and friends whenever I attempted to disclose to them about my fiance. What came into their minds is that we are going to have sex or date or kiss and many other things.

My fiance does not come from my race. She is a Briton and they are a bit liberal when it comes to sex. Her culture and my culture are completely opposite. Luckily, we have been able to rise above our cultural beliefs so that we can accommodate each other. Our relationship has nothing to do with our cultures and we hate it when somebody brings it between us. Our response to such occasions is that our culture is none else but love. My fiance is the best thing that ever happened to my life and I do not intend to sacrifice her for anything whether my parents demand it or community or friends, she is in my life to stay.

I must say that I have grown in this culture and there so many things that I learnt from it. I am proud of my culture and will always put into practice the good values I learnt from it especially on chastity. However I believe that no culture should replace human intellect  will at any particular time. So, since not everything is acceptable to me as it is in my culture, I have decided to confront the situation through what I believe to be true and practical. I have serious doubts with my culture on its perception on sex and relationship dating is frowned upon, sex and intimacy is a taboo, being in a relationship is an issue, I cannot stand this. My education has taught me other values which to me are the best because of their universality.

I have had a rough experience with my parents, friends and relatives because of my current relationship. Anytime I meet her, my parents go wild. They think we have sex and date all the time. There was a time I invited her to our house although I had not alerted my parents. This turned out terrible. She was confronted and asked to leave. At this point there is nothing I could do but watch. But deep in my heart I went through agony, disappointment, contempt, anger, and sadness. I did not know what to do next or what I would lose next. Would my parents throw me out of the house or would I lose my fiance The better option was to deal with both situations wisely, for instance, by apologizing to my parents and then talk to my fiance, somehow comfort her.

Luckily, I did not lose her although my parents and relatives were totally opposed to the relationship. I felt invaded in my personal life and I could not take it any longer. Every time, it was anger, frustration, disappointment and sadness. At this point I decided to talk it over with my parents. I even brought them my school notes to challenge them on the sexuality. I was convinced that their sex perception is as defined in our culture. I let them know that my fiance was the best thing that ever happened in my life and was not ready to lose her for anything. I brought into their attention my plan to move to a new apartment where I would be more comfortable and free. I wanted a sense of freedom with my fiance so that we could do what we wished.  I told them that I was serious with her and we are even planning to get married. They also expressed their fears and opinion but later came to accept the situation.

Me and my fiance are very free and can talk about sex anytime. We are very close to each other and it would be a lie to say that we are not sexually attracted to each other. We also believe in responsible sex and faithfulness towards it. I also congratulate her for her firm convictions. She was strong at that time when we went through tribulations.

Conflict Analysis
Human behavior is influenced by several factors namely biological, emotional, sociological and cultural just to mention a few (Malare, 2010). Sex as perceived by different individuals depends on such factors. One cannot dispute that society plays a great role in shaping values. But, it oversteps its role when it forces individuals to do what is not their choice. So long as the decisions undertaken are of high moral standards and are of great benefit to the person then he can overlook the set standards in the community.
Sex is a very wide issue that no society or culture can control. In most cases, what a society should do is put measures that will safeguard the intended purpose of sex. It should be strictly for procreation and recreation for married people (McCormack, et al. 2002). A culture or society should condemn acts like prostitution or irresponsible sex. Additionally, they should not create a sex phobia, so to speak. It should leave it an open venture for future generations.

Sexual orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual, or affectional attraction toward others, usually conceived of as classified according to the sex or gender of the persons whom the individual finds sexually attractive (Malare, 2010). These attractions can take different forms such as homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality and queer just but to mention a few (Malare, 2010). Whenever one feels attracted to her fiance it should never be seen as an abnormal thing by any culture or parents or community. However, this does not mean people to abuse sex. Cases of homosexuality remain illegal in different setups. Cultures that condemn homosexuality can be justified because it does not relate to the essence of sex.

Culture, parents and community need to know that sexuality is a process it evolves through several stages of the growing person. From the story, the parents are opposed to the idea of sex, but they do not reflect on the underlying meaning of it. As such, sexual desires begin even when somebody is still a baby. At oral stage, for instance, babies unconsciously experience sexual desires and attempt to satisfy them through suckling or putting objects in their mouth (Malare, 2010). This stage must not be exaggerated and the parents should take right measures to avoid future conflicts. So, there is no point for any culture or parents to be against sex if they do not consider it from its cradle stages.
Parental beliefs on sex would be even stronger if they take law into consideration. Legality and culture should complement each other at all times. According to California laws about sex, the main aim is to guide the citizens on the limits of sexual behavior (California Laws about Sex, n.d.)

Sexual freedom in exploring different forms of sexuality or having sexual relations outside culturally sanctioned marriage continues to be a problem in the US since colonial times (Ridinger, 2006). This is an indication that most generations are struggling for sexual emancipation. The rate of change taking place globally cannot be replaced by cultural beliefs. It is time that parents and the society at large loosen their understanding on sex to avoid conflicts with their children.

Although cultural factors define sex to the generations, sex concept is an end in itself. Therefore, cultural beliefs should only prohibit sexually irresponsible behavior. Sex is meant for reproduction and gratification of the spouses so long as it fosters their human dignity and well-being. Moreover, sexual inclination between two partners in a relationship is healthy. Culture and legal factors should complement each other in defining sexuality and proposing a better way to regulate its misuse. This study wishes to re-state that sex is a human gift and no situation can deprive a person to enjoy it. Its value surpasses cultural beliefs and settings. There can be no fruitful relationships if there is no sexuality.

Piercing the Corporation Veil

According to the law of corporations, shareholders liability is limited to the extent of the amount of stock they have subscribed for (Neyers, 2000, p. 215). The same law treats a corporation as another independent person, and that individuals that are its shareholders will not be liable for it debts, acts or obligations even if they are unlawful. However under certain circumstances the court may unveil the corporation veil for different reasons in order to get the people behind it and hold them liable (Neyers, 2000, p. 215).

When corporations have abused the privilege of conducting business in the corporate outline the courts will hold the owners, employees or director personally liable. The courts will disregard the corporate form, and pierce the corporate veil whenever necessary to prevent fraud if the formation formalities are ignored such as adequate capitalization and proper maintenance of books or records, distinct separation of transactions and accounts of subsidiaries or affiliates, using corporation funds to settle their expenditures and observation of proper statutory provisions (Neyers, 2000, p. 215).

When corporate formation formalities are ignored in a subsidiary corporation entity hence the formalities of separate corporate procedures for each corporation are not observed. Other notable instances have been suggested by OConnor, (1998) as

If a corporation is believed to be an agent or instrumentality of a sole proprietor or of another corporation and conveyed its assets shareholders in fraud of creditors.

If the shareholders treat the assets of the corporation as their own, fail to keep separate corporate books, use corporate funds to pay their private debts, and fail to observe corporate formalities, (p. 371).

Conflict of interest

The post is mainly based on the possible conflicts of interest that are likely to arise in a hospital setup. The main conflict of interest that have been discussed relate to physicians and their patients. The paper also discusses the duties of shareholders, board of directors, officers and management of an organization. The paper further discusses various relations within a hospital setup.

Conflicts of interest are common within the healthcare sector and thus needs urgent policies to address them. In virtually all cases, presence of this type of conflict serves as an indication of broad diversity, accomplishments and experiences of institutional policy and decision makers. It therefore follows that the main objective of any policy of dealing with this type of conflict is to identify possible conflicts of interests and at the same time manage such conflicts. Although it might not be possible to completely eliminate conflicts of interest within the healthcare sector, policies should be developed by the relevant stakeholders so as to ensure that this type of conflict is minimized as much as possible (Morrison  Monagle, 2009).

Conflicts of interest
Within the healthcare sector, conflict of interest is said to exist if one of the healthcare stakeholders responsibility or obligation to other people is influenced either unconsciously or consciously, by personal or financial factors. For these factors to be considered to have enough weight to influence the healthcare stakeholder, they must involve significant self interest on the part of the stakeholder. In a capitalist system that is profit driven, the main factor that is likely to contribute to conflict of interest is most likely associated with financial considerations. In most cases, conflict of interest within the healthcare sector is brought about by the healthcare professionals who use their positions to serve their own interests at the detriment of the patients and the general public who are supposed to be served by the professionals and the main decision and policy makers. Such conduct by the professionals and mainstream decision and policy makers within the healthcare sector is unethical (Jones, 1998).

Normally, codes of ethics are developed in order to minimize as much as possible the conflicts of interests that are likely to develop among various stakeholders. The codes of ethics are thus aimed at safeguarding the interests of the patients which is the most vulnerable group within the healthcare sector. Codes of ethics are essential in reducing problem occurrences as they elaborate the degree to which conflicts of interests are to be avoided. In addition, the codes of ethics explain clearly what is expected from various parties. Through the codes of ethics, the professionals are barred from claiming that they were not aware that their actions and behaviors which were improper were indeed unethical. Significantly, the disciplinary action threat on the person breaching the code of ethics assists in minimizing improper acts or unacceptable conflicts during instances when avoiding a conflict is not possible (Morrison  Monagle, 2009). 

One of the major types of conflict of interest that arise within the healthcare sector is financially related. This type of conflict arises because both the healthcare providers and the patients have some interests in the costs of providing the healthcare services. While the healthcare providers aim at maximizing their profits, the patients look for ways and means of reducing their costs of acquiring the healthcare services. Financial conflict of interest is also likely to occur in situations where the healthcare professionals working in the public healthcare facilities are also operating private hospitals. Although such a practice might not necessarily bring about a conflict of interest, there is a possibility of such a conflict arising if the practice is not well regulated. The medical professionals are likely to make more money while operating their own private hospitals. Therefore, if a medical professional is allowed to practice in both the public and private healthcare facilities, there is a high possibility of a conflict of interest arising as the medical professional will spend more time in his private hospital and thus neglect the patients seeking for the services at the public hospitals (Kassirer, 2001).

Within the healthcare sector, physicians and patients are the main stakeholders who meet most frequently. Several conflicts are thus likely to emerge from the numerous contacts between these parties. Since the patients and the physicians interact with one another at a personal level, there is a high possibility of one of them infringing the personal life of the other. The physician is usually at a better position to take advantage of the patient while seeking to serve his own interests at the expense of the well being of the patient. A physician can sexually abuse a patient who is innocently seeking medical services from him or her. Even though the professional code of ethics of the physicians strictly forbids such behaviors among the physicians, it is still possible for such relations to continue since the physicians will in most cases use the available loopholes in taking advantage of their patients (Jones, 1998). 

Although the physicians are only supposed to prescribe to the patients the best drugs in the market capable of healing them, some physicians are influenced by the drug manufacturing companies to prescribe certain drugs. In such a case, the physician is not interested by the well being of the patient but on marketing the drugs for certain drug manufacturers. Therefore, the patients end up not receiving the best drugs available in the market since the decisions of their physicians are greatly influenced by some drug manufacturers. In most cases, patients disclose confidential information to their physicians. According to the codes of ethics, the physicians are not supposed to reveal such information to anyone without the patients consent. However, some physicians end disclosing such confidential information thus infringing the patients rights (Elliott, 2006).

The board of directors in any organization is responsible for making decisions and formulating policies for the entire organization. They therefore have to consider the interests of each and every stakeholder within the organization. The decisions and the policies formulated by the board of directors should reflect the interests of the patients, physicians, subordinate staff and any other stakeholder. Unfortunately, this is not always the case as the board of directors at times makes decisions and formulates policies that are not capable of benefiting all the stakeholders. When the board of directors fails to consider all the stakeholders when they are making crucial decisions, they end up bringing about major conflicts of interest (Chinyio, 2010).

In most cases, conflicts of interest arise as parties seek ways and means of making personal gains at the expense of the other parties. There are however few instances when conflicts of interest arise without any aim of a direct personal gain on the part of the party causing the conflict. Such conflicts are mostly brought about by parties desiring to make a certain point clear to another party. Such conflicts can also be brought about by one party whose main aim is to cause some damage to the other party with no intention of benefiting. A good example of such conflict is when a physician discloses confidential information about a patient and yet there is no direct personal gain on the part of the physician for disclosing such information (Morrison  Monagle, 2009). 

In organizational governance, the shareholders play a critical role through the directors and other office holders they elect or appoint to various positions. The shareholders are the providers of capital which is used in running the organization. They therefore take the greatest risk since it is their investments that are used in running the organization. For an organization to run properly, the board of directors plays a very vital role. The board of directors has the duty of making crucial decisions as well as formulating policies for the entire organization. The decisions and policies made by the board of directors thus give the organization some sense of direction. The management and the officers to an organization are important to an organization in that they are the main link between the shareholders and the board of directors. They are responsible for ensuring that the decisions and policies made by the board of directors are followed for the optimal benefit of the organizations shareholders (Chinyio, 2010).

The board of directors has a duty of loyalty to the entire organization. This is due to the fact that the directors are responsible for making very crucial decisions and policies. Being loyal to the organization thus enables the directors to make decisions and policies which are in the best interest of the organization. The shareholders of an organization exercise their authority and power through the board of directors. The directors thus have a duty of care to not only the shareholders but also to the entire organization. Since the entire organization is entrusted on them, they have an ethical obligation of ensuring that they always make decisions in the best interest of the organization (Jones, 1998). 

The relationship between patients and physicians is probably the most significant in a hospital set up. It should therefore be handled with a lot of care and in the best interest of both the physician and the patient. Both the physician and the patient should avoid actions and behaviors that are likely to bring about a conflict of interest. Physicians play a great role in an organization and thus should relate well with the management of the organization. Since the management has the responsibility of ensuring that various decisions and policies are implemented, the physicians should liaise with the management in ensuring that the organization runs smoothly. The physicians play a critical role in the implementation of the decisions and policies made by the directors. The two parties should thus have a warm relationship in order to complement each other in the running of the organization (Kassirer, 2001).

Conflict of interest is one of the major challenges facing the healthcare sector around the world and is thus a major barrier to the delivery of medical services. The conflicts of interest are mainly controlled by codes of conduct and ethics whose main purpose is to minimize such conflicts. Various stakeholders in the healthcare sector have significant duties to the organization and staff. The main stakeholders include, shareholders, board of directors, officers and management. In order to significantly reduce the conflict of interest in an organization, all the stakeholders must be ethical in all their behaviors and actions.

The Shakedown

In international business, corruption is regarded as a major issue. In fact, governments of Spain, Italy, Belgian, Japan, Philippines as well as Ukraine have been shaken by scandals of bribery. Every country has been affected.  In the search for reason, theorists have considered a broad range of economic, political as well as physiological factors. Economic theories lay stress on rational and self-centered people involved in corruption. Important contribution to the cause of corrupt activities has been made by transaction cost economics in the year 1994, public choice in 1978 and game theory in 1978. All these have contributed to the study of corrupt activities. Few political scientists have focused on the physiological profiles of high ranking American politicians and said that unfulfilled and incomplete childhood leads to corrupt activities. Business ventures in Ukraine as marked by corruption and provide a great deal of trouble for them. The case brings forth one such stance and reasons whether it is possible to survive and sustain without providing bribes in todays corporate horizon.

Shakedown is being faced by Customer Strategy Solution, which is a based in California and is involved in development of fulfillment systems. After six months of setting up the centre for software development at Kiev by the companys CEO, Palvo Zhuk, local bureaucrats claimed that the company has failed to file the tax schedules it was supposed to. The tax officials of Ukraine claimed that the company has tax arrears. Zukh is very surprised as he has done everything according to the set rules. Zukh has faced such problems even before. In the making of the centre, a telecommunication utility owned by the state had given problems in gaining the telephone lines the company needed. Zukh did not give up. He had dreamt of a modern Ukraine. Vasyl Feodorovych Mylofienko, who is the senior manager in the telecom company, told Zukh that he would have to wait for three years before the lines could be installed. He also added that Zukh pays him a certain amount, then it can be installed as well as functioning in a weeks time. Zukh still did not pull out. He wanted to the raise the living standard of the local residents of the country. Zukh was confused. He did now know whether he should pay the tax officials.

The major issue that is being discussed in the case is Pavlo Zukh wants to create a modern Ukraine. He wants to bring hope to the local people. (Bodrock, 2005)
Identification of problems faced by foreign business in Ukraine
Identification of the steps Zukh should take to sustain in Ukraine while keeping his ethics intact
Should he pay the tax officials who started the shakedown
Alternative action
Pay  Extortion
The law will not be broken if Zukh pays the Tax officials of Ukraine. Succumbing to extortion is not a crime. He will add the extra tax paid as expense for doing business in Ukraine. This way his long term good will remain intact. However, if he succumbs to extortion, he will help bribery grow. It will have a negative impact on the business environment. The utilitarian theory of normative ethical theory will support this option.

The positives of adopting this option will be, firstly that the company will not face any other issues while dealing with the Government in the future. All transactions will be smooth based as they will have agreed to their terms. If Zukh adopts the utilitarian way of reviewing ethical dilemmas then this option helps him keep his ethics intact.

The negative aspect however are that the company may face future legal consequences the US FCPA 1977. The cost of bribes may have a negative impact on the business. The sudden cost applied to the business may hinder the functionality of the business. Also the employees may be influenced negatively because of such an act. (United State, Department of Justice)

Recent study has been carried out by the Baseline Survey on Corruption and published in Ukraine. It shows that corruption is a major problem in Ukraine and is regarded as grand corruption. Ukraine residents have experienced such problems on a smaller scale by various sections of the society such as government, health care, etc. It is termed as petty corruption

In the last 12 months, 67 of the people of Ukraine who have been involved in some activity with the government have claimed that they have been directly involved in some kind of corrupt activities. Ukrainians are of the opinion that bribes have become compulsory and expected. Bribes have become a must to ensure that services are taken place and in the required time. Extortion for bribes by officials is 25 prevalent as compared to giving bribe voluntarily, which is 11. This seems like a dangerous view for those who want to follow this channel. In 2003, James H Giffen who serves as a counselor to Nursultan Nazarbayev, president of Kazakhstan was arrested and accused on March 30. He was accused off transacting 60 million dollars into the bank account at the Swiss bank for his boss. He also funneled 17 million dollars into the high ranking oil official then. His bail is pending for next January.

Pull out business from Ukraine
If Zukh quits business in Ukraine, he will kill his dreams to venture into Ukraine. He will have to bear responsibility for the locals Ukraine employees who will become jobless. This way he will not contribute towards the encouragement of corruption, but will be held responsible for slowing down the development of the software industry in Ukraine. Other institutions would also reconsider moving business to Ukraine if such a situation arises, which will deter its growth overall. This move will set back a huge financial set back for the company. Also any future endeavor by the company would also be after much thought if the business is pulled out from Ukraine.

The option is not to pay the UTA Special agents. This might lead to some serious consequences hereby following the business ethics. According to law under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (US FCPA) of 1977 Anti-Bribery provisions, its unlawful to follow such practices. Zuchs company is governed by this Act. (United State, Department of Justice).

The positives of adopting this option will be that all the legal course of action will be followed and there will be no fear of regulatory and legal negative consequences in the future. The value maintained will be high, the employees and industries in Ukraine will be inspired by this act. Also the cost of bribery will be not being there, so no additional cost will be borne by the organization. The negative aspect however are that the company will have hard time in the country as it will face troubles and the local authorities may bother the functioning.

Basic provisions that prohibit a company to make payments such as bribery and extortion money to any foreigner as it leads to corrupting the entire system are discussed below.

The provisions of anti-bribery Its unlawful to bribe foreign officials in government services for the retention of attainment of business by the FCPA. These provisions apply to both the issuers required to those who issue such registered securities. A domestic reason is conceived as an individual who happens to be a citizen or a resident of the US. He might belong to any other organization such as a partnership or a sole proprietorship. He might have his main place of business in such sectors in the US or in institutions which is under the countrys law or might belong to a territory or commonwealth of the US.

Payments made by Intermediaries  It is an unlawful practice make payment to any person who might give away a portion to any other foreign official. He might offer, give away or promise to make the payment to the foreign official this might happen in a direct or a indirect manner. The recipient might be a foreign official or a foreign political party. This is done knowing to obtain or retain the business. Knowing might include conscious disregard as well as willful blindness. This means one might do this willingly or under pressure. Both result in the same outcome.

Enforcement The department which is concerned for all civil and criminal enforcements of the anti-bribery factors and provisions in lieu of domestic concerns is the Department of Justice. The SEC holds responsibility for the enforcement of civil laws against bribery as far as issuers are concerned. (Lectric Law Library, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)

Sanctions against bribery For the violation of the anti-bribery provisions of the FCPAs, the following penalties are made. A fine of 2 million is subjected to firms a fine of 100,000 is subjected to top directors, high officials and stockholders and an imprisonment up to five years similar rules are laid for agents as well. A firm may not pay the fines which are imposed on an individual. (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, 2010)

A double life may be lead an investment can be made in NGOs which fight against corruption, as well as local rules will be followed.

Zukh can choose to follow the local laws and at the same time channelize some funds to NGOs that battle against corruption. In this way, both parties can be satisfied. Again if the companies would take the support of NGOs it would not leave much impact. This would not reap great results in fighting against corruption.

The benefits of adopting this method would be that the company will not have to make any transactions with the Government and also the business interest can be protected by Zukh. However the negative consequences can be that the company may be liable to US FCPA 1977 for prosecution in the future. A similar bribe may be asked for in the future which will raise the cost of business to unexpected level. The employees and neighboring companies will also follow their example which will lead to a spread of corruption thereby negatively effecting the business environment in Ukraine.

Customer Strategy Solutions (SWOT analysis)
Zukh foresees opportunities for Ukraine through his company. Ukranian Software Developers Association (USDA) is of the opinion that Ukraines Exports of in relation to IT services would be doubled in the coming two years. He has an advantage of being the only center for software development in Ukraine. He has a lot of highly skilled and reasonable programmers. Zukh has been advised by his friend in the Banking industry to make his company public in order to get higher premiums.

Similar to other foreign SMEs, Zukhs company continues to remain vulnerable to extortion. Corruption is a part of the countrys bureaucracy. In the survey done by the Business Environment conducted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in December 2004, it was clear that bribes have become a part of life and 69 of people said that Corruption forms a major hassle in business. It was seen that the relations remained imperfect between the business done in private and the state. Businessmen feel that the legalities and the prevailing corruption is the main problem.

Corruption leaves a very repulsive impact. It should be scorned and hated by all. It deserves such repulsion. Discouragement would be the first step towards a better living. It might interfere in the general living standards of people. It might lead to misrepresentation. It is very important that such an issue is taken seriously. Steps have to be taken to eradicate it completely it should be done keeping in mind the social reforms. It must not be carried out in a very aggressive manner. It should not also lack sympathy. A pathologist should not lack sympathy while eradicating a good cause. Pathologists contribute a great deal to the investigation of the disease. He works away from the main workplace i.e. hospital in the laboratories. Thus to realize something like this, the following studies have been formulated. No corruption can take place without actually affection the life of the local people of the state. Corruption is the main cause which leads to corruption in politics. Both politics and the economy of a country are interlinked. There conspicuously related to each other. It is possible to distinguish between the subsections of such factors. Distinction of such factors is possible. Development is the factor which binds the two factors together. One is indispensable without the other. In modern times, both are related.

In todays world, Core beliefs and values in the society are being question. Such factors are brought to the fore front and challenged. Various government and economic institution face inconsiderate scrutiny.  The list also includes religious and philanthropic institutions. They face fraudulent scrutiny which leads to financial as well as psychological losses for the local people. The innocent people become the target of such tactics. While laying directions for their respective organizations, managers face such underlying issues about their business. Leaders indulge into strategic planning on a long term basis on the basis of some fundamental issues on belief and ethical values. Such questions have been raised on ideology and core values. Stress has been laid on vision and perspective as well.
When one attains a common goal in any organization or institution, it becomes easier to explain issues expected from their subordinates. It he applied such regulations in the business then management of ethics and principles become easier. This helps restore the ideology ethics and principle of the organization concerned. This attitude helps govern the daily norms of the society as well.  Before establishing his company in Ukraine, Zukh should realize and understand the factors which might affect the company in the future. Therefore, he should have known how corrupt Ukraine is and that there are no principles followed in Ukraine. He should do some online research on websites related to business in Ukraine. Some in-depth analysis has to be made before venturing into a new country.

It should have been noted that Ukraine is marked with business corruption all over. There is no law followed in a state like Ukraine. The website had already revealed about the pending telecommunication lines. The figure is as high as 3.5 millions. Zukh should have immediately realized the condition of the state of Ukraine and the problems prevailing there. He should have known that he would face problems in getting a telephone line. Zukh should have taken appropriate measure relating to this. He, being a business man should have familiarized himself with the laws under the FCPA. FCPA stands for Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. It was laid in 1077 and regulates the fines and the terms of imprisonment for people who should know what steps are to be taken for the violation of the Act. Strict rules have been issued by the International Chamber of Commerce (1996) against bribery and other forms of corruption like extortion. In 1997, Ministers of OCED have agreed for the ratification of a convention against the bribes given to foreign officials. This style of payment is strictly prohibited.  The US style may work effectively in masculine countries which are more likely to be involved in corrupt activities. The FCPA may have vague rules for such high avoidance of uncertainty countries. For Zuch, it is a tough decision as it involves moral issues. Corruption found everywhere from private sector companies to public sector. Today corruption affects everything from social issues tp institution involved in business. In Zukhs case, he should concentrate on the cost of such bribes and make a cost benefit analysis sheet. He should actually calculate how much benefit he gets in the establishment of his company against such bribes.

On the basis of the case study after analysis, he must give the charge of security to a specialized security. This way guarantee is provided to the staff. Cost of doing the business will be under control. He should share his plans with his subordinates. His courage would be admired by all of Kiev. They would look up to the standard and business ethics maintained by him. The high officials should be informed about the extortion demands. He should write to the finance minister, economy minister, Foreign Investment Protection Agency and the highest official in the UTA. He must also approach the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. He should try to meet each one of them personally. I can guarantee from my personal experience that Ukraine only focuses on inflows and not outflows, like most other developing countries

Even after this, if the corruption is not controlled then he should take a step further. He should call for a press conference. This would directly address the public and he would be able to tell them about his dreams about modern Ukraine and his patriotic motives. He just wants to improve the current business standard of his home country. He would emerge as an eminent leader with high business ethics and principles. With this kind of impression, no one would dare to indulge into corrupt activities around him. However, if none of these actions work, then he should pull out his business from Ukraine and leave.

Corruptions challenge the development in a serious manner. When it touches the political world, it challenges the democracy and disciplined governance by affection formal processes in a negative way. It affects the legislative bodies in many ways. It affects the accountability of such bodies.  Corruption in the judicial practices reduces the applicability of laws. In public sectors, it affects the services provided. It affects the administration in many harmful ways.  It affects the capacity of an institution working normally. People are promoted even if they do not deserve to be promoted. It leads to inequality in business houses. It undermines the ruling of the government and looks down upon democratic ethics such as trust and ethics, including tolerance. Knowing Ukraine is one the most corrupt countries in the world, one should really analyze the problems one has to set up for the establishment of the business. This becomes a vital requirement for any business.

A decision should be made keeping all such factors in mind. It has to be a well informed decision. In short, the final outcome of any transactions depends on the decisions taken by one. All decisions are interlinked. One decision might affect the other in many ways and might ultimately lead to an unsuccessful career. Zuch should critically analyze all factors before staring up his business in Ukraine. One wrong decision might lead to heavy losses. It might affect his organization financially as well as economically. It is Zukhs duty to analyze all factors properly and then take a decision. He should find solutions for all possible factors which might affect him.

In accordance to 1995, corruption takes place as the ruling government monopolizes certain resources which are required by a citizen for his private use.  If corruption is compared from one country to another, one can ascertain the difference which arise due o economic and institutional factors and affect the actions of someone who is threatened by government officials. By being able to take advantage of such countervailing activities, one is able to decrease corruption. (Churchwell Cynthia, 2005)

Transgression in Art Ethics and Controversy in Chris Ofilis The Holy Virgin Mary

Art has stepped outside the boundaries of aesthetics, and in the post-modern world, art has become more of a channel of expression and not necessarily art in a conventional sense.  In this case, the common question What is art has now become subject to the follow up, What is art for  Art history has shown that what is considered artistic also implies a sense of elusiveness traditional perspectives emphasize how art is also intellectual, something that is appreciated by the chosen few.  Gaultier (2004, p. 53) mentioned that an artist chose his or her subject less on intellectual grounds than by reason of sensitive harmony or aesthetic agreement, an emotional intercourse between artist and things.  In this case, the dynamics between artist and subject is determined by a certain relationship which mixes both the emotion and the intellect, whereas the art and the audience creates a connection with a more balanced view on reason as mixed with taste and emotion.  This is why prior to the emergence and influence of commercial art, art is considered intellectual because it is a gamut of aesthetics and meaning, as opposed to the mainstream which is more direct.  In any case, art does have its social value because it creates a critical social impact, but in this day and age, the role and function of art needs to be assessed especially in terms of what it is now and what it is currently for.
With the onset of technology, and open and free access, almost anyone can claim and establish a sense of artistry.  A writer who self-publishes somehow becomes a published author, and anyone with a camera can have a broadcasted video work thanks to the likes of YouTube and other social networking sites.  The definition of an artist, in this day and age, somehow becomes challenged with the mere idea that it is no longer as prestigious as being an artist used to be.  Unlike the centuries in which art was supported through patronage, art now needs to exist in a more democratic environment filled with audiences with short attention spans and a hyper-reality where almost anything can be acquired with merely the click of a mouse.  In addition, public patronage is no longer directed to the arts more and more people would rather flock to the cinema or download and stream videos from the Internet.  The attention that was given to art before are no longer of the same degree as it used to hence, for some reason, art in itself can become a mechanism to strike up a sense of PR.  Moreover, many forms of art have emerged, especially along the digital lines.

    What is interesting is that so far, art has managed to grab the attention of the public when it features works that are controversial.  Transgression in art, interestingly, has given the public a reference point for intellectual assessment.  This is to say that transgression art, which is typically associated for its shock value, somehow elicits a discussion whether the piece is art or whether it is just plainly offensive or unethical.  This thereby brings about a debate whether certain works of art is valid in the sphere of what is still considered art or what is simply an expression or a subject merely for the purpose attention, controversy and scandal.

Transgression Art and Ethics
    If art is the venue in which freedom of expression is upheld, should ethics be considered  What is more important than the function and the role of art is how it affects and influences its viewers as Gaut (2007, p. 1) explained its impact,

Art has the power to upset, to disturb, to make us question our assumptions, to change us.  But it also has the power to celebrate our cherished convictions, to pacify us, to be, as Matisse put it, like an appeasing influence, like a mental soother, something like a good armchair in which the rest from physical fatigue.  These powers of art have made it the recurrent object of high ethical hope and deep ethical concern.

    It can be argued that ethical considerations in art is comparable to censorship and it is contradictory to the entire point of what art should be.  However, as art is associated with aesthetics, the problem is that art also becomes subject to the narrow perspective on aesthetics which is basically a discussion on what it beautiful and the ugly in an aesthetic sense.  Gaut (2007) presents an interesting argument that with such narrow view, aesthetics cannot be subject to ethics because ethics cannot be directly perceptible, hence, what is ethical cannot be beautiful or ugly (p. 27). 

    However, evidently art becomes subject to ethics based on its ethical standpoint.  For instance, a controversy emerged from the publication of offensive images relating to Islam such as the editorial cartoon in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in 2005 which depicted the many faces of the prophet Mohammad.  The cartoon, evident of its commercial artistic merit, had its purpose of conveying a certain message, and in that case the message was a criticism of Islam and censorship.  The cartoon evidently met a number of protests because such illustrations were considered blasphemous.

    This thereby highlights whether an artist and a work of art should only function within defined ethical boundaries.  Many works have encountered similar problems, and this issue goes back as far as centuries ago during the time when nude artworks were frowned upon.  Hence, in the same spirit as distinguishing what is an artistic nude and what is blatantly pornographic, art remains to be subject to a set of audience that is still anchored on certain values.  This is why even though art should be representative of what freedom of expression is about, there remains the thin line many people think it should not cross.

    The issue of aesthetics and ethics, according to Littlejohn (1993, p. 1), has its roots in axiology which concerns what human persons value, why they value what they do, and how they express appraisals or judgments of value.  Evidently, such appraisals highlight what people value something that is physical (aesthetics) and something that is moral (ethics).  Aesthetics and ethics are not polar concepts, but rather they can work as incorporated elements in terms of the substance of an object.  Hence, for instance, the Jyllands-Posten cartoons may have scored higher in the aesthetics category yet in the ethics scores the rate is low.

    It should be noted, however, that art and artists do not constantly aim for high scores in both because in reality aesthetics is subjective whereas the issue of what is ethical has now become more subject to a debate.  This is to say that art is not tied to universal rules although art can be challenged in terms of its aesthetic sense and ethical considerations, some may still see certain pieces as something that has successfully expressed what needs to be expressed.  This is why when it comes to examining art that is neither aesthetically nor ethically pleasing, it somehow becomes an objective of meaning.  For instance, there remains a substantial amount of audience who may not get performance art, but in close inspection, the entire sensory experience of the art also integrates the experience of exploring and expounding on its meaning.

    In a sense this becomes an important aspect when it comes to assessing transgression in art.  Some may revere these pieces whereas some may dismiss them as basically ugly and highly offensive.  Many art pieces have garnered such position not only in the art world but among the members of the public as well.  This is why such issue brings forth not only the perception on art but also its current relevance.  It can therefore be argued that art, at present, may be in a position where it is on a limbo hence, whether art remains to maintain its conventional stance or whether it has further devolved from its post-modernist development.  In this regard, it is thereby important to discuss how art places in the world today, and whether the classical notions on aesthetics and ethics should remain to hold true.

On Ofilis The Holy Virgin Mary
The Painting and Reception

    Chris Ofilis The Holy Virgin Mary is a depiction of the Virgin Mary the piece is a mixture of different media including paper cutouts, paint, glitter, poly-resin and elephant dung.  Ofilis intention, evidently, was to depict the Holy Virgin Mary through classic African symbolism as can be seen in the style of the features of the face and the exposure of the female images breast.  The painting is reminiscent of iconic images of the Virgin such as the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption.

    As an artist, Ofilis works can be observed to be strongly reflective of his AfricanCaribbean background in addition, his opportunity to study cave paintings would evidently influence his style.  His themes can be observed to address sexual and gender stereotypes, in addition to his consistent reference to blaxploitation works and gangster rap.  His works also regularly use elephant dung (BBC News, 1998)

    What is interesting about this painting is the details.  The Virgin Mary is a black woman around her, what seems like winged cherubs from afar are actually cutouts of the female genitalia and backside.  Elephant dung and pins served as emphasis on the piece.  Instead of the Virgin cloaked in the typical white or light blue cloth, a bright Prussian blue is draped around the Virgins figure.  Furthermore, the face of the woman is far from the normal depiction of how the Mother Mary might have looked like.  All in all, the painting can be easily perceived as far from the Virgin Mary and what she was about.

    Evidently, the reception towards this work translated into protests and in the United States, a lawsuit from the then mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani.  When the painting was shown at the Brooklyn museum, many people protested including the septuagenarian Dennis Heiner who smeared white paint on Ofilis piece. The exhibit which the painting belonged in, Sensation Young British Artists from the Saatchi Collection, was cancelled in Australia not because of moral outrage about the art but for reasons of ethics, explained Dr. Brian Kennedy, the director of the National Gallery of Australia (ABC News Online, 1999).

Ethical Problems with the Painting
    Evidently, there are three main problems with the painting the presence of elephant dung in an artwork depicting a sacred Christian figure, the presence of pornographic elements, and the depiction of Virgin Mary as a black woman.  The first two elements can be considered blasphemous in a sense their presence does taint the supposed sacredness of the image, but the point is that from afar, viewers will not automatically notice that the details were actually made up of elephant dung and picture cutouts of the female private parts.  Hence, with the initial knowledge that the painting is called Holy Virgin Mary, a cartoonish illustration of a black woman is the least that can be expected.

    The Virgin Mary, based on Biblical history, was a Jewish woman from Galilee.  This alone already shows that there is little likelihood that Mary was from Africa or a black woman.  Western Christianity has constantly depicted Mary as a white woman with a virginal face.  Everything about Virgin Mary is therefore aesthetically pleasing as she is observed as a beautiful woman.  Hence, depicting her in a cartoony sense in a race in which she is not typically associated with can cause accusations of misrepresentation.

    Ofilis portrait further took the controversy to the next level.  Surrounding the image of Mary are photos of female genitalia and derriere.  From afar they look like wings, but in close inspection, these images are far from virginal.  The added element of the elephant dung further added insult to the injury again, the presence of animal excrement is the opposite of representations of what is pure.  In this case, it can then be said that the portrait, in itself, tainted the very essence of the universal understanding as to who the Virgin Mary is, especially in terms of how her sacredness is connected to the human manifestation of God through Jesus Christ.   

    These ethical elements of the painting have shown how these representations are obvious opposites when it comes to the proper imagery of Virgin Mary.  Common perception as to who and what the Virgin is definitely shy away from the image of a black woman surrounded by pornographic images and smeared with animal excrement this is why many considered The Holy Virgin Mary as blasphemous work.

Historical and Socio-Cultural Analysis Blasphemous Depiction
    Some may be curious to inquire how people would respond to the portrait without the knowledge of its title evidently, the portrait would be least likely associated at all with the Virgin Mary.  However, as Ofili was the author of his work, and he called it The Holy Virgin Mary, the public will have to chew on the fact that the painting is that of the Holy Virgin Mary.  Interestingly, in an incident of the exhibits showing in Brooklyn, the security guards were noted to have remarked, Its not the Virgin Mary.  Its a painting (Saltz, 2010).

    The painting thereby elicits an assessment as to whether a painting such as The Holy Virgin Mary is blasphemy in this specific context.  The Catholic Encyclopedia summarizes the meaning of blasphemy as derogation of the honor due to a creature as well as of that belonging to God.  Blasphemy is further categorizes as heretical, imprecatory and contumacious.  As previously cited, some people have called the prophet Mohammad cartoons as blasphemous although according to the artists, they were merely editorial.  As for the case of Ofilis The Holy Virgin Mary, can the painting pass as merely artistic

    Basically, aesthetics-wise, the image alone is not beautiful in a sense that the woman in the painting is not pretty.  Her eyes, nose and mouth are oversized, and the blackness of her skin is too dark.  The cutouts look like flies instead of any beautiful winged creature furthermore, the selected photos of the female genitalia are more pornographic than artistic.  Hence, in making associations within the image according to common perception, the presence of flies means the presence of a foul smell, thus justifying the presence of dung in the painting. 

    Based on this, the image is derogatory however, this perception already limits what the painting is trying to convey.  In such works it is important to look at how a painting can mean something else outside the immediate response to the image.  With this image and the use of the title The Holy Virgin Mary, it requires more attention than automatically accepting that the Virgin Mary is a cartoonish black woman who smells foul and is being flocked by flies.  In this case, the aspect of moral value or the ethical context of the painting needs to be looked at.

    The first point of discussion is whether it is ethical at all depict the Virgin Mary as a black woman.  Depictions of a black Virgin Mary is not entirely rare Black Madonnas are accepted in the ChristianCatholic circles and can be in fact found across Europe and all over the world. In any case, the presence of these Black Madonnas has its cultural and historical significance such as the creation of these sculptures and images based on the materials that were used (i.e. ebony wood, darker inks) and not necessarily for intentional purposes except for the theories that the Black Madonnas were more of a depiction of Isis, an African goddess or pre-Christian Mother Earth (Begg, 2006).  In any case, the Black Madonnas, in the Christian context, are generally accepted as depictions of the Virgin Mary although it overlooks other historical significations such as the meaning of Black Virgins in the pagan world such as sexuality.

The presence of the Black Madonnas are not as widespread as compared to the typical version of the white Virgin Mary when learning about the Virgin Mary, the immediate picture that is shown is the white Jewish Mary in her white and blue garments.  Learning about the Black Madonnas comes with additional exposure mostly, their presence is learned and not necessarily taught.  This thereby highlights how the aspect of race remains to be critical in the context of religious art Western Christianity, in this case, is all about the cast of white people despite the fact that the locations of these civilizations were in the ArabNorth African world.  Which is why with the spread of Christianity, which was basically a European crusade, the images of the religion need to look like those who spread it this is why in order to be authentic (the religion), colonial discourse demonstrates the necessity of establishment and fixity (representations and images).  Hence, images of a white Virgin Mary and even a white Jesus have been ingrained in the Christian world.  Such association has defined a specific stereotype thereby establishing position and superiority especially in the aspect of race (Bhabha, 1994).  In going back to Ofilis work, even though it is a dark skinned Virgin Mary, the features remains to be African and not acceptable in a Black Madonna sense.   

Another important factor is the presence of the cutouts.  As a collage, any art piece can use any image a means to contribute to the big picture.  In isolation, images of the female genitalia are not new in the art world at all the public has been exposed to nudity and pornography that cutouts of the female private parts should no longer bring forth that certain degree of shock value.  Besides, as previously mentioned, from afar the cutouts do not really look like images of what they represent because of its shape and relationship to the entire canvass.

    The same can be also said about the presence of animal excrement on the painting although elephant dung is not a regular feature in most artistic work, the dung becomes more of a detail.  Although in the Brooklyn exhibit the portrait is propped on two elephant droppings, the dung is not the major highlight of the piece. 

    Hence, in isolation, the portrait of a black woman, the cutouts of female genitalia and enhancements by using elephant dung are not unethical they do have a sense of shock value, but its ethical issue is not as magnified as the controversy the painting aroused.  Furthermore, as previously mentioned, Ofili has used elephant dung several times in his works, and other artists have constantly used images of the female genitalia as part of their work what makes this one different Although the painting is not aesthetically pleasing, it does have its aesthetic and artistic merit.  This is to say that the painting functions as an intriguing portrait the composition is acceptable, the colors are pleasing, and the details make the painting very modern.  In a sense it looks like a twisted Kandinsky integrated with a twisted Picasso during his early years.  Apparently, the only unethical element about the painting is the name, otherwise it is just a painting.

The Artist and the Degree of Expression
    Are transgressions in art unethical  Many artists have crossed the ethical lines such as Damien Hirst who exhibited actual dead animals immersed in formaldehyde and a human skull encrusted with diamonds.  There was also the blasphemous work by Andres Serrano called Piss Christ which is a photo of a crucifix floating in the urine of the artist.  Based on these works, Ofilis The Holy Virgin Mary is not as shocking because it was merely an illustration as previously mentioned, the painting can be a painting of anyone.  In Hirsts and Serranos works, they used the actual objects in display and in illustration Hirst used real dead animals whereas Serrano used an actual crucifix.  For Ofili, it was merely a painting which becomes more of the absolute creation of the artist whereas these other examples were modifications, recreations and direct exploitations of the artists.

    What is interesting is that such works have had its support in the art community, even going as far as giving recognition to these artists based on these works for instance, for Piss Christ, Serrano won the prize  Awards in the Visual Arts from the Southeaster Center for the Contemporary Arts, a reward which was partially funded by the National Endowment for the Arts which was basically tax-payer money.  Damien Hirsts piece featuring a tiger shark immersed in formaldehyde called The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living has reached its iconic level which represents modern British art Hirst has been also noted to be the richest living artist to date (Graham-Dixon, 2008).  Ofilis work, after the scandal and scene at the Brooklyn Museum, assured the artist an increased value of The Holy Virgin Mary.  Such attention generated by the artists have definitely created a buzz in the art market, thus, making these paintings a good business deal despite their poor ethical ranking (Cuilla, 1991).  Thus, is the art market unethical in encouraging such works  According to the definitions of ethical practices in the arts (Bellingham, 2008), the code of ethics is practiced based on the dealings these individuals make concerns include the cultural heritage of the piece and whether the materials used are from ethical sources.  The art market thereby cannot determine what cannot be sold based on content hence, the art market cannot refuse to promote Ofilis and Serranos work, although Hirsts animals may be subject to scrutiny such as whether Hirst killed these animals for the purpose of art or whether he acquired these animals in the state they were in.

    Artistic expression is evidently subjective.  People may see the elements of depiction with distaste such as the case of Ofilis utilization of excrement matter.  Artistic expression can therefore go as far as changing the meaning of the components used in the entire composition of the art work.  For instance, excrements, in isolation, may be far from artistic however, as an artist, Ofili used his creative license to modify the universal meaning and reception towards this element.  In this case, it can then be said that instead of the elephant dung providing the shit to the image, it was actually used with a different intent.  Hence, with respect to the entire painting, the juxtaposition of the dung with a depiction of Mother Mary gives a different meaning.  The same is true with the images of the female genitalia within the painting these photos are not just cutouts of these images but rather, within the context of the painting, the pictures take a whole new meaning.  Hence, both dung and pornographic cutouts become something else within the painting, and as creator of this very specific factors, Ofili recreated something else. 

    Contemporary art has evolved from centuries of the definition and the redefinition of aesthetics from the prestige of the high art to the general acceptance of commercial and post-modernist art, art is definitely dynamic thus restricting it generally loses its point.  As an expression, an artist cannot be restricted as to what needs to be expressed whether it may result to something that is aesthetically challenged.  An artist is not just for aesthetics as are also bearer of additional meanings.

    As for transgressive art such as the case of The Holy Virgin Mary, the question of ethics is more on how the piece is supposed to be representational.  What is interesting in this specific case is that the unethical accusations on the portrait are based more on the societys conditioning.  Ofilis piece is not a direct representation of the Virgin Mary but rather, in artistic sense, it can be interpreted as a paradox and a challenge to the common perception as to what the Virgin Mary should be.  This piece thereby makes the people think more about their faith and its relationship to imagery.

    The importance of freedom of artistic expression should not be an ethical issue because it is subjective it takes an object from the real world and then recreated it into something that people can assess and evaluate.  Art does not exist in isolation because it integrates how individuals view these pieces according to their personal values and not through the imposed views of an institution.  Hence, individuals become the judge of the work, and they can express whether they like it or not criticism and critique should not become a basis of censorship.

Business Ethics

These business ethic terms have their different definitions. Utilitarianism being an ethics concept states that the greatest number of peoples happiness is the greatest good for the society. This moral philosophy works on the principle that not only the happiness of the people can be measured but also summed together to make the society happy and this proves to be very meaningful. An action that leads to the happiness of people is good action and the one that leads to unhappiness is not right and is a wrong action. This helps in achieving the goal that the British philosopher Jeremy Bentham had that the greatest amount of happiness of a greater number of people is for the greatest good for the society. 

Intrinsic good or value is an ethical word which refers to an object holding good intrinsic value or being a property thats philosophical. The good intrinsic have an internal value of its own and its very essential. It is related very strongly to the purpose in our lives because our purpose in our lives is also to increase our intrinsic value. An end or an end in itself is what an intrinsic value may be regarded as and this is called good intrinsic.

An intrinsic evil is an ethics definition that is not very clear in peoples mind. Intrinsic whereas means something within, built in or inherent to the acts you perform, then intrinsic evil refers to the evil that exists in that particular act or is built-in in that act. An act if is morally good hen it is to contain the objects goodness, goodness of the end and the goodness of all the circumstances but if any of the three of this is lacking then it is an evil act. Intrinsically evil is something which not all evil acts are. For an evil act to be intrinsically evil the object of the act should be evil or say bad.
Rights is one of another business ethic term, the rights can be constructed variously as being social, linked to moral freedoms in order refrain from acting on something or acting, legal or say they have the power of deciding whether to not act or to be acted upon.

The categorical imperative is referred to as the universal law of Kant. Kant believes that from one reason we cannot determine whether the maxim was categorical or not and the reason all human beings being rational then this categorical imperative would hold for say everyone. There is a test to see if a moral principle is a categorical imperative or not. Kant had used a formula to express this law maxim is something where you are to act accordingly and at the same time you can will for it to become a universal law. We can apply this formula to see if something is categorically imperative.

A distributive justice is something where in respect of the allocation in the goods is what people consider to be just socially. It is said to be in a way an arrangements of all of the good and services which are allocated by a greater authority on an acceptable standard basis, for example the number of hours an individual worker works. The amount of goods to be handed out is what is thought about in the allocation of all the goods, how they are going to dispense in the process of civilization and the division pattern adopted.

A retributive justice is kind of a theory about the justice of criminals where the punishments for the criminals are justified. It says that punishment is a correct response to a crime. Its rectifying a situation in order to balance a crime or any injustice, an eye for an eye kind theory. Mostly this theory is summed up as a theory of revenge. It is believed that the criminal has brought an imbalance in the society or the social order that must be balanced by going against the criminal and taking revenge from it. Harsh punishment is supported by this theory. Some theory proponents suggest that for criminals who commit small crimes a mild punishment should be given to them and those with huge crimes a harsh punishment is to be given. Punishment is to act as prevention is what this theory justifies.

The ethics of caring being a normative ethical theory states that this is a theory about stating what can actually make an action a right action or a wrong action. This had been a concept started by a group of feminist scholars, which was an approach to caring. This brought in awareness of many of the womens areas of importance that is nurturing a child, cooperation, relationship maintenance etc, and enlightened peoples thoughts on these areas.

Virtue being a Latin word is all about excellence morally. It is a valued quality and a character trait which is seen as of always good in it owns self. The opposite of virtue would be vice.
The ethics of virtue is a term for the theories that instead of acting in order to bring about good consequences it emphasizes on the virtue in the philosophy that is moral and emphasizes the role of the character (Cline, 2008).

World Lit

The discrepancy in appearance and reality is an important theme in several of the texts we have read. Discuss this theme as it is illustrated in two of the following works of literature The Canterbury Tales Hamlet (the play) A Simple Heart The Death of Ivan Ilych. Incorporate some information about how each text reflects the characteristics of its literary period.

Discrepancy in appearance and reality is one theme that is well illustrated in both books of Hamlet a simple heart and even in the literature entitled The Death of Ivan Ilych. Ivan  Ilyich as a person who want to be well up especially in the social ladder does all the struggle he could, only to realize he had to accept the true reality of life since death was a must and not optional. The gift of all his agony and struggle to make life more comfortable was a suffering cessation. The Ilyichs breakthrough turns out to be freedom that emerges with truth and realizes at the end that he has lived a life full of falsity and enables him to have a just very brief moment to show unselfish love to his children and wife since he had lived such a bad life of not having compassion to his deer wife and equally to his own child. Ivan Ilyich had to accept the reality in life and regret about the life he had been living and recognizes that his only son was the one who had the truth humanity and lived the way life was supposed to be lived.

    From the book of a simple life, Felicit being such a royal girl who was not selfish to give her love finds her life not as good as she opted. Her husband to be saw her not being fit enough to be associated to him as his wife and marries another girl. She dies with no children and even without her own property. The theme of discrepancy in appearance and reality is thus well illustrated since this girl being such good to anybody and even willing to give her love to anyone finds no appreciation from any of them up to the time of her death.

    Compare and contrast one Romantic poem with the Modernist poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. (The Romantic poets we have read are Wordsworth, Whitman, and Dickinson.) Remember that a successful comparisoncontrast thesis is more than a statement that the two texts are both alike and different. You should state some insightful conclusion that can be arrived at through reading the texts side by side.

The comparison  between the two works of literature is that they are both dramatic monologues with issues concerning  about romance and nature.  In both poems, the authors does not see any important thing that can make one to be more such happy and contented with life since the life seem to be having a lot of misery. Both authors in their literature seem to express their feelings and relation with space and time to be unappealing and thus they are unhappy with the situation. The authors further more offers prolonged interrogatives which are in a series form for consequences which are unanswered or taken action on. The language used in both poems and imagery are enacted with intensity that brings out the dramas to be with mental conflict.

    The conflict between these two poems is that in the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock the rhyme scheme is irregular even though not randomly where as in the poem of Wordsworth the rhyme is regular even though the dialect used is uncommon. The poem The World is Too Much with us also illustrates about industrial revolution of England whereas the poem of Prufrock is illustrates consciousness of a person who is modern and neurotic. Furthermore the poem of Prufrock is done   in such a way to express transitional links to be psychological and illogical   where as in the words worth poem is done in a way that express his anger about nature.

Green Capitalism

Green Capitalism is a new approach for resolving the problem of environmental destruction while ensure the sustainable development of capitalism practices (Bess, 2000). The world is witnessing the effects of global warming. In addition, economic sustainability remains a major concern by the global community. Based on this, green capitalism concept dictates for use of green energy sources to support the economy (Bess, 2000). By ethics of care, individual humans must protect the environment for the good of the whole community. Critics have blamed capitalism for its exploitation of available resources without concern of the negative environmental implications of the same (Beaufoy, 1993).

From an ethical point of view, green capitalism concept is quite limited in its practicability due to the fact that capitalism by its nature seeks to maximize profits regardless of associated consequences (Beaufoy, 1993). On the other side, green practices dictate for protection of the environment and its ecosystem. Thus, the theory of green capitalism remains a conflict between caring for the environment and maximization of capital (Beaufoy, 1993). True to the letter, the world is claimed to have enough renewable resources to sustain its population. Nevertheless, most of these resources like solar, wind, and tidal energies are unpredictable for supporting our current economic energy requirements.

Still, the green capitalism concept advocates for reduced consumption of anti-green products in the community (Bess, 2000). This has an ethical implication of harming the global market capital, a claim that has been blamed for economic meltdown (Beaufoy, 1993). As a solution to these real concerns on green capitalism theory, there is need having in place other models of addressing the problem of environmental pollution. Just to note, the effects of capitalism are permanent trends that cannot be reversed if capitalism prevails.

Utilitarianism and Deontology

Celebrity endorsements are not expected to take any hit mainly as a result of the Tiger scandal. Each and every celebrity is linked to a certain level of quality and that is the way the general public as well as the corporate organizations perceive himher. People from diverse backgrounds tend to associate with a certain celebrity, an aspect that makes the corporate organizations want to go for the most suitable mass appeal. However, these celebrity endorsements are not life long. They are given for a particular period of time when the celebrity is at hisher best and then fades out. This is the main reason as to why corporate organizations keep on altering their endorsements as needed (Joardar, 2010).

The scandals associated with Tiger Woods resulted in his disgrace as well as financial loss of over 25 million in endorsement deals. The companies that withdrew their sponsorship deals on Tiger Woods should reinstate him and renew their contract. Even though Tiger may have been implicated in a variety of scandals, he accepted the fact and underwent rehabilitation which he claims drastically changed his life. The other reason as to why these companies should reinstate Tiger is because they are concentrating too much on the personal life of an individual, Tiger Woods, rather than on his capability on the field as well as a brand name. Tiger has the right to privacy. The only thing he did wrong was that he decided to engage in serious activities without taking a proper consideration of their consequences to both the general public and the corporate organizations that had contracted him. In the past, Tiger was only concerned with the outcomes of his practices only to himself, but after rehabilitation, he will be able to focus on the needs of the general community and other corporate organization. Even after Tiger was implicated in these scandals, he still holds a significant level of public following. Rehabilitation will allow Tiger to organize his thoughts and do better jobs. In the past, Tiger may not have represented these companies in a better way, but a rehabilitated Tiger Woods will carry on the banners of the companies high.

The companies therefore should reinstate Tiger, even if it means with laying down stringent moral rules and regulations. Rather than dropping Tiger, companies should respect his privacy. Instead of treating him like the face of franchise, companies should focus on his capacity on the golf course. The relationship between companies and Tiger should be rooted in the game, golf, and not in his private life. Tiger has always been one of the most talented as well as exciting golf players. His name was and still remains valuable when attached to products. He delivered and still has the capacity to deliver consistence brand promise. Companies can always count on Tiger to maintain his personality, even after the scandal, to carry on the unchanged performance, which was excellence. Tiger Woods has always been a hardworking person and his performance on the field has always been excellent. He was and still is liked by a large proportion of the worlds population, who chose not to get involved in his personal life. Companies can back on Tigers rehabilitation and hope that he will return to the former self. Tiger has always held himself in a better way as compared to others in a golf course. Everybody looked upon him to deliver excellence. Nevertheless, Tiger is human and, human is to error (Pereira, 2010).

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is the integration of social and environmental concerns into the operations of the business and the way they relate with their stakeholders on a benevolent basis. Despite the fact that businesses act on their separate agendas which differ from business to business, they are supposed to be mindful of the community. Every business has a corporate responsibility to the community, its stakeholders and the world in which it is doing business. In most fundamental terms, corporate social responsibility can be looked at from the perspectives of business ethics (Hartman and Desjardins, 2008). 

The public has become more aware and there are some groups that monitor the operations of companies closely. These groups always have the interests of the society as heart. They are always thinking about the social concerns, as well as the environmental issues of the world. Corporate responsibility must encompass dealing with the clients, shareholders and the employees. Even in case where the market does not encourage responsibility for social causes, corporations should engage in social responsibility. It should be incorporated into the operations of the business (Hartman and Desjardins, 2008). 

The public has a role to play in encouraging corporations that engage in social responsibility. Corporations that are socially conscious should be supported by the public. This does not mean that the public should withhold from firms that do not take social responsibility. They are supposed to be put on limelight to be able to take the responsibility. While organizations know the people are watching their dealings and that their evil dealings will not go unnoticed, they are bound to be socially responsible. We certainly bear the responsibility is we sat back and watch irresponsible acts being committed by the very organizations that expect to benefit from us.

It is possible for the public keeping a watchful eye on corporations to force them into taking social responsibility failure to do this means that the public is equally responsible for misconducts of corporations. Some of the aspects that determine whether a business is socially responsible include taking care of the interest of their employees, not exploiting their customers, and providing shareholders with their fair share of the profits. Companies should also avoid undue exploitation and misuse of the environment. A company that fails to do this is not socially responsible and should not be condoned. Continuing purchasing from such companies is complying with their misconducts.

Determining responsibility is easy because it is easy to observe how the workers are treated, it is possible to know how shareholders are paid their dues, and it is easy to see how the operations of company are affecting the environment. While purchasing items from a business or by a particular company, I am always keen to see its concern with social responsibility. I will support through purchasing the products and services from a company that is able to donate a part of its proceedings to a cause that is important to me. This is because being a socially responsible person I support giving and various kinds of donations are important causes. A company that gives means that it is socially conscious. Again I will feel that the money I use on the purchases from the company is being used for a good cause. A company that fails in this does not deserve to be supported through purchasing its goods and services. I would definitely refrain as much as possible from buying from such a company. I believe that decisions from consumers, if united to support social responsibility could make a big difference. Customers are the basic source of profits for businesses and I believe that their decisions to buy or not to buy can make a difference.

Global Business and Ethics

Global business and ethics is a new phenomenon that has been facilitated by the globalization concept. Business ethics is an important aspect in any given business entity and it is vital in the realization of profitability in an organization. With the globalization phenomenon, it is necessary to establish standard code of behavior for multinational which are conducting business in a cross-cultural world community.

Business ethics better known as corporate ethics refers to the professional ethical issues that form the fundamentals of the moral issues in the business environment. This refers to any conduct involved in business that is relevant to both the individual actors and the organizations involved. Business ethics therefore forms an important aspect of the business world in its operations. With the world turning out to be a global village, there have been calls for global business ethics which need to be observed across all cultures around the world. The impact of globalization has for real traversed the world community and the business people are faced with the challenge of observing standardized ethical issues despite the various cultural orientations found in the world. This paper shall look at the concept of ethics in the global business as it is applied in the modern world.

Business ethics
The importance of ethics in any given business entity cannot be wished away. In the recent past, many business organizations regarded business ethics in respect to administrative compliance with legal requirements and devotion to internal rules and regulations. However, in the wake of globalization, this has greatly transformed as there is an increased attention on business ethics across the globe. Most business entities have realized that for them to be respected by their customers, they need to lay great emphasis on the legality and devotion to ethical business practices. Thus business organizations and concerned individuals have increasingly been held responsible for their actions and that there has been a growth in the demand for high standards of corporate social responsibility.

Globalization and Business ethics
There has been debate on whether the business ethics need to be localized or adopt an international standard measure. Those advocating for localization of the ethical practices are bound with the proverbial Rome saying which requires one to adopt the local values and practices. However, those arguing for common ethical standards are driven by the reality posed by globalization in which case the world market is viewed as one common market for the participants (George, 2008). The importance of ethics in the business community is an important phenomenon and has turned global. There are emergent tendencies which may result in the creation of crucial burdens to organizations and end-customers. In the current world, the need for acceptable ethical behavior in business entities has become crucial in an effort to avoid lawsuits. Public scandals of corporate malfeasance and various malpractices have dented the public perceptions in regard to most organizations (Mahdavi, 2008).

Globalization has brought a new conception on the global business by opening up what was regarded as global barriers thereby underlying the interest in the ethical behavior of the business organizations and the need for corporate social responsibility. There have also been gains made regarding the concept of human rights and environmental conservations when it comes to business ethics. The business organizations with an overseas area of operation agree that to understand and comply with variant laws, management of employees located away from the headquarters, offering services to customers and maintaining a relationship with suppliers and partners can be a challenging undertaking in the development of common ethical standards and values in a business entity (LRN, 2007).

Challenges in regard to Ethical Perceptions
As multinationals spread across the globe to enter the foreign markets, the ethical behavior of their employees assumes added importance. This is because, sometimes the cultural diversity that is associated with such expansionism may work to dent the shared cultural and ethical values as observed in the harmonized organizations (Mahdavi. 2001). Though the understanding of other cultures and appreciation of the variations found in these cultures is designed for the promotion of the cross-cultural communication, it may fail in the provision of practical guidelines in regard to acceptable ethical conduct in organizations. It is no wonder that concerns in regard to unethical behavioral conduct of corporation in some other countries are to be found in the enactment of legislations such as The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 2007 and the Sarbane-Oxley Act of 2002 (Mahdavi. 2008). During the 1970s, the Foreign Corruption Practices Act (FPCA) never augured well with the business community as it criminalized making of payments outside the United States in an effort to pursue contracts. Most American executives were engaged in a lobby aimed at relaxing the provisions as outlined in the FPCA based on the argument that they were disadvantaged when it came to bidding against non-American companies (George, 2008).

Risks and Consequences Associated with the Dilemma
Nowadays globalization has penetrated the world cultures and this has led to intensification in ethical debate. Incidences of corruption are common place especially in the developing economies where companies are engaged in various corrupt dealings in an effort to conduct their businesses. It has to be noted that Witness Germanys Siemens was engaged in corrupt practices involving close to 2 billions in bribes to win contracts. Britains BAE System has allegedly been accused of parting with 2 billions which was given to a Saudi Prince in an effort to influence the award of an 80 billion government contracts (George, 2008). Such ethical scandals do dent the reputations of such institutions to a point where they cannot be repaired. Once the reputation of a given business entity has been damaged, conducting successful business in the globalized market becomes an uphill task.
Business organizations are therefore involved in spending huge sums of money on the ethical behavior problems. This is in realization that ethical dimension of the employees directly impacts on the profitability of any given business entity. The business organization has therefore a duty to have efficient communication regarding ethical behavior in the organization. Management therefore has the duty to incorporate training sessions, code of ethics, develop a reward system and coaching as some of the methods to be employed in the development of global ethical standards. There are various codes of conduct established by the international community which are followed by some multinationals with few others not abiding by the set codes. This lack of consensus has been attributed to differences in national and corporate cultures (Mahdavi, 2008).

Global business and ethics is an area that has emerged in recent times owing to the globalization phenomenon that has taken the world by storm. With globalization in mind, there is need to build a global business entity which shall adhere to standardized business practices. Such codes are to be meticulously enforced and communicated across the stakeholders. The concept of situation ethics often applied in the developing economies is destined to dent the effort to establish a global organization thus companies need to adhere to a uniform standard when it comes to business behavior.

Personal Ethics

Ethics is the discipline that deals with the good and the bad as well as with the moral duty and responsibility of an individual. It can also be defined as the study of the choices made by individuals as regards right and wrong (Marie, 2005). Ethics is mainly concerned with the philosophy that results in a particular behavior. Ethics are of different types, and they differ in terms of their application in different contexts. Ethics state the working of a particular social system. They point towards the utilization of morality. At birth, as indicated by Be The Dream (2009), everyone is practically a blank slate. The period of infancy is characterized by total emptiness. The only skill an infant is equipped with is crying in order to attract the attention of the other people. Infants are contented with just lying watching the world revolve around them until they need something. However, as life progresses, individuals develop values in accordance with what they have previously learned or gone through (Be The Dream, 2009). The main intent of developing ethics is to set up the capacity to come up with rational judgment and ethical decisions. The whole process of personal ethics development is continuous and goes on through out life (Marie, 2005). Personal ethics, morals and values go hand in hand. Values are beneficial aspects learned from childhood, either as a result of interaction with the environment or from parents. Morals are the inherent beliefs that develop from the values system of the way an individual should react in a particular situation (Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2010). Ethics, on the other hand, are characterized by an individuals reaction to difficult situations. Ethics play a major role of testing the morals of an individual. Personal ethics are instilled by the culture, environment as well as the background in which an individual is brought up (Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2010). Family values in addition to traditional values are very important in the upbringing of a child. These values play a major role in assisting an individual develop personal ethics at a very tender age. Various personal ethics include honesty, loyalty, punctuality, open-mindedness, self respect as well as respect for others and fairness (Marie, 2005). Hatcher (2007) states that the expression of ones ethics is not always comprehended in the global context at large, immediate surrounding, or even among the closest family members. This is mainly as a result of the difference in the development of personal ethics. Personal ethics develop early in life through interaction with family, church, school, and other members of the general community. All these people play part in helping one mold hisher beliefs (Hatcher, 2007). Personal ethics are established through unconscious observations as well as experiences of childhood. Personal ethics narrate values that help an individual make sense of hisher life. They enable one to make moral decisions that are not inclined towards the good of an individual but to all people. An ethical person undergoes extensive internal battles, trying to figure out whether his or her actions will negatively impact on others. Personal ethics enable individuals to make decisions that are meant for the benefit of all. They act as an innate factor that enable individuals make rational and morally correct decisions (Hatcher, 2007).

As a young child, there were several institutions and groups that had a major influence on my ethics. My parents as well as other family members were the first people, whom after interacting with for a long time greatly impacted on my ethics. Elementary school teachers, religious leaders and all other people who earned my respect as a child also had an influence on my ethics. My parents laid down the familys foundation stone for the determination between right and wrong. They acted as a role model, not only to me, but also to other family members. They demonstrated honesty, integrity, in addition to willingness to handle disputes with grace and courage even in the most challenging circumstances. My parents greatly encouraged me to challenge as well as to explore my world. They guided me on the things that I was supposed to do as a child and therefore, established a base for my ethics. They taught me the meaning of trust. I was also taught to take in to account others opinion by my parents. Elementary school instructors taught me the principle of honesty and hard work. Punctuality and responsibility were also instilled during elementary school. The principle of respect and love was instilled in me by religious leaders. Other people also influenced the development of my ethics. These are the people who earned my respect as a result of their hard work and encouraging words.

The ethics, which I have developed in the course of my life, have had far reaching effects on my general performance. They have enabled me to develop ethical leadership. Ethical leadership has greatly enabled me to make decisions concerning the right things and also assisted me to take the right action on those decisions. Ethics enable me to make the right decisions based on the fundamental principles laid down by the organization I work for. I have been able to balance my responsibilities to self with responsibilities to the organization as well as the community in which the organization is located. As such, I have been able to establish an organization that is in line with my personal ethics, and also I have been able to work through the organization to come up with decisions that are in line with those ethics.

Dogra (2010) makes it clear that ethics are a primary requirement for the smooth as well as the just running of an organization. An organization that fails to establish codes of ethics is an organization calling for doom. Organizations are made of people, who have weaknesses and strengths, and therefore call for a guideline of behavior as well as treatment that is just in addition to uplifting for the organization. For an organization to enjoy continuous success, it must lay down a set of ethics to be followed by the employees. Ethics are needed in an organization in order to ensure effective utilization of organizations resources. They make sure that organizations resources are not used for personal benefits of the employees. Ethics also create good will in the market (Dogra, 2010). An organization that is well known for setting up and following its ethics attracts and retains a lot of clients. Investors willingly put their money in such an organization because they are confident with the way it is run. Shareholders are also satisfied with the running of an organization that strictly follows the laid down code of ethics. Ethics therefore, help organizations establish long term relations with their clients and shareholders (Dogra, 2010). Clearly stated, ethics place greater value on employees than the organization itself and as a result, the employees remain loyal to the organization. The main goal of many organizations is to maximize on profits. Ethics greatly assist organizations in attaining their profit maximizing goal through creating goodwill for the organization in the market, increasing the loyalty to the organization among clients, attracting and retaining employees, in addition to maximizing the utilization of the organizations resources (Dogra, 2010).